Lupus Vulgaris Tumorous

Lupus vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of connective tissue and skin, prone to a chronic relapsing course. It manifests itself as vivid allergic reactions with the development of skin elements (reddish nodules up to the size of a pea), and enlarged lymph nodes. This is a very rare disease associated with changes in the functioning of the immune system. Those. its nature is still unclear. The term “lupus” itself refers to several types of these diseases.

The most common disease is lupus psoriasis. However, there is also psoriatic, seborrheic lupus vulgaris.

Lupus vulgaris or common tumor. Lupus vulgaris is threatened by its transformation into a tumor-like one, but, with a significant prevalence of the process, this transformation entails a worsening prognosis.

The tumor form of lupus vulgaris looks like a dense node with a diameter of up to 4 cm. More often

Lupus vulgaris is a rare type of lupus characterized by the presence of a large and painful tumor on the human body. Lupus is a very rare disease and requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. First of all, this is necessary to prevent possible complications and receive the necessary treatment.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning it occurs when the body begins to produce antibodies to its own