Leukoderma Centrifugal Acquired

Acquired leucoderma centrifugale acquisitum is a rare skin disease characterized by gradual discoloration of areas of the skin.

Main features:

  1. The appearance of white spots on the skin, most often on the torso, limbs and face. The spots have clear boundaries.

  2. The spots gradually increase in size and merge, forming larger foci of depigmentation.

  3. The process is centrifugal in nature - the foci spread from the center to the periphery.

  4. Hair in areas of depigmentation is not changed.

  5. The disease is not accompanied by itching, peeling or other symptoms.

  6. The reasons are not completely clear; an autoimmune mechanism is assumed.

  7. Treatment is difficult; immunomodulators and PUVA therapy may be prescribed. The prognosis is unfavorable.

  8. The disease does not pose a threat to health, but can cause a cosmetic defect.

These are the main characteristics of leukoderma centrifugal acquired - a rare dermatosis that leads to persistent depigmentation of the skin.