Leukocyte Neutrophil

Leukocytes are called white blood cells - the formed elements of blood. These cells include many types of white blood cells. All leukocytes perform protective functions in the body, but their functional significance is different. In this article we will tell you more about neutrophil leukocytes.

Neutrophils, these acidic granulocytes, constitute the first line of defense of the immune system. They are also called microphages - bacteria hunters. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

What do neutrophil leukocytes protect against? Including from bacteria, fungi, parasitic protozoa and some viruses - primarily respiratory and human herpes viruses. These cells have more nuclei than lymphocytes (4-5), and the color is paler

Leucocyte neutrophils are the most abundant white blood cells in the circulation, constituting approximately one third of all circulating leucocytes. Neutrophils constitute approximately 50% of all leucocyte content in peripheral blood. The number of these cells peaked at a young age with a nadir in middle age and thereafter gradually rises to maximum number at midlife. After the middle of a second decade of life, a decline begins that eventually leads to a reduction to the value of young adulthood.