Face masks with glycerin and aloe

The origin of glycerin is very simple; it can be extracted from vegetable fats, or through chemical processes it can be synthesized into a liquid of the required concentration and consistency. But in the case of a chemical method for its production, it is extracted using epichlorohydrin, which in turn is a toxic substance, otherwise known as a petroleum product.

Due to its versatility, it is suitable for any skin type, does not cause irritation, and is therefore added to almost all cosmetic creams and masks. But there is one condition when using various skin products containing glycerin: natural glycerin has a more beneficial effect, and not organic glycerin. The main feature of glycerin is the fight against wrinkles and signs of age.

It is very popular nowadays to prepare homemade cosmetics, including anti-aging masks, the components for which can be purchased in pharmacies and other establishments. In turn, these cosmetics are more useful and affordable, which a wider range of women can afford.

Face masks containing glycerin

  1. Glycerin and egg yolk.

It is necessary to separate the yolk, which will all be used in preparing the mask, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin purchased at the pharmacy, mix to the same consistency. Pre-cleanse your face, preferably with thermal water, apply a mask, keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes, then carefully rinse with water at room temperature.

The benefits of this mask are invaluable not only due to the properties of glycerin, but also egg yolk, which nourishes the skin with beneficial vitamins and microelements, the special benefit of one of the vitamins of youth, namely vitamin A, saturating with moisture, does not allow a feeling of tightness to arise, and the presence of lecithin, which nourishes the layers skin.


Glycerin and aloe to moisturize the face.

To prepare this mask, you need quite simple ingredients, namely glycerin and aloe juice, which must be mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. As a result of the viscosity of glycerin, the mixture will not be very liquid, so it must be applied to a previously prepared and cleansed face in a thick layer, hold Leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature, but in no case cold or hot.

The benefits of aloe juice for the face include its skin-soothing properties. It fights skin diseases caused by various factors and irritants, moisturizes the skin, intensively fights the inevitable aging process, smoothes out all wrinkles on the face, and gives the skin a pleasant, well-groomed appearance. If a woman has a problem with age spots, then aloe can fight it, gently whitening the skin.

  1. Glycerin, clay and birch buds for oily skin.

You need to take 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical or personally prepared dried birch buds, pour 100g. dill, boil for 5 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat, let it cool on its own and strain through a strainer. Add 2 tablespoons of green clay to the broth, mix everything thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps. After this, add half a teaspoon of pharmaceutical glycerin and 2 drops of camphor alcohol, previously diluted in water at room temperature. Apply the components of the mask to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

The benefits of the mask can be explained by the beneficial properties of its valuable ingredients. For example, birch buds help heal microcracks and small wounds, treat acne, and smooth out wrinkles. Green clay, which is considered the most useful of all their variety, due to the fact that it perfectly cleanses the skin, slightly dries out oily skin, thereby normalizing, in a natural way, the activity of the sebaceous glands, nourishes the skin with microelements at the cellular level, gives velvety to the skin and creates a feeling of visual well-grooming and youth.


Glycerin, oatmeal and honey to moisturize the skin.

You need to take 3 tablespoons of water, preheated to room temperature, add 1 teaspoon of honey, preferably liquid or melted, also add the same amount of glycerin, mix everything until smooth or beat with a mixer, then add 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal . After mixing everything, apply the mask to your face for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Honey has an invaluable effect on the skin, thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, moisturizes, nourishes with a variety of benefits, whitens freckles, regenerates it, and fights imperfections. Oatmeal is often used to cleanse the face and smooth out wrinkles.

  1. Glycerin, potato, yolk, vegetable oil to nourish mature skin.

First you need to take 1 potato in its skin, boil it, then peel and mash it, wait until it cools down a little. Then add 1 tablespoon of milk at room temperature, the yolk separated from the white, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil - olive, corn, or wheat germ and the same amount of water. After adding all the ingredients, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply to the face for 15 minutes, hold and rinse with water at room temperature.

Mashed potatoes in masks have a lifting effect, rejuvenate the skin and are less aggressive than raw potatoes.

  1. Glycerin, honey, mineral water and gelatin for skin rejuvenation.

Take 4 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 teaspoons of honey, preferably liquid or melted to a liquid consistency, 2 teaspoons of edible gelatin, 4 tablespoons of mineral water. Then mix all the ingredients in one container, bring to a homogeneous mass, so that the gelatin dissolves, put on the fire and stir until completely dissolved. Then add another 4 tablespoons of mineral water, mix everything and pour into a jar, close with a lid for greater sterility. Apply the mask to your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature, then lubricate your face with cream to further nourish and moisturize your facial skin.

The effect of gelatin has a wonderful effect on mature facial skin, smoothes wrinkles and improves blood circulation. Acts as natural collagen, which perfectly penetrates the skin, while improving its elasticity and making it more elastic and youthful.


