
Loragexal: an effective remedy against allergic reactions

Loragexal is a pharmacological drug belonging to the group of H1-histamine receptor blockers. It contains the active substance loratadine and is produced in Germany by Hexal AG. Loragexal is widely used to treat various allergic diseases.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, each containing 10 mg of loratadine. Loragexal is effective for conditions such as allergic rhinitis (year-round and seasonal), hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, chronic idiopathic urticaria, pruritic dermatoses (including contact allergic dermatitis and chronic eczema), allergic reactions to insect bites, pseudoallergic reactions to histamine liberators, angioedema and bronchial asthma (as an adjuvant).

Despite its effectiveness, Loragexal has some contraindications. It is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to drugs in this group, as well as during lactation and children under two years of age. The use of Loragexal during pregnancy is permissible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and newborn.

Like any medicine, Loragexal may cause side effects. Some of them include headache, drowsiness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness (in children), insomnia, syncope, amnesia, depression, hyperkinesia, tremor, paresthesia, hypoesthesia, dysphonia, blurred vision, changes in lacrimation, conjunctivitis , blepharospasm, pain in the eyes and ears, tinnitus, dry mouth, increased appetite, weight gain, anorexia, nausea, changes in salivation, taste disturbance, toothache, stomatitis, vomiting, gastritis, flatulence, dyspepsia, constipation or diarrhea , as well as rare cases of jaundice, hepatitis and liver necrosis.

When using Loragexal, you should be careful about possible interactions with other drugs. For example, drugs such as erythromycin and ketoconazole, as well as grapefruit juice, may increase the blood concentration of loratadine. Patients taking Loragexal are advised to avoid drinking alcohol, as it may increase some of the drug's side effects.

The dosage of Loragexal depends on the age and type of allergic disease. It is recommended to consult a doctor or follow the instructions on the drug package.

It is important to note that all information provided by me is based on my knowledge, updated as of September 2021. It is recommended that you consult your healthcare professional or pharmacist for the latest information about Loragexal and its uses.