

**Lumbo** is an abbreviation, a compound word, the first 4 letters of which are the word “Lumbo”. In the Russian language there are more than a dozen words with the root “lumb” or “Lumb”. If you change the last letters, you will get something related to a wide and strong circular movement in the lumbar region.

The noun "lumbo" has an emotional negative connotation and describes some important action that is highly discouraged, for example: * **"Lumbo"** - if an alarm sounds on board the ship. Significantly narrows the search for passengers' troubles. In modern Russian space tourism, there is a danger of being paired with an astronaut who finds himself in space without a spacesuit (the air is running out).

***Lumbo*** is also attributed a mythical meaning - as a consequence of suffering a serious illness, for example, appendicitis during a critical period of being in a hospital (that is, it saves from death at a critical moment).