Lymph Nodes Prepericardial

Lymph nodes in front of the pericardium are located in the area located between the pericardium and the mediastinal pleura. They are part of the lymphatic system and play an important role in protecting the body from infections and other diseases.

Lymphatic vessels drain lymph from internal organs and tissues, and lymph nodes play the role of a filter that cleanses lymph from harmful substances. In addition, they also participate in the immune system by producing antibodies to protect the body from infections.

The prepericardial lymph nodes are located between the pericardial fascia and the mediastinal pleural fascia. They can be found on the anterior, posterior and lateral walls of the pericardium.

The function of the prepericardial lymph nodes is to drain lymph from internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, and to protect the body from infectious diseases.

With diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, or infections, the prepericardial lymph nodes may become enlarged and tender to palpation. This may be a sign that the body is fighting an infection or disease.

Swollen lymph nodes can be caused by a variety of reasons, including infections, tumors, and other diseases. If you notice enlarged lymph nodes, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In general, the lymph nodes in front of the pericardium play an important role in the functioning of the body and protecting it from infections and other diseases. They require regular monitoring and control to maintain health and prevent disease.

A lymph node is a collection of lymphoid tissue cells that filter lymph and prevent the spread of infections and viruses in the body. They are located throughout the body, mainly around blood vessels. The lymphatic system plays an important role in the body's immune system, providing protection against infections and other diseases.

Lymph nodes are located between various organs and tissues of the body. They are usually found near a vein or artery passing through a tissue or organ. Each type of lymph node has its own characteristics and functions, but I want