Lymphangiitis Purulent

Lymphangitis is an inflammation of the vessels of the lymphatic system (lymphocytes) as a result of its damage by various factors. With lymphangitis, the lymph flow is affected, while the blood vessels remain intact.

The inflammatory process in most patients with lymphangitis is localized in the outer skin and lymph nodes. The spread of purulent infiltration and lymphatic extravasation along the lymphatic vessel is characteristic. Inflammation of the lymphatic tract and nodes is focally purulent in nature and is manifested by the development of purulent lymphangitis. Most often, the vessels of the face, neck, upper extremities, chest and anterior surface of the abdominal wall are affected. Less commonly, the lymphatic system of the lower extremities and pelvic organs may be involved in the process. Lymphangitis is infectious in nature and is a manifestation of a general infection, most often staphylococcal, pneumococcal or gonococcal. Along with them, lymphangitis of streptococcal, actinomycosis, tuberculosis and other specific infectious processes are widely found. It is also possible for purulent lymphangitis to occur in a combination of several bacterial pathogens (mixed etiology). Infectious agents penetrate into the area of ​​lymphatic vessels from the primary focus of purulent inflammation. Spreading through the lymph, they have the property of settling on various structures of the lymphatic bed and causing pathological purulent melting in them (lymphangiolysis). The causes of lymphangitis can be varied and extensive, for example: * Burns of I and II degrees; * Open tissue damage;

Lymphangiitis is an inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and their tissues, manifested by their swelling, soreness, redness of the skin over them, and subsequently draining discharge. There are acute and chronic lymphangitis. Lymphangitis is a type of hygroma in the deep layers of connective tissue. The acute form is accompanied by general intoxication of the body, increased temperature, and pronounced pain. In its chronic form, the disease occurs with pain of varying intensity. As a rule, it is not very pronounced.