Lymphocytosis Relative

Lymphocytes are immune cells that protect the body from infections and diseases. One of the indicators that allows you to assess the state of the immune system is the lymphocytic indicator (lymphocytosis). In this case, we will talk about relative lymphocytosis - a decrease in the number of all leukocytes in the peripheral blood as a percentage of the number of other white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils).

Lymphocytes are the basis of the entire immune system. They are found in all human biological fluids - blood, saliva, urine, tears, tonsil tissue. Depending on the type of immunity, they may also be present in various organs and tissues of the body, including the thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral lymph nodes.

There are two main types of lymphocytes: T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The first are focused on attacking healthy and diseased cells. Fights against many harmful organisms, including viruses and bacteria. The latter play an important role in the production of antibodies and protecting the body from pathogens that enter it, such as bacteria and fungi.

When the lymphocyte relative level is below normal, patients face the development of some problems. There is a possibility of developing various infectious diseases, as well as more serious diseases. According to a number of researchers, lymphocytopenia may be associated with various immunodeficiencies and malignant neoplasms of lymphoid tissue. Leukemia, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, may develop. Also, one of the reasons for a low level of lymphocytes may be taking certain medications, especially antibacterial agents.

One of the most common symptoms of relative lymphocytosis is weakness or fatigue. Patients often experience sweating, a white or gray coating on the tongue, and drowsiness. In this case, patients often complain of a lack of desire to work, move, or communicate with other people. Such unpleasant manifestations associated with weakness as loss of coordination, dizziness, and fainting are possible. If such manifestations occur, an examination by a general practitioner is necessary.

Sometimes lymphocytosis is a feature of the immune mechanisms of a particular disease. For example, in cases where the body is actively fighting any pathology, lymphocytes can be very active. Their excessive number in some cases can be positive.

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. These white blood cells perform important functions in the immune system: they provide protection against viruses, bacteria and other foreign agents. The number of lymphocytes in the blood can vary and change depending on various factors such as infection