Glycerin and vitamin E.

For this mask, you need to purchase pharmacy vitamin E capsules, take 10 capsules, squeeze out the contents and mix with 30 g of glycerin, then apply the mixture to your face, hold for 15 minutes and rinse.

Vitamin E is very useful due to its powerful regenerating and rejuvenating properties, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, accelerate recovery processes at the cellular level, and increase its elasticity.

Thanks to its amazing properties, glycerin, which is part of many masks, can work wonders in the field of cosmetology and once again proves that without much expense you can look young, fresh and well-groomed.

When choosing mask recipes to moisturize or cleanse the skin, women bypass anti-aging cosmetics. After all, I sincerely want to believe that it is too early to use such means. But what if the first telltale wrinkles appear on your face, drawing barely noticeable folds near the eyes? A face mask with glycerin will help cope with age-related problems and qualitatively moisturize and cleanse the dermis.


An affordable pharmaceutical product, glycerin is a transparent trihydric alcohol that has neither color nor odor. This drug is used to care for the epidermis, as it moisturizes the skin well. Skeptical cosmetologists never tire of repeating the possible harm of glycerin, claiming that it draws all moisture from the dermis. How to use a pharmaceutical drug correctly so that it provides only benefits?

Unique properties and risks

Many cosmetics contain glycerin. This component is even contained in preparations intended to care for the skin around the eyes, which is highly dry and sensitive. There is nothing surprising. Glycerin is a good humectant. And this is an axiom.

Glycerin is in great demand in anti-aging cosmetics. And if you use colorless alcohol in acceptable doses, taking into account all the rules, then it will bring invaluable benefits to aging skin. Cosmetologists claim that a face mask made of glycerin at home can provide several beneficial effects at once.

  1. Moisturizes the dermis. The triatomic product absorbs (absorbs) moisture from the environment. Penetrating into the cells of the dermis, it releases accumulated moisture, thereby providing good hydration.
  2. Protects the skin. Glycerin reacts chemically with water molecules. This leads to the formation of a thin layer on the face that protects the dermis from pathogenic microorganisms and the aggressive influence of the environment.
  3. Smoothes out wrinkles. Water deficiency in the dermis leads to skin dehydration and early aging. Glycerin, which has the ability to absorb water and release it to cells, perfectly restores hydrobalance in the epidermis and thereby smooths out wrinkles.
  4. Nourishes the skin. The triatomic product ensures the penetration of all the beneficial substances of the mask into the deep layers of the epidermis. The aging dermis receives effective nutrition, making rejuvenation more intense.


4 important rules for using glycerin

A clear liquid can be a good helper on the path to dermal rejuvenation. But if the rules for using glycerin are not followed, then it can cause harm to the skin, causing not only dehydration, but also drying out of the skin, peeling, irritation and the formation of deep wrinkles.

In order for glycerin to bring only benefits to the face and protect the skin from wrinkles and early aging, the following important recommendations must be followed.

  1. Air humidity . The use of glycerin masks is allowed only in a well-humidified room. You can use special humidifiers or a regular spray bottle. Air humidity should not be lower than 60%. You should not turn on the air conditioner, because it dries out the air too much. Cosmetologists recommend making masks in the bathroom. It is in these “apartments” that there is always high humidity.
  2. Glycerol ratio. The drug should not be used on the skin in its pure form. Trihydric alcohol must be diluted with other components: decoctions, various oils, vitamins. The glycerin content in home cosmetics should not exceed 7%, and it is better if it is 5%. To moisturize the dermis as effectively as possible, it is recommended to add additional moisturizers to the mask (aloe, grape pulp, seasonal fruits, berries).
  3. Correct combinations. When making homemade cosmetics, it is important to strictly adhere to the recipe. It is prohibited to deviate from the indicated dosages. Glycerin should not be combined with silicone. Such disturbances can seriously harm the dermis and lead to changes in metabolic reactions.
  4. Contraindications. Cosmetologists advise women with thin, overly sensitive dermis to refrain from glycerin products. It is forbidden to expose the skin to the mask if there is inflammation, burns, wounds, or ulcers.

Anti-aging masks with glycerin

Trihydric alcohol is most often used in the form of masks. The prepared mixtures are applied only to cleansed skin. Cosmetologists recommend initially performing a scrubbing procedure and only then applying a mask. If this is not done, then under the film created by glycerin, all harmful substances from the surface of the dermis will be “drawn” into the deep layers of the epidermis. Below are seven options for preparing anti-aging glycerin cosmetics.



To revitalize the dermis, provide it with well-groomed, toned and high-quality cell nutrition, a mask combining glycerin, cream, lemon and yolk is recommended. After the first procedure, the face acquires elasticity and natural smoothness.

