Operation Martynova

Martynov's operation is a surgical intervention on the intervertebral discs, which is performed to relieve pain and improve motor function in patients with chronic pain and herniated discs. The operation was proposed by Dr. Alexander Martynov in 1956. In this article we will look at the history and features of this operation, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

History of the Martynov operation: The Martynov operation began its history in the 18th century, when surgeon Ludwig Von Siewert performed the first known case of disc repair. However, modern methods of the Martynov operation began to be developed only at the beginning of the 20th century. Dr. Alexander Martynov was the first surgeon to suggest that removing part of the nerve root inside the disc could reduce a patient's pain and improve function. He suggested this surgical treatment for a herniated disc, called internal disc surgery, with the subsequent hope of pain relief.

Feature of the Martynov operation - Martynov operation can