Leuzea Rhizome With Roots

Leuzea: Rhizome with Roots

Leuzea rhizome with roots is a medicinal plant that is widely recognized for its tonic properties on the central nervous system. It grows in Russia, and the main producers are Krasnogorskleksredstva and Evalar. The international name of this plant is Leuzea safroliforme, and it is also known by synonyms such as Leuzea liquid extract, Leuzea, Raponticum safflower rhizome with roots (Leuzea).

The composition of the rhizomes and roots of Leuzea includes insulin, essential oil, resins, salts, oxalates, phosphates, as well as vitamins A and C. An extract based on rhizomes with roots of Leuzea safflower, obtained in 70% ethyl alcohol, contains phytoecdysones, essential oil and flavonoids.

Leuzea rhizome with roots is used to increase performance during mental and physical fatigue. Its tonic properties help the body cope with increased stress and improve concentration.

To date, no contraindications, side effects, interactions with other drugs, or cases of overdose associated with the use of Leuzea rhizomes with roots have been identified. However, as with any medicine, it is recommended that you consult your doctor or pharmacist before using it.

Literary sources, such as the reference book "Medicinal Herbal Remedies" edited by G.E. Pronchenko and the encyclopedia "Medicinal Plants" by N. Kortikov and A.V. Kortikov, can serve as an additional source of information about Leuzea rhizome with roots.

Overall, Leuzea rhizome with roots is a natural herbal remedy that can be beneficial for increasing energy and performance in conditions of mental and physical fatigue. However, it is important to remember to consult a medical professional before using it.