Lymph Nodes Colon

Welcome to the article about colonic lymph nodes! It is stereotypically believed that a lymph node is a small formation on the human body, but this is not entirely true. Let's look at what lymph nodes are and how they work in our body.

Let's start with the fact that the lymphatic system is part of the immune system, which consists of lymphatic capillaries, vessels and trunks. It functions to protect the body from infections and foreign bodies. The lymphatic system is part of the general circulatory system and consists of lymph fluid that circulates through the veins and arteries, as well as lymph nodes within the body.

One of the important components of the lymphatic system is the lymph nodes, which play an important role in the body's immune function. They are small collections of lymphoid tissue in different places in the body. Colon nodules are located along the human abdominal wall and are a subclass of lymph nodes. They function to provide immunity and protection to the body.

Lymphatic nodule helps reduce the risk of infectious diseases by fighting many viruses and bacteria

A lymph node is a lymphatic vessel that collects lymph from tissues and organs and sends it to the main lymphatic stream or iliac collectors. Lymphatic drainage from the intestines (colon) is carried out through the lymphatic vessels into the chest cavity and bronchi towards the mediastinum. Colon lymphatic