Markov Symptom

Markov's symptom is a neurological symptom that was described by the Soviet neurologist D. A. Markov in 1943. This symptom is one of the manifestations of spinal cord damage and is used to diagnose various diseases of the nervous system.

Mark's symptom manifests itself in the form of muscle contraction on one side of the body when the patient tries to raise his arm up. In this case, the patient cannot fully raise his arm, since the muscles on the opposite side of the body also contract. This symptom can be caused by various diseases of the nervous system, such as tumors, spinal cord injuries, syphilis, tuberculosis, and other diseases.

To diagnose Markov's symptom, it is necessary to conduct a number of neurological studies, such as electromyography, MRI, CT and others. The patient should also be examined by a neurologist, who can determine the presence of this symptom and prescribe the necessary treatment.

In conclusion, Mark's sign is an important diagnostic sign of various diseases of the nervous system, and its diagnosis should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Dr. Alexander Mikhailovich Markov is a Russian neurologist who has done a lot of work on the development of neurology in our country, including, perhaps, the most famous research among the people - Markov Symptom, or Markovskaya syndrome. This phenomenon is widely used in our daily life and it is associated with the fact that we say "Get up!"

According to the Wikipedia article, Markov Symptom was discovered by Alexander Mikhailovich Markov in 1936