
Lichen is not far from safa and differs from it only by signs hidden from the doctor, especially in relation to dry safa, it seems that dry CD fa is lichen, but more malignant, more corrosive and penetrating deeper. The cause of lichen is close to the cause of safa - it is also caustic, pungent watery moisture mixed with thick black bile matter, thicker than jaraba matter; lichen passes most quickly, in which liquid matter predominates.

There is also a blood type of wet lichen, in which, if you scratch it, moisture appears - it is more benign - and there is also dry lichen, which most often comes from salty mucus, which has turned into black bile due to burnout. There is lichen that peels off due to severe dryness and great penetration deep into the skin and is similar to black sheep or scab, and also lichen that does not peel off. Ringworm can be creeping, malignant or immobile; there is fresh and chronic ringworm, and this is an autumn disease.

Ringworm treatment requires medications that combine the ability to dissolve, tear, melt and thin with a soothing and moisturizing property. The first of these two modes is needed in relation to dense matter, and the second - in relation to sharp and liquid matter, depending on the predominance of one of these qualities, it is necessary to give predominance to one or the other mode. The use of leeches is one of the best medicines for lichen in relation to cleansing and subsequent use of cheese whey in an amount determined by the visible condition, as well as in relation to moisturizing nutrition and a general moisturizing regimen for lichen, the same is needed as for safa. Bathing is also one of the best remedies for lichen, and the patient often has to avoid dry air. Some people say One of the means to prevent lichen and cure fresh lichen is to take lak, washed as sabur is washed, in the amount of one dirham with three uqiyas of fragrant boiled wine. When the lichen spreads and multiplies, it is treated as leprosy is treated.