  1. Yolk - one.
  2. Glycerin - one teaspoon.
  3. Lemon juice - one teaspoon.
  4. Homemade cream (high fat content) - one teaspoon.
  1. Combine glycerin with homemade cream and lemon juice.
  2. Beat the egg yolk a little in a separate bowl.
  3. Then add the beaten yolk into the glycerin mixture.

Cream mask

It will saturate the skin with useful substances and moisturize it. Glycerin face cream, created with your own hands, will reduce the number of wrinkles and restore the natural color of the skin. It will protect the dermis well from harmful ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.

  1. Glycerin - one teaspoon.
  2. Lemon extract - ten drops.
  3. Shea butter - ten grams.
  1. Nutrient oil, which has a solid consistency, must first be melted. To do this, place it in a container and place it in a water bath for several minutes. As soon as it melts, the mixture is immediately removed from the stove.
  2. Add trihydric alcohol to the liquid oil and mix well.
  3. Lemon extract is added last.



In anti-aging home cosmetics, a special place is occupied by a face mask with honey and glycerin. This combination, supported by oatmeal, saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals. The product allows you to lighten age spots, whiten the dermis, and eliminate unevenness. Honey, a well-known leader in the fight for youthful skin, triggers the production of collagen cells in the epidermis. And oatmeal provides mechanical smoothing of wrinkles.

  1. Water - three tablespoons.
  2. Glycerin - one teaspoon.
  3. Oatmeal (pre-chopped) - one teaspoon.
  4. Liquid honey - one teaspoon.
  1. Add honey to warm water and stir the mixture.
  2. Glycerin is poured into the liquid mixture. The product must be stirred until smooth. You can beat the mass with a mixer.
  3. Add chopped oatmeal to the resulting mixture and mix well.



A mask with glycerin and vitamin E has strong anti-aging properties, which successfully eliminates wrinkles and restores sagging, aging skin. Tocopherol, better known as vitamin E, causes the dermis to renew itself at the cellular level. It promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, triggers powerful tissue regeneration and accelerates the restoration of aging dermis.

  1. Tocopherol (in ampoules) - six drops.
  2. Glycerin - one tablespoon.
  3. Cream (20% fat) - one teaspoon.
  4. Parsley juice (freshly squeezed) - one teaspoon.
  1. Trihydric alcohol is combined with vitamin E.
  2. Heavy cream is added to the mixture.
  3. A bunch of parsley is chopped in a food processor. You can add the whole green pulp or just the squeezed juice into the mask.



This is a more complex recipe for anti-aging cosmetics. Such glycerin face masks, carried out in a full course, will effectively get rid of wrinkles, stop the aging process of the dermis, deeply moisturize and provide powerful nutrition to the tissues.

  1. Dried chamomile flowers - one teaspoon.
  2. Boiling water - half a glass.
  3. Glycerin - one tablespoon.
  4. Vitamin E - 10 mg.
  5. Vitamin A - 10 mg.
  6. Camphor oil - two drops.
  7. Castor oil - two drops.
  1. Chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water and, tightly closing the container with a lid, leave the product to infuse for half an hour. Then filter the infusion.
  2. You will need 35 ml of chamomile drink. Glycerin is added to it.
  3. Vitamins are added to the mixture.
  4. Then castor and camphor oils are added. Gently mix all components.


With a lifting effect

To effectively tighten the skin, it is recommended to add gelatin to glycerin. The mask will moisturize the skin well, give it youth, and restore dull, fading skin.

  1. Gelatin - three teaspoons.
  2. Low-fat kefir (for oily dermis) - three tablespoons.
  3. Milk (for normal skin) - three tablespoons.
  4. Cream (for dry epidermis) - three tablespoons.
  5. Glycerin - three teaspoons.
  6. Liquid honey - three teaspoons.
  1. Gelatin is diluted with kefir, milk or cream. The mixture is left for ten minutes to swell.
  2. Then the container with the diluted gelatin is placed in a water bath and heated a little until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Glycerin is added to the viscous gelatin mixture and honey is added.


The combination of aloe with glycerin, as reviews show, helps to cope with skin irritations, intensively moisturize the dermis, and restore its radiant appearance. The mask effectively eliminates signs of aging and helps smooth out fine wrinkles. Aloe gives the mixture a soothing effect, gently whitens the dermis and eliminates age spots.

  1. Aloe juice - two tablespoons.
  2. Glycerin - one tablespoon.
  1. Glycerin is added to the juice of the medicinal plant.
  2. The mixture is mixed well.

A glycerin face mask, which is made taking into account all the recommendations, can work real miracles. It will give you freshness, youth and well-groomed appearance without any special expenses. As of April 2017, a bottle containing 25 g of the product costs an average of 20 rubles in a pharmacy.


“This is WOW!” - reviews of homemade glycerin cosmetics

I've been really enjoying making clay masks with glycerin (no oil) lately. I dilute the clay with a decoction, for example, and add 1-2 ml of glycerin. The skin does not dry out, the clay dries on the face longer (and I like the cleansing effect).

