Lozhka-Catheter Agafonova

In medical practice, many doctors are faced with the need to perform certain procedures that help improve the health of patients. One such procedure is the insertion of a catheter into veins or arteries to perform various procedures.

The Agafonov spoon-catheter, invented by Yuri Mikhailovich Agafonov, is an effective tool for carrying out such procedures. The principle of its operation is based on the use of a medical instrument that resembles a spoon, but instead of handles it has a built-in tool for inserting a catheter into a vein or artery. The spoon has a flat surface and is equipped with two holes, one for opening the catheter and the other for infusing medications or other liquids.

The advantages of the Agafonov spoon-catheter are its ease of use and effectiveness. After inserting the spoon into the vein, the patient should lie still, which prevents compression of the catheter and allows it to be accurately inserted into the right place. This is important because incorrect placement of the catheter can lead to damage to the patient's blood vessels or tissues.

In addition, the Agafonov catheter spoon has low cost and availability compared to other similar instruments. This makes it accessible to a wide range of specialists working in medical institutions of various fields. Efficiency and ease of use of the kate spoon