Loreal face cream reviews

Face creams L`Oreal May 4, 2013

A few days ago I bought a face cream from the new “skin light” series, which caused a terrible allergy. The whole face is covered in small subcutaneous tubercles. (((Now I’m sitting like a freak(((reflective microparticles have been added to the cream itself, after application the whole face shines with an oily sheen!

Overall, this is the worst cream I've ever had!

Face creams L`Oreal March 22, 2013

A year ago I was given Trio Active moisturizing night and Trio Active for normal and combination skin during the day. I want to say right away that I am 25, I have sensitive and problematic skin (rashes, allergies, peeling, oily T-zone), and for a long time my dermatologist and I couldn’t find care products for me. And here is such a gift. Initially, I was wary, because I tried more expensive series and all without success. But when I tried it, I was surprised: the day cream is light, imperceptible, no greasy shine, the skin is moisturized (to be honest, it survived the first winter without flaking of the face!); the night cream is quite thick and nourishing. The skin has become more well-groomed. These jars lasted exactly a year. Tomorrow I'm going to go for a new portion)

I would like to say that everything was individual - it suited some, but not others! Look for yours!

Face creams L`Oreal February 14, 2013

I bought REVITALIFT 10 and was completely disappointed! 1. the cream spreads disgustingly when applied to the skin 2. it feels like you’re wearing a mask 3. an oily sheen is guaranteed in a couple of hours! Absolutely not worth the money!

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Face creams L`Oreal November 9, 2012

I bought a day cream, two days later I woke up with a swollen face, after washing my face in the morning, my face became even more swollen and red. Itching and burning appeared, for another week I walked around with a red face and skin like sandpaper. I will never buy cosmetics from this company again, it's a shame I wasted money

Face creams L`Oreal September 24, 2012

I've never had cream crease on my face! Any brand! And I apply it to my face in a thin layer! But when I bought TRIO ACTIVE, I was simply unpleasantly surprised! At the first application - continuous rolling! This effect is achieved by very cheap creams, which add cheap and, accordingly, low quality collagen, the molecules of which are much larger than what our skin needs. Have you noticed that after using it, the skin seems smooth and as if covered with a protective film? This is the effect that such “bad” collagen gives. So, as always, the Orthodox are being bullied! Imported from Europe, for some reason this cream does not roll off! I think that L'Oreal would have gone bankrupt a long time ago from litigation if European women were faced with such an effect. So I am once again convinced that we need to find options among domestic products.

Face creams L`Oreal June 28, 2012

LOREAL TRIO ACTIVE - for dry and sensitive skin. Probably, it can be classified as a premium class, I mean the price-quality ratio. However, I used it after the Christina cream, and it is somewhat inferior compared to it.

The smell is quite pleasant, at least not repulsive, although I am quite picky when it comes to scents.

It moisturizes, I would say, at the very minimum, well, just so that you can apply foundation later. For the night, I would take something fatter.

The downside is that immediately after application my skin begins to burn and tingle. Then it goes away, but still. . . I don't think this is okay.

Another disadvantage is the lack of a spatula, and the jar itself suggests that you have to take the cream with your fingers, which is not good.

In general, I definitely won’t stop at this cream.

Comments Was the review helpful? Yes 7 No 2

Face creams L`Oreal June 26, 2011

I like this brand, especially the Trio Active cream for dry and sensitive skin.

moisturizes well, in the winter one day my face became very red due to dryness, especially in the eye and cheek area, then I used it, applied it to the skin, and after about 3-4 days it went away) really. After I applied this cream, at first it hurt a little, it was a little irritating. and then after 2 days this pain went away)

Dear women 45-50. Who uses these creams, what do you think of them? Recently Elena Malysheva advertised them in the “Health” program.

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Cream like cream. I used L'Oreal Derma Genesis night and day for several months. There's no point. I did not find any visible changes in my appearance. This is all just advertising.

Well, what changes can there be from a cream that costs 300 rubles (taking into account all the extra charges). Be grateful if it doesn’t make your skin feel bad!

