Spectacle Lens Prismatic

Prismatic spectacle lenses are special lenses that are used to correct the vision of people with heterophoria or convergence disorders. They are optical wedges with spherical or other rotation surfaces that create a focusing effect on a specific area of ​​the eye.

Prismatic spectacle lenses are used as an addition to regular glasses or contact lenses. They help improve vision clarity, especially in cases where the eyes are unable to focus on an object due to lack of flexibility in the muscles of the eyeball.

There are several types of prismatic spectacle lenses, each of which has its own characteristics and is used depending on the specific situation. For example, lenses with a cylindrical surface can be used to correct astigmatism, and lenses with an aspherical surface can be used to correct myopia and farsightedness.

However, do not forget that prismatic spectacle lenses can only be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist. He will be able to determine which type of lens is suitable for a particular case and how to use them correctly.

In general, prismatic spectacle lenses are an important tool for correcting vision and improving the quality of life of people with various visual impairments. If you are experiencing problems with your vision, consult a specialist and find out whether prismatic spectacle lenses can help you.

Nowadays, glasses are becoming increasingly popular - this is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a necessity for people with low vision. But besides these, which perform their main function, there are also decorative glasses, the prismatic lenses of which can greatly change a person’s appearance, making his image more original and noticeable.

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