Masks for cleansing and tightening pores


One of the most common cosmetic problems in women is enlarged skin pores. Enlarged pores can be caused by various reasons: genetic predisposition, skin aging, improper care, ecology, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome this problem, and there are several effective recipes on how to do this. But before that, let's take a closer look at the causes of enlarged pores.

Why do facial pores expand?

Pores are ducts through which sebum passes, performing a protective function. Disruption of the sebaceous glands leads to enlarged pores. Enlarged pores not only give the skin an unsightly and unkempt appearance, but also contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which, in turn, causes the formation of inflammation, pimples and blackheads.

In fact, there may be many reasons why enlarged pores may occur, but let's focus on the most basic:
1. Excessive secretion of sebum, which occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body. Very often, this problem worries women in adulthood or during hormonal maturation.
2. Improper skin care, which includes: incorrectly selected cosmetics, irregular skin care, use of aggressive cosmetics, and, of course, poor nutrition and bad habits, especially smoking.
3. Prolonged exposure to the sun or abuse of tanning beds. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin, disrupts the production of collagen, as a result of which the skin does not have time to renew itself and the pores expand.

Thus, to prevent the enlargement of pores, it is necessary to regularly take care of your skin, adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition, and always use a cream with UV protection in the summer when going outside.

How to reduce pores on your face?

In order to reduce pores on the face, cosmetologists recommend several effective methods:
- firstly, peeling. As a result of peeling, the skin epithelium is cleansed, obsolete cells are removed, the surface is leveled, thus the skin is renewed. Peeling promotes the removal of the stratum corneum and rapid cell regeneration. A variety of scrubs are suitable for deep cleansing the skin at home;
- secondly, steam baths. Steam is one of the best ways to control pore size. Once a week or ten days (depending on your skin type), steam your skin for a few minutes, then apply a cleansing mask. A steam bath will open the pores, remove dirt and remove excess fat;
— thirdly, masks. In home cosmetology, there are many recipes for masks for narrowing pores, which perfectly cleanse the skin, dry it, get rid of oily sheen and renew the skin. Let’s take a closer look at these masks.

Masks for narrowing pores on the face at home

To improve the condition of the skin, reduce pores and cleanse the skin, cosmetologists recommend regularly using special products that have a narrowing effect. With their help, you can get rid of inflammation and rashes, remove oily shine, narrow large pores, and prevent the appearance of pimples and blackheads. The best and most effective means for cleansing and tightening pores are clay masks. Before applying this or that mask, you need to prepare the skin: exfoliate, wipe your face with a cleansing lotion or tonic, take a steam bath, etc. This way, the ingredients of the mask will penetrate deeper into the pores and be able to have maximum effect.

Fruit and lactic acids, which are contained, respectively, in fruits and vegetables, for example, lemon, strawberries, grapes, cabbage, cucumber, and lactic acid products - sour cream, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, also perfectly combat enlarged pores.

Clay mask

Clay masks are an excellent way to cleanse and tighten skin pores. Such masks carefully cleanse the skin of various types of “clogs,” restore the natural complexion, and give it a well-groomed, fresh and healthy appearance.
At home, white cosmetic clay is suitable as a cleanser. Take 1 tbsp. Dilute kaolin (clay) with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and then add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the skin in a thick layer and hold until completely dry. Rinse off the mask with cool water.
A clay mask is suitable for all women with oily, combination or normal skin types.

Honey mask for tightening pores with gelatin

To tighten pores and cleanse the skin of blackheads, you can use a gelatin-based mask with the addition of honey. This film mask “pushes out” all impurities, honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin, gelatin makes it firm, elastic and youthful.

For preparation, you will need: honey – 2 tsp, gelatin – 2 tsp, glycerin – 4 tsp, water – 4 tsp. Dilute the gelatin with water, let it brew a little and bring to a homogeneous mass in a water bath (do not boil.). Add the remaining ingredients to the warm gelatin mass. Apply the mask to the skin in several layers. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask using a cotton swab dipped in cool water.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is a universal remedy for cleansing and tightening pores for all skin types. Masks prepared on the basis of oatmeal, in addition to cleansing, perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, eliminate oily shine, give it a matte appearance, and also fight fine wrinkles. To prepare a recipe for narrowing and cleansing pores from oatmeal, you need:
Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to a powder consistency, take 3 tbsp. of this flour and add 1 tsp. baking soda. Dilute the dry ingredients with a little water to form a paste. Apply the mask to the skin with massaging movements. Leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Egg mask

An egg white mask will help clear the skin of acne, comedones, inflammation, dry out oily skin and tighten pores. To prepare this remedy, take two chilled egg whites, beat until stiff, and then add 1 tsp. lemon juice. The mask should be applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes and rinsed off with cool water.

Masks for narrowing pores with honey

Honey masks for narrowing pores are universal and are perfect for any skin type, provided that you are not allergic to it. A mask made from natural honey produces an unsurpassed cleansing effect, but when applying it, you must strictly follow the recommendations.
So, the simplest mask for narrowing pores with honey is done like this:

— apply warm liquid honey to the skin, strictly along the massage lines, with patting movements;
— then we continue patting the skin with our fingers until the honey turns white and your fingers stop sticking to it. As a rule, the time of such a massage is 20-25 minutes.

This product perfectly cleanses the skin, draws out impurities and tightens pores. It is necessary to carry out 10 such procedures every other day.

Another great remedy for narrowing pores based on honey is this home recipe:

  1. prepare a herbal infusion of chamomile, elderberry and linden. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 30-45 minutes;
  2. take the decoction and add 1 tbsp to it. honey and oatmeal. Stir until the consistency of a thick cream, if necessary, add flour;
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin in a thick layer, and after 20-25 minutes wash it off.

Such herbal masks have a gentle effect, cleanse the skin, normalize the production of sebaceous glands, smooth out wrinkles, and give the skin firmness and elasticity.

Pore ​​cleansing masks


Unfortunately, our skin, under the influence of many factors - poor care, poor nutrition, poor environment, becomes “polluted”, blackheads and pimples appear on it, the skin loses moisture, becomes flabby, stale, tired. And in order to give our skin the opportunity to “breathe” normally, it is necessary to regularly cleanse it - a procedure as a result of which old epidermal cells are removed, and skin cells are renewed and restored.
Home cleansing procedures can be an excellent alternative to salon products, and, moreover, are much cheaper than the latter.

IMPORTANT! Before cleansing your skin at home, make sure that there are no visible wounds, scratches, deep or long-standing inflammations, because in this case, you can further damage the skin and aggravate cosmetic imperfections.

As a rule, the following ingredients are used to prepare cleansing homemade masks:

  1. cereals;
  2. cosmetic clay;
  3. egg white;
  4. herbal infusions;
  5. fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Mask for cleaning pores with gelatin

A mask with gelatin and charcoal is most effective if the pores on the skin are very clogged and there are many blackheads. This product is applied exclusively to problem areas, in several layers, and then removed in one movement, according to the principle of cleansing