
Mammography is a breast examination that can detect changes in tissues and organs that may be signs of cancer or other diseases. It is based on the use of X-rays to obtain images of the mammary glands.

Mammography is one of the most effective methods for diagnosing breast cancer. It can detect changes in tissue that may indicate the presence of a tumor or other diseases such as fibrosis or mastitis.

The mammography procedure usually takes about 10-15 minutes and is performed in a special room where the patient lies down on a table and raises her arms up. The radiologist then conducts an examination using a special machine that creates X-ray images of the breast.

After the examination, the doctor analyzes the obtained images and determines the presence or absence of changes in the breast tissue. If changes are detected, the patient may be offered additional testing, such as a biopsy or ultrasound.

It is important to note that mammography is not the only method for diagnosing breast cancer. However, it is one of the most effective and safe ways to detect the disease in the early stages. Therefore, if you are over 40 years old or at high risk of developing breast cancer, it is recommended to have mammograms regularly to prevent the disease from developing.

Mammography is a breast examination method that is used to detect cancer and other diseases. It allows you to obtain images of the breast in various projections, which allows you to identify tumors and other changes.

Mammography is one of the most effective methods for diagnosing breast cancer, as it can detect tumors in the early stages, when they do not yet cause symptoms. In addition, mammography can be used to screen for breast cancer in women who do not have symptoms of the disease but are at risk.

However, like any other diagnostic method, mammography has its limitations. For example, it may not be effective at detecting small tumors or tumors that are located deep in the breast. Also, some women may experience discomfort or pain during the procedure, which may reduce their motivation to have a mammogram.

Despite these limitations, mammography remains one of the most important methods for diagnosing breast cancer. Regular mammograms can help reduce the risk of developing this disease and improve women's quality of life.