Leuzea Extract Liquid

Leuzea Extract Liquid: Description, Application and Composition

Leuzea safroliformes, also known as Leuzea rhizome with roots, Leuzea, Raponticum saflora rhizome with roots, is one of the most valuable medicinal plants, which is used in traditional medicine to improve performance during mental and physical fatigue. One of the most popular uses of Leuzea is as an extract, which is produced in the form of a liquid using rhizomes with the roots of Leuzea safflower.

The country of origin of Leuzea extract is Russia, where it is produced by the companies ICN Tomskkhimpharm and Kamelia NPP. Leuzea extract belongs to a group of medicinal plants that tone the central nervous system. It contains phytoecdysones, essential oil, flavonoids and other beneficial components.

The composition of Leuzea extract includes insulin, essential oil, resins, salts, oxalates and phosphates, as well as vitamins A and C. These components have tonic properties that help improve performance and resistance to stress.

Indications for the use of Leuzea extract include increasing performance during mental and physical fatigue. There are no contraindications to the use of Leuzea extract, and there is no data on side effects, interactions, overdose or special instructions.

Leuzea extract can be taken as a liquid by adding it to food or drinks. The recommended dosage and duration of use should be determined individually, taking into account the age, weight and health status of the patient.

Directories "Medicinal Herbal Remedies" edited by G.E. Pronchenko, as well as the encyclopedia “Medicinal Plants” N. Kortikov, A.V. Cortikov contain additional information about Leuzea safroliformes and its medicinal properties.

In conclusion, Leuzea safrola extract is an effective herbal remedy that helps improve performance against mental and physical fatigue. However, like any other medicine, its use should only be done after consultation with a doctor.