
Mareotitis is a pathological process in the ear that usually occurs due to infections caused by bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms. The disease manifests itself from the first days of infection. The clinical picture can be severe: purulent discharge, pain, hearing loss and other symptoms. Before understanding what mareotites are, it is necessary to explain what types of pathology can arise depending on the location of the pathological foci:

1. External mareotitis is an inflammation of the parotid region, in which the formation of phlegmon is possible - purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and the oral cavity. 2. Pansinusitis - the infection affects the periosteum in the posterior upper wall of the nasal sinus, the main route of infection is the paranasal sinuses. 3. Infections of the bone structures of the head 4. Intrauterine spread with endometritis of purulent etiology. 5. Acute inflammatory process of the gallbladder, pancreas 6. Inflammation of the salivary glands. 7. Infection of the lower lip. 8. Inflammation of the brain.