In Devma Genesis there is 0.0001% useful, what they write and advertise there is so that you buy more. Malysheva will not smear herself with this. My neighbor took a sample every day in the store, no effect, it even got worse, in my opinion

I completely agree with #2

I'm 41. I tried Revitalift night and for eyelids. A rare filth, greasy, unpleasant smell. But Olei 7 total effect went with a bang.

Hello, I’m 52 years old, I also went to the store and bought L’Oreal cream after the “Health” program, I don’t remember which one, but the bottle itself seemed to consist of two parts. one contains serum, and the other gel. I paid about five hundred rubles, which was probably enough for a week or something like that. It ended unusually quickly. Zero effect. It seems to me that this is another paid advertisement, simply about nay. ka.

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Guest 2, what changes can there be from a cream that costs 3000 rubles? Well, it will only moisturize, but not a single cream smooths out wrinkles. The Health program is not doing well, it’s just regular advertising, but it’s presented as advice from professionals.

About two weeks ago I bought 4 creams from the Derma Genesis series. Serum for eyelids and face - night and day. I’ll be honest, I didn’t feel any effect AT ALL (I’m 42 years old). Moreover, my facial skin became dry, with a small amount of wrinkles (and my skin is generally oily). After 2 weeks of use, the skin of the eyelids became lifeless and dry. So much for the effect. Although some people probably like this series. This is my application experience.

Derma Genesis is the worst thing I've tried in L'Oreal.

8 I agree! the skin became lifelessly dry!

I had Revitalift night and day. when it ended and time passed - three weeks - it was horror. I did masks and massages every day, I thought that was it, this was forever.

A very good cream from L'Oreal age perfect with soy and vitamin C." creams in one box, when squeezed out, they mix. Just for women who are in menopause.

I meant 2 creams in one bottle.

There are also a lot of fakes on the cosmetics market. Not only do we spend money, we also smear ourselves with some nasty stuff.

Yes unfortunately. A friend of mine is engaged in Vichy, supplies directly from France. I took something to try. The foundations are terrible, only use them after burns, the creams are no good. It doesn’t seem to be a fake. Who has used the rok cream? Share.

I want to buy my mother a cream for ladies over 60, which is advertised by Jane Funda. Has anyone used it?

DermaGenesis suited me, I’ve been using it for 2 months now. The skin became smoother and the pores were noticeably smaller, with almost no blackheads left.

I really liked the collagen wrinkle filler from L'Oreal, the face smoothes out before my eyes.

Yes unfortunately. A friend of mine is engaged in Vichy, supplies directly from France. I took something to try. The foundations are terrible, only use them after burns, the creams are no good. It doesn’t seem to be a fake. Who has used the rok cream? Share.

Yes unfortunately. A friend of mine is engaged in Vichy, supplies directly from France. I took something to try. The foundations are terrible, only use them after burns, the creams are no good. It doesn’t seem to be a fake. Who has used the rok cream? Share.

I used the eye contour cream ROC series Retin-OX from the word retinol apparently (aka vitamin A). I ​​can say that the effect is quite fast. Already on the 3rd day I noticed that expression lines had disappeared. And those around me also noticed. Bad the cream is only that with very long use there is already a slight allergy, because retinol is a very allergenic component. This is expressed by itching of the skin and even very small pimples. But again, all this began to appear occasionally after 5 months of use. In short, I can Recommended for a good hit on wrinkles, but alas, it should not be used as a permanent permanent remedy.

There are only one disorder. I didn’t read the reviews and bought Derma Genesis day cream. Excellent fragrance. Pleasant texture. I like the feeling. But after reading this. I'll be a little nervous...

When I started using them I was 28 years old. The effect was after the night cream, the face was not swollen in the morning and the skin was elastic.

try wrinkle de-crease. I buy creams at blow-free, hoping for their quality. I also used dermo genesis for me, it’s like a simple light moisturizer, nothing special about it.

I bought the code of youth cream and concentrate, I’m 40, but the condition of my skin is 33-35. I wanted to correct expression wrinkles, I bought it at DC, I applied it for 2 weeks, the wrinkles not only did not decrease, but increased, my face swelled. Understood nothing. What kind of effect is this? I was upset, abandoned the cream, and my skin condition improved after that. So much for “youth” /

I’m 34 and use L’Oreal Derma Genesis contour around the eyes and Derma Genesis daytime SPF 15 youth cleto, I really like the skin like velvet.

