
Loperamide-Rivopharm: antidiarrheal drug from Switzerland

Loperamide-Rivopharm is an antidiarrheal drug manufactured by Rivopharm SA in Switzerland. It is widely used for the symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea, as well as to reduce the frequency and volume of stool during ileostomy and to give firmness to its consistency.

The active substance of Loperamide-Rivopharm is loperamide. This substance has an effect on the intestines, reducing peristalsis and increasing sphincter tone, which leads to a slowdown in the passage of food masses and an increase in water absorption. As a result, the frequency and volume of stool decreases, and its consistency improves.

Loperamide-Rivopharm is available in the form of capsules containing 2 mg of loperamide. The drug has several synonyms, such as Vero-Loperamide, Diarol, Imodium, Lopedium, Lopedium ISO, Loperamide-Ratiopharm, Loperamide-Acri, Loperamide-Rivo, Loperamide hydrochloride, Loperamide hydrochloride "LH", Neo-enteroseptol, Superilop and Enterobene.

Before using Loperamide-Rivopharm, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to loperamide, dysentery (especially with the presence of blood in the stool and fever), ulcerative colitis in the acute stage, acute pseudomembranous colitis, as well as during pregnancy, lactation and in children under 6 years of age .

Loperamide-Rivopharm may have side effects. Some of these include drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and rarely constipation or bloating.

There is no reliable data on the interaction of Loperamide-Rivopharm with other drugs.

In case of an overdose of Loperamide-Rivopharm, symptoms of depression of the central nervous system may occur, such as stupor, loss of coordination, drowsiness, miosis (constriction of the pupils), muscle hypertension and respiratory depression. This situation requires immediate treatment and naloxone can be used as an antidote. It is important to note that the duration of action of loperamide may exceed that of naloxone, so medical attention is necessary in the event of an overdose.

Loperamide-Rivopharm should be taken in accordance with the doctor's recommendations or instructions for use. The usual dosage for adults is 2 mg (1 capsule) at the beginning of treatment, and then 1 mg (half a capsule) after each loose stool. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 8 mg (4 capsules). In children, the dosage is determined by the doctor depending on age and weight.

It is important to remember that Loperamide-Rivopharm is intended for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea and does not replace treatment of the underlying disease that may cause diarrhea. If symptoms of diarrhea persist for more than 48 hours or worsen, you should consult a doctor.

Output information may change over time. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult your doctor or healthcare provider and read the latest version of the instructions for use before you start using Loperamide-Rivopharm or any other medicine.