Liquororrhea Nasal

Liquororrhea tion (“leakage”, from the Latin lachrymosus “lacrimation”) also has its scientific name - nasal liquorrhea (from the Latin nasum - nose).

Simply put, it is any fluid that drains from the nose that is not regular nasal mucus. It is worth saying that such discharge can indicate various diseases and health disorders. These include infection, allergies, arthritis, sinusitis, nasal congestion, and in some cases even inflammation within the brain itself - swelling or hydrocephalus.

Pus, snot, mucus and blood are the fluids that the nasopharynx can produce. They all have different colors - golden, pink and red-brown. The reason is simple - the color of the discharge determines its composition, which is saturated with specific enzymes. You may have a runny nose that occurs