Flying Dragon

Flying dragon: a new remedy for normalizing blood circulation

Flying Dragon is a new medicine produced by Greenwood in Vietnam. It belongs to the group of dietary supplements that help normalize peripheral circulation.

Peripheral circulation is the circulation that occurs in the capillaries, arteries and veins located outside the heart and major arteries. Impaired peripheral circulation can lead to serious diseases such as thrombosis, stroke, coronary heart disease and others.

Flying Dragon contains herbal ingredients that help improve blood circulation in peripheral vessels. These components include plant extracts such as ginkgo biloba, angelica, red ginseng and others.

Flying Dragon is available in the form of herbal pills in convenient 4 gram packets. This format is convenient for use in everyday life, since the pills can be easily taken with you and taken anywhere and at any time.

The Flying Dragon is manufactured by Greenwood in Vietnam, which guarantees high quality products and compliance with all necessary quality and safety standards.

In conclusion, Flying Dragon is a new and effective drug for normalizing peripheral circulation. It contains herbal ingredients that help improve peripheral blood circulation and is available in a convenient herbal pill form. If you have problems with peripheral circulation, contact your doctor to find out if Flying Dragon is right for your case.