In the “Health” program, Malysheva clearly said that in order to see the result you need to use the “Code of Youth” cream for at least three months. This is not an “immortality” serum. Where have you seen anti-wrinkle cream applied and in the morning you look 20 years younger? We need to be patient and eat right! A lot also depends on proper nutrition.

I was very disappointed with the youth code for the eyelids. Absolutely no effect. It even seemed to me that there were even more wrinkles

I wonder where you saw Loreal cream for 300 rubles (you need to put it on the Chinese market) in Loreal there are no such prices (especially with all the markups). And what you say about products brought directly from France, thinking that they are better than anywhere else, I hasten to inform you that L'Oreal products are produced in laboratories in different countries using the same technology (and naturally under the strict control of the L'Oreal company), accordingly, the quality of the cream is the same. And As for the Derma Genesis DK series specifically, you shouldn’t apply it to everyone. This cream is intended for young skin from 25 years old. Age categories and skin type should be taken into account; do not chase advertising. Well, if you really want to, consult with experienced consultants or look for information on the net. success to all

I started having an allergy to the Youth Code for my eyes (for the first time in my life!), and there were even more wrinkles (((. It’s a pity, I also bought a day cream for my face, now I have to throw it away.

who used pure-zone gel, tonic, cream of the same line? tell me your reviews?

Yes, this cream went with a bang?! But have you ever wondered what will happen to your skin after you stop using it? It will be worse than it was before using it! This is already an established fact! Not all creams that provide quick results are safe.

39 years. I bought the youth code cream. I used it for 1.5 months. I didn't have enough for more. When first used, there was a burning sensation on the skin, it went away after 5 minutes. For the next use. There was no burning, but the effect was the opposite. The skin became very dry (it had never been dry), and a network of wrinkles appeared. Now I am engaged in facial skin resuscitation. While the tried and tested cream from Vitaskin is saving the day, it is sold only in the pharmacy chain.

I’m surprised at the ladies who write that after using any cream they feel like they have more wrinkles. Go to the ophthalmologist!
Wrinkles appear not from the cream, but from age. Think logically before writing such nonsense.
As for L'Oreal, I can say one thing: I buy these cosmetics in Germany, locally produced, and they are BEAUTIFUL! Unlike Russia. Affordable and high quality, if you look at the result realistically. And if at the age of 40 you smeared yourself with the Code of Youth 3 times and expect that the wrinkles will disappear the next morning, then take off your rose-colored glasses. You're not 20 anymore.

I am shocked by the naivety of our ladies! Anti-wrinkle cream does not help and WILL NOT HELP. For this, there are injections of Botox and collagen, and in extreme cases, surgery. Creams are designed to maintain skin tone and nothing more.

I am 32 years old and want to try the youth code cream. what do you advise? is it worth it or not?

I'm 41. I've been using the Youth Code for 1.5 months. After the first two weeks of use, I was delighted - my skin condition became super. And now I notice with horror that new clogged pores are appearing.

girls, I’m 33. Damn youth creams. It’s like some kind of fairy tale. Every day I wipe my face with ice cubes, it makes my face just drop dead. try it.


Look at the composition of this cream in comparison with others - www.agedel.ru/ru/loreal.html

HELLO, I WAS 31 GIVEN A CODE OF YOUTH BROUGHT FROM EUROPE, I don’t know what to do here, it says that after 40. but my skin is not in good condition, there are wrinkles and bags under my eyes. WHAT SHOULD I DO.

As in the famous joke:
╚Do you use face cream?
- Certainly!
- Well, how does it help?
- No, it doesn’t help.
It would be more likely that our dear beloved women would learn to use cosmetics to achieve the desired result, and not for the process for the sake of the process.

Alyana, I used 30 for me. My skin is also not so great. I really liked the youth code cream. Morning and evening I washed my face with Timewise from Mary Kay and a scrub from her 2 times a week. After 3 weeks, the skin became like a baby’s, the complexion was even, expression lines became less noticeable. The cream has run out, I won’t buy any more, because... I didn't know he was over 40.

