
Lob- - an obsolete word "Lobo".

**_Lolodino-_** “a person, rather stupid; foolish” _Derived from the ancient Slavs. forehead shape, the same structure as in other Prussian. labbō (face). To Praslav. form_ l-b- also applies to karach.-beam. bōlā “dumb”_, Slovenian. váľ “thick”._ **Well, where to start? From the name of the topic or from an explanation of the meaning of this word?** I apologize right away, I cannot fully understand what relation this lobo has “to the article,” and even if applicable, to the broader topic in general. But I will try to answer the question asked. Let's start with the meaning of the word.

**The meaning of the word lobo.** is an obsolete term (the meaning was written down by Dahl): a stupid, unwitty person, a fool, a fool, and the like. *This doesn’t quite suit me, since my subtext was more serious and aimed at explaining the reason for such an outdated designation.* But since this is the meaning, then maybe I can fill in at least a couple more additional concepts! I associate lobo with something depressing, for example: 1. A person incapable of mental work - “a natural ego, and not the personality it pretends to be” (remark by Brateeva) 2. Diagnosis of chronic brain damage, here are examples: “Intellectual