Lens Contact

Contact lenses are one of the most effective ways to correct vision. They are thin lenses that are applied directly to the cornea of ​​the eye and provide vision correction. Contact lenses can be used to correct both myopia and farsightedness.

There are several types of contact lenses, including soft and hard. Soft contact lenses are made of silicone or hydrogel, while hard contact lenses are made of plastic. Soft lenses are more flexible and comfortable than hard lenses, but they can cause dry eyes. Rigid lenses are stronger and more durable, but may cause discomfort when worn.

To use contact lenses, you must undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist, who will determine the optimal type of lenses and their parameters for vision correction. After this, the doctor will teach the patient how to properly put on and remove lenses, as well as how to care for them.

Not only do contact lenses help correct your vision, but they can also improve the appearance of your eyes. They can be transparent or colored, which allows you to choose the best option for each patient. There are also lenses with additional functions, such as UV protection or eye hydration.

However, like any medical device, contact lenses have their limitations and contraindications. For example, they are not suitable for people with allergies to the materials from which they are made or with corneal diseases. Also, contact lenses are not recommended for children under 18 years of age and pregnant women.

In general, contact lenses are an effective and convenient way to correct vision. Before using them, you should consult with your ophthalmologist and follow the instructions for caring for your lenses.

**A contact lens** is a thin plate that is used to correct refractive errors of the eye. This is a type of contact optic known as contact lenses. Contact lenses help improve vision and make it clearer even with poor vision. They are used to correct farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. Contact lenses do not require daily washing before and after bedtime. They keep your eyes comfortable and hydrated throughout the day.

After instilling the medicine, the lens fits tightly to the eyeball within a few seconds. At first, it is recommended to wear lenses under the supervision of a specialist. Using contact lenses allows you to forget about the need