Lichen planus atrophic

Lichen planus - what is it?

Lichen planus atophrenic is a type of skin disease characterized by the appearance of plaques on the skin. This type of lichen is caused by a certain type of fungal infection. Thus, lichen planus has typical symptoms including redness and flaking of the skin, as well as increased sensitivity to light. Typically, the disease can be caused by stress or another disturbing factor.


The skin manifestations of lichen planus are similar to those of other diseases, so to make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to analyze the data of several specialists. Let's consider the typical signs inherent in this form of the disease:

* Redness of the superficial layer of the dermis. * The appearance of spotted elements of a dark red color. The elements are very scaly. * Transparent bubbles. The phenomenon is not always observed. * Areas with cortical plaque are formed. The areas are slightly rough to the touch. Often arise

Lichen ruber atrophicus is a chronic skin disease that is caused by infection of various types of fungi, sometimes accompanying herpes, and appears as thin red or brown flat spots with a smooth or scaly surface that usually do not merge with each other. Can be localized at the edges of lymph nodes, respiratory tracts, etc. Often caused by herpes infection and other viruses, there are also known cases of non-infectious occurrence of lichen planus. Depending on the etiology of lichen, the following types are distinguished: * Simple red flat lichen (Red Itchy Flat Lichen) occurs when infected with fungi of the genus Candidia albicans.

* Seborrheic red flat fever - with the participation of fungi close to the genus Pityrosporum ovale cover), for example, P. ovale pilaris, also known as Malassezia furfur, Malaviscens, M. restricta.