Lichen Red Flat Zoniformis

Lichen red linear is a manifestation of dermatological diseases associated with changes in skin pigmentation.

Lichen planus is a chronic disease that is associated with disruption of the central and peripheral nervous system. This is a chronic skin disease. It is characterized by the presence of pink spots with clear boundaries, having a diameter of 2-3 mm, which can merge into large plaques. The localization of red spots is typical for the face, scalp, and torso. In some cases, the red border of the lips or oral mucosa may be affected. Such rashes make it possible to characterize a chronic inflammatory lesion. Red spots may be accompanied by itching.

Ringworm appears on the skin during an exacerbation. During an exacerbation, itchy bumps with a diameter of 5 mm appear, on which there may be scales, like crusts, without a border. Due to inflammation, the lesions become very red or pink and acquire a wrinkled structure. The cause of the disease is a change in the body's reactivity. Scientists have not yet identified the exact cause of lichen. It is assumed that the cause is factors affecting the nervous system. It has also been found that the disease often occurs if there are foci of chronic infection.