
Mania is a mental state characterized by excessive cheerfulness, increased activity of a person, often a state of euphoria. At the same time, mood can change quickly, which leads to increased irritability. The patient's thinking and speech are accelerated and inconsistent, which makes it very difficult to trace the connection between the thoughts expressed.

The patient's behavior is also characterized by excessive activity, extravagance, and sometimes depression. Some people in a state of mania are prone to aggression. Their judgments do not correspond to reality, so the patient’s actions may contradict his own interests. Delirium is often observed.

Mania is usually treated with lithium or phenothiazines. In addition, there is often a need to place the patient in a specialized medical facility.

Mania is associated with affective disorders and manic-depressive psychosis.

Mania is a state of mental disorder that is characterized by increased activity, a predominant cheerful mood, daydreaming and delusions, as well as rapid changes in emotions and feelings of loneliness. This condition can last from several days to several weeks and can cause irritability, aggression and erratic behavior.

The causes of mania can be very different: genetic factors, stress, long periods without sleep and rest,