Macrospore (Gr. Macros - Large, Spore - Seed)

Macrospore (Gr. Macros - Large, Spore - Seed).

A macrospore is a large spore produced in a macrosporangium. The macrogametophyte develops from the macrospore.

Macrospore refers to large plant spores. It is formed by meiosis in the macrosporangium, which is the female reproductive organ of plants. Each macrosporangium contains several macrosporocytes, from which 4 haploid macrospores are formed as a result of meiosis.

Typically, three macrospores degenerate and one functional macrospore germinates and gives rise to the female gametophyte, the macrogametophyte. Female gametes subsequently develop from the macrogametophyte.

Thus, the macrospore plays an important role in the life cycle of plants, being the precursor of the female gametophyte. The formation and development of macrospores is of great importance in the process of plant reproduction.