I was afraid of glycerin for a long time, because a long time ago I tried to apply it in its pure form to my hands. And the result was sad: the skin became somewhat parchment-like, literally immediately. But now I use it in a concentration of 3-5% in both creams and masks. I really like the result. It is especially clearly visible after masks - it really moisturizes.

I read about the benefits of vitamin E in combination with glycerin and decided to try it, WOW. The effect is amazing. I was worried about the wrinkle between the eyebrows, I’m 32 years old and I thought that was it for the rest of my life..... Literally a week of using this composition, the result was obvious. The wrinkle smoothes out before your eyes. Incredible. I will continue to use it in the future. I tried so many creams... different ones, to no avail... I began to think about injections. But, fortunately, I found a remedy that is not expensive and precious for me personally.

Not long ago I tried a face mask with glycerin. And to my surprise, the effect was great. It is done very simply, we buy 25 ml glycerin and 10 capsules of vitamin E at the pharmacy. We pierce the capsules and squeeze them into glycerin. An hour before bedtime, apply to cleansed facial skin. After an hour, wipe with a napkin. Wash your face in the morning. The skin becomes velvety, symptoms of fatigue disappear and complexion evens out. The result is visible after just a few sessions.

Time-tested recipes have been preserved in family herbalists and medical books for a reason. Discovered in the 18th century, glycerin is still successfully used to rejuvenate and improve skin properties with the help of face masks.

What are the benefits of glycerin for the face?

A transparent thick liquid, which can be purchased for pennies at any pharmacy, is included in the recipes of the most expensive and modern face creams. The pronounced moisturizing effect of glycerin has been used in masks for decades.

Despite the development of cosmetology and the emergence of new components and formulations, it retains its popularity and place on shelves with cosmetics.

The substance is a trihydric alcohol, but it should not be confused with ordinary medicinal alcohol. This much more complex compound has the following properties:

  1. Instantly collects all the water that is around and releases it to nourish and moisturize tissues.
  2. Smoothes the skin, evens out wrinkles, moisturizes and gives a well-groomed appearance.
  3. The structure of glycerin allows it to easily penetrate deep into tissues. This property helps deliver nutrients inside.
  4. Fills uneven areas and covers minor damage with a protective film, allowing them to heal faster.
  5. Fights flaking.
  6. In the cold season, it provides protection from frost and cold wind.
  7. Some types of dermatitis can be alleviated or cured with glycerin (only under the supervision of a physician!).
  8. Moisturizing properties cause growth and improve the functioning of capillaries in the epidermis layer, the supply of nutrients from the inside improves, and the active production of collagen and elastin is launched.
  9. After restoring the balance of natural moisture, the skin takes on a fresh look, a healthy complexion returns and many minor problems disappear as if by themselves.

These properties of glycerin have even been used in shower and wash products to avoid drying.

If the skin has been left without moisture for a long time, it becomes sensitive to the effects of the environment, reacts to the slightest irritant with rashes and inflammation, the sweat and sebaceous glands work with increased load, trying to compensate for the damage.

Indications for use

The use of glycerin is especially effective in the following cases:

  1. dry skin, prone to peeling, irritation and cracking;
  2. the time of year when the face is prone to dryness and chapping: winter periods of cold weather, temperature changes, wind, bright sun;
  3. age;
  4. the presence of pimples, wounds, blackheads on the face.

A large amount of moisture helps retain dissolved nutrients in the layers of the epidermis. Metabolic processes are activated, regeneration processes are launched, collagen growth occurs, compaction and alignment occurs, minor defects disappear.

The nuances of applying glycerin

Glycerin cannot be applied in its pure form. Its ability to absorb all the moisture will work to the detriment of the health and beauty of the face: all the moisture will be drawn out, and all beauty will literally fade.

The properties of the substance must be taken into account during preparation and application of the mask.

The amount of glycerin should not exceed 7-10% by weight of all components. The optimal concentration is 5%.

The mask recipe should contain additional moisturizing and nourishing ingredients: aloe vera gel, fruit juice, egg yolk, and so on.

The air humidity in the room where the procedures are carried out should be quite high. The ideal place is a bathhouse, a bathroom. In a dry room, the mask will draw out all available moisture from the skin and subcutaneous layers.

Before use, the bottle is diluted twice with clean water or a herbal decoction of the required effect.

Compositions and mixtures of homemade cosmetics with a glycerin component are stored well, so excess can be stored in a jar with a tightly screwed lid until next use.

Homemade mask recipes

Glycerin has been used in home cosmetics for centuries; recipes using it are passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters. Due to their ability to collect moisture, masks do not dry out, so they can be applied in a thin layer. It has a long shelf life, so masks can be prepared for multiple uses, saving time and budget.