I don’t understand what everyone is arguing here, the results of the effectiveness of creams depend on the correctly selected series of creams. don’t forget, series... and the series consists of a day, night, eye cream (serum, or concentrate of this line of creams) taking into account age, skin condition. And you also need to use 2-step cleansing, MAKEUP REMOVER MILK OR WASH GEL ( what DOES ANYONE LIKE) TONIC . THESE ARE CONDUCTORS FOR CREAM, SO THAT THE ACTIVE COMPONENTS ARRIVE BETTER. CORRECT CARE IS NEEDED, IF YOU DO NOT CARE CORRECTLY, YOU CAN GET THE REVERSE PROCESS.

L'Oreal is the best you can buy in this price category.
Vichy is complete nonsense, Merikey is the simplest for the price of VIP cosmetics.
Only professional cosmetics are better than L'Oreal, I bought Guam creams, they are excellent, but the price is appropriate.
And who is saying that L'Oreal is all an advertising gimmick, nothing of the kind, I've been using only it for a long time, my skin compared to my girlfriends (of the same age) who use Vichy, Oriflame, Merikey is like heaven and earth. So it’s up to you to draw your own conclusions, I made my choice.

I don't understand anything. I have Youth Code - the code of youth is the same, as I understand it. Toko bought in the EU. That’s what it says on the box: 30+, and in Russia it’s written at the age of 40. a mystery though.

The creams are great, the main thing is to know how to use them correctly. After all, beautiful skin is clean skin, and the benefits will come when the entire care program is used. I use the program myself, my skin looks very well-groomed, I also recommend using L’Oreal decor cosmetics (it also protects against the negative effects of the environment), but this is another topic, write, ask, I will definitely answer

Derma Genesis bought a series, night, day and serum. so I threw everything away, it didn’t fit .. (I usually use more expensive products, but here I decided to save money)), but the stingy pays twice)

The Code of Youth sells both concentrate and serum. What is the difference? I don’t understand, please explain if anyone knows.

Dear women 45-50. Who uses these creams, what do you think of them? Recently Elena Malysheva advertised them in the “Health” program.

I bought the code of youth cream and concentrate, I’m 40, but the condition of my skin is 33-35. I wanted to correct expression wrinkles, I bought it at DC, I applied it for 2 weeks, the wrinkles not only did not decrease, but increased, my face swelled. Understood nothing. What kind of effect is this? I was upset, abandoned the cream, and my skin condition improved after that. So much for “youth” /


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Ideal face cream L’oreal Luxury Nourishment Lightness Silk Day cream

Looking for the perfect cream for problem skin? Then I ask under the cut

For a very long time I could not find a normal face cream for myself, some either did not moisturize the skin, others clogged my pores. I love L'Oreal very much, so as soon as the cream went on sale in my city, I immediately bought it.

Expanded opinion:

From the manufacturer

Discover the first light care with a melting texture enriched with valuable nutritional ingredients.
-Floral oils help the skin maintain lipid balance for intense nutrition and prevent skin dehydration.
-Calcium helps restore the protective barrier and prevents skin dehydration.
-White Jasmine stimulates the restoration of skin structure in the deep layers, strengthening it from the inside.

The manufacturer fulfills all promises.


Cardboard box with cellophane film. Inside is a heavy white glass jar. After a month, the paint on the lid was a little worn.


Thick, non-greasy cream of beige-cream color. Has a pleasant cosmetic aroma. This is a typical scent for L'oreal cream.

I apply it 2 times a day after washing my face.

The cream is quickly absorbed

Does not leave a filmy or greasy feeling

Removes flaking and dryness once or twice. After a few uses my skin stopped flaking

Doesn't clog pores. This is one of those requirements that is essential for oily skin.

Economical consumption. In 2 months I used a little less than half.

Also suitable as an eye cream

The cream was ideal for my combination skin (T-zone - problematic oily, the rest of the face - normal, prone to flaking in winter.

Swatches (only decorative cosmetics):