Lipogranuloma Injection

Injection lipogranuloma: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lipogranuloma injection, also known as granuloma injection, oleogranuloma, oleoma, or oleoscleroma, is a rare but serious complication of injections. This condition is characterized by the formation of a hard lump or tumor at the injection site, which can cause pain and discomfort. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for injection lipogranuloma.

Causes of injection lipogranuloma

Injection lipogranuloma usually develops as a result of improper administration of medications containing oil components into soft tissues. Oil preparations, such as oil solutions of vitamins, antibiotics or hormone therapy drugs, can cause tissue irritation, leading to the formation of a tumor or nodule.

Symptoms of injection lipogranuloma

Symptoms of lipogranuloma injection may include the formation of a hard lump or swelling at the injection site, which may be painful and cause discomfort. These tumors can vary in size and shape, and their surface can be smooth or rough. In some cases, an infection may develop at the injection site, resulting in signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, pain and fever.

Treatment of injection lipogranuloma

Treatment for injection lipogranuloma depends on the severity of symptoms and the degree of tumor development. In some cases, small nodes may resolve on their own after a few months. However, if the tumor is painful or growing in size, treatment may be required.

Treatment for lipogranuloma injection may include the use of local anesthetics and the use of heat or cold to relieve pain and reduce swelling. In some cases, surgical removal of the tumor may be necessary. If there is an infection at the injection site, antibiotics or other anti-inflammatory drugs may be needed.

Prevention of injection lipogranuloma

Prevention of injection lipogranuloma can be achieved by choosing the correct injection site and carefully following the drug instructions. Before injection, you must ensure that the needle is clean and sanitized and that the medication is properly diluted and suitable for the type of injection. If you have any doubts or uncertainties, you should consult a medical specialist.

In conclusion, injection lipogranuloma is a rare but serious complication of injections and can lead to the formation of a hard nodule or tumor at the injection site, which can cause pain and discomfort. Prevention of injection lipogranuloma can be achieved by choosing the correct injection site and carefully following the drug instructions. If symptoms occur, you should contact a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Lipogranuloma is widespread among people of all age groups and social status. This disease belongs to the group of fibroids. The disease is caused by an infection associated with a disruption of the normal human blood clotting mechanism. The terms “oleogranlema” and “gleogrannema” may also appear in the scientific literature.

The main symptom of this pathology is redness, which begins in the area of ​​contact of the wound with infected dust - sweat, pollen, dirt, food particles. Over the course of a few days, the shape of the red spot begins to change, taking on irregular outlines. Typically, the first symptoms appear three days after the injury. Without treatment it