Liv.52 K

Liv.52 K: Hepatoprotective agent from India

Liv.52 K is a hepatoprotective agent produced in India by Himalaya Drug Co. It belongs to a pharmacological group of drugs designed to protect and support liver function.

The main component of Liv.52 K is a combination of plant extracts, including prickly capers, western cassia, black nightshade, tamarisk fruit, terminalia extract, yarrow herb extract and common chicory extract. These plant extracts are known for their positive properties in supporting liver health.

Liv.52K is presented in the form of drops, and each tablet contains a mixture of powders obtained from the specified plants. This drug is widely used to treat acute and chronic forms of hepatitis, including infectious, toxic and drug-induced hepatitis. It is also recommended for patients with pre-cirrhotic liver changes, fatty hepatosis, anorexia, chronic intoxication (including prophylaxis for long-term alcohol use), cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia.

However, Liv.52 K has some contraindications. It is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In rare cases, allergic reactions and dyspeptic symptoms may occur as side effects.

Information on the interaction of Liv.52 K with other drugs is limited, and there is no data on overdose.

When prescribing Liv.52, you should be careful in patients with acute diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is important to note that the drops do not contain alcohol, which may be an important factor when choosing a drug for certain patients.

Information about Liv.52K is based on data from the 2004 Encyclopedia of Medicines. It is recommended that you consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medications, including Liv.52K, to get more current information about the drug and its use.

It is important to note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice, and any treatment decisions should be made in consultation with a qualified physician.