
Lipofibromas are benign tumors consisting of fatty and fibrous tissue. They are common in young people and come in different shapes and sizes. Typically, lipofibromas are small, round or irregularly shaped, painful lumps under the skin that can appear on any part of the body, including the chest, back, abdomen, arms, and legs. Sometimes they can grow and reach significant sizes.

Unfortunately, what is a risk factor for the development of lipofibrosis is not yet known exactly. However, available evidence suggests that it may be a genetic predisposition. Perhaps this also applies to hereditary characteristics of metabolism and metabolism. We should not forget that lipofibrox is a lump of fat and connective tissue on one side, which can grow and harden, and on the other, a benign neoplasm. Therefore, be wary of any changes in the shape and size of your lipofibromas, and be regularly examined by a doctor.

It is known that several factors can influence the risk of developing lipofibromas. To such factors