Libman Proba

Libman Proba

Libman Proba (LIBMAN) is one of the most popular tools for checking the security of code in the C++ programming language.

The purpose of the tool is to check for vulnerabilities in the program code for data security and privacy. The test is designed to help developers analyze the security of their programming.

To do this, it analyzes the code and establishes correlations between certain variables, functions and table symbols. This may generate a warning about the possibility of creating a safe program. Moreover, it checks the validity of the relationship between variables, identifying cases where information in one variable can be extracted from another.

To pass the libman test, you must write a function (or block of functions) that returns the address of the local variable x in the function fxxf(x). For example, the header file should match the following pattern:

Connect the LIBMAN.CPP file. include //Header file libmanPROB or lmp LMP_ASSERT_MSG