
As you can guess from the name itself, a lycanthrope is a person who has turned into a werewolf or werewolf. Often this disease is also called lycanthropy, but the essence of the phenomenon does not change, only the essence and duration of infection, but the reasons may be different.

The legend that among werewolves should be exclusively people with an animalistic spirit, who in fact just want to control the crowd, deserves special attention. But, to tell the truth, in fact there are very few of us like that among us; in general, there are much more kind and sweet people.

The causes of lycanthripy may be associated with illness, plague, birth under zodiac signs in which particularly powerful planets fall, etc. It is worth mentioning the fact that when this disease is mentioned, many people immediately begin to look for symptoms to combat them, although, in fact, this disease does not appear suddenly. There is a possibility that the person was already born with this symptom, just

Lycanthropy (in the German-speaking tradition, Lucintropy): an outdated term used to refer to various phenomena of “wolfmania” in the culture of the ancient Germans. Historically, the term was applied to all "werewolves", but only to wolf werewolves in particular, as a reference to their ability to shape-shift. The term is usually associated with Germanic mythology (although it is unlikely that lycanthropic beliefs and practices arose in isolation in Germanic society): a werewolf who can turn into a wolf. Recently used in the scientific literature to refer to one of the methods of schizotypal personality disorder

"Lycanthropy: a scientific view of werewolfism"

The scientific view of lycanthropy may seem scary and strange, but many of us have heard stories of people who claim that they have turned into beasts or that their animal instincts have gotten the better of them. Lycanthropes are people who have undergone the transition from human to animal, and sometimes vice versa.

However, the question arises: could scientists really explain how a lycanthrope transforms from human to animal?

Before we answer this question, it is necessary to understand that there is no lycanthropy