Fever Non-infectious

Fever is a change in normal body temperature to a higher or lower temperature. One of the most common causes of increased body temperature is non-communicable diseases.

Fever caused by non-infectious diseases is called **non-infectious fever**.

It occurs due to the following reasons:

1. Sunburn - Sometimes people don't expect the sun to cause such severe symptoms. Ultraviolet rays cause dilation of skin blood vessels and increase the production of inflammatory mediators and enzymes that increase heat generation in the skin. People begin to complain about such phenomena on the second day after exposure to the “hot” sun with manifestations of pain, itching, swelling, redness, and in severe cases – the development of abscesses and even ulcerative skin lesions.

*Sunburn can be mild or moderate, and the redness goes away on its own within a few days and does not require special treatment. In addition, there is no reason for hospitalization.*

2. Malignant tumors - cancer cells secrete many protein substances that stimulate the formation of antibodies against their cells