Lymph Nodes Retropharyngeal

The retropharyngeal lymph nodes are a group of lymph nodes located in the back of the neck, near the pharynx. They play an important role in the immune system as they are responsible for filtering the lymph that passes through the neck and throat.

The pharyngeal lymph nodes consist of many small nodes that are located in several rows. Each node has its own function and is responsible for a specific type of lymph. For example, one node may be responsible for filtering lymph from the pharynx, another for filtering from the teeth and gums, and a third for filtering from the scalp and neck.

The function of the retropharyngeal lymph nodes is to protect the body from infections and other harmful substances that can enter the bloodstream through the mouth and throat. If there is an infection in the body, the lymph nodes may increase in size and become painful to the touch.

In addition, the retropharyngeal lymph nodes may be enlarged in some diseases, such as throat or thyroid cancer. In this case, they can become very large and painful, which can lead to difficulty swallowing and breathing.

To treat retropharyngeal lymph nodes, you must consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove enlarged nodes.

A lymph node, or lymph node, is an important part of the body's immune system that controls and filters lymph. The lymphatic system, in turn, transports fluid from the body tissues into the venous blood, from where it in turn goes to the liver for cleansing.

However, some people, especially those with weakened immune systems due to various diseases, may experience problems with the lymphatic system. This may lead to the development of lymphadenopathy or lymph nodes. For example, children often develop submandibular lymph nodes when teething, which is considered a normal response of the immune system to injury and foreign matter in the tissue.

According to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision), retropharyngeal lymph nodes (Lymphonodi retro-pharyngeus - LNRP) are considered a minor change in the body. In many cases, they are not a sign of illness and do not require medical intervention. However, in some cases, lymph nodes may be associated with serious diseases - lymphogranulomatosis or leukemia. Therefore, it is very important to monitor any changes in the lymphatic system and, if you suspect a disease, be sure to consult a doctor.