Makeup for Illness

Makeup when sick: how to look great despite being unwell

The disease can catch anyone at the most inopportune moment, but this does not mean that you need to forget about your appearance. It is important to choose the right makeup that will help hide your discomfort and lift your spirits. In this article we will tell you how to properly apply makeup when you are sick.


Your eyes can give away your discomfort, so you should pay special attention to them. First, cover up dark circles under your eyes using a concealer pencil. It is important to choose a shade of pencil that completely matches your skin color. Then use a neutral shade of eyeshadow and line your eyes with a soft pencil. Eyelashes should be covered with a layer of mascara.


Do not apply a matte foundation to your face; it is better to stick to a transparent tone. Avoid blush, which can highlight redness on your face. If you have skin problems, choose a concealer that will help hide imperfections.


Even if you are in bed, try to lightly touch your lips with a lip liner and then apply a little lipstick. It is important to choose a shade that matches your skin tone. Avoid shades that are too dark or too pale. Try sticking to pink-brown or terracotta colors.

In conclusion, if you are sick but still want to look attractive, pay special attention to your makeup. Apply it carefully and choose shades that will help hide your discomfort and highlight your beauty. Remember that a smile and a positive attitude are the best decorations for any look.