Hay fever

Title: Hay fever: Understanding and treating allergic rhinitis


Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, is a common condition that affects many people around the world. This allergic disease causes irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and eyes, and often occurs in response to inhaled allergens such as plant pollen, tree pollen and grass pollen. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hay fever.

Causes of Hay fever:

Hay fever occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to plant pollen. In most people suffering from this disease, the immune system reacts to pollen as a harmful substance, causing unwanted symptoms. The body produces antibodies known as immunoglobulin E (IgE), which trigger a chain of reactions that lead to the release of chemicals such as histamine in the body. This causes inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, leading to the symptoms of hay fever.

Symptoms of Hay fever:

Symptoms of hay fever can range from mild to severe and include:

  1. Runny nose: Excessive mucus from the nose, itching and sneezing.
  2. Nasal congestion: difficulty breathing through the nose, feeling of stuffiness.
  3. Itchy and red eyes: Itching, redness, watering and swelling around the eyes.
  4. Cough and difficulty breathing: Some people may experience coughing, wheezing in the chest, and difficulty breathing.
  5. Worsening asthma: For people who already have asthma, hay fever can cause asthma symptoms to worsen.

Diagnosis of hay fever:

To diagnose hay fever, the doctor performs an examination and asks questions about the patient's symptoms and medical history. Additionally, the following studies may be prescribed:

  1. Allergen skin tests: Small amounts of different allergens are applied to the patient's skin and the doctor observes the body's reaction.
  2. Blood tests: measure the level of IgE in a patient's blood to determine an allergic reaction.

Treatment of hay fever:

Treatment of hay fever may include the following approaches:

  1. Avoiding allergens: Patients are advised to avoid contact with allergens that cause their symptoms. For example, during the peak flowering season of plants, you can stay indoors with the windows closed, use air conditioners with air filters, and avoid walking outdoors.

  2. Anti-allergy medications: Your doctor may recommend anti-allergy medications, such as antihistamines, which help reduce symptoms such as itching, runny nose, and watery eyes. For more severe symptoms, nasal sprays or inhalers may be prescribed to help with breathing.

  3. Immunotherapy: In some cases, the doctor may recommend immunotherapy, which involves gradually introducing the allergen to the patient under controlled conditions so that the body gradually gets used to it and stops reacting to it with an allergic reaction.

  4. Symptomatic treatment: Additionally, symptomatic treatment can be used, such as using saline solutions to rinse the nose or eye drops to relieve itching and redness of the eyes.


Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is a common allergic disease that can significantly impact patients' quality of life. Proper diagnosis and effective treatment can help reduce symptoms and provide relief to patients. If you suspect you have hay fever or other allergic reactions, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or allergist for advice and appropriate treatment.