Lozinsky Reverse Symptom

Lozinsky The reverse symptom is a unique phenomenon in medicine, which was first described by the Soviet trauma surgeon Lev Iosifovich Lozinsky. It is important to note that this phenomenon is associated with organic brain damage and is one of the symptoms of epilepsy.

Lozinsky The reverse symptom occurs in patients who have previously had epileptic seizures. It is expressed in the fact that when an epileptic attack occurs, the patient experiences automatic, involuntary eye movements. It is these involuntary actions that can occur in the back of the head, but patients are unable to control them. At this point, patients experience severe pain in the head. The attack can last from several seconds to several minutes. After the attack ends, patients may complain of headache, nausea and other symptoms of epilepsy such as weakness and fatigue. Lozinsky symptom is a serious disorder that requires immediate consultation with a neurologist.

Where does the name of this phenomenon come from? It is named after the Ukrainian and Soviet doctor, a specialist in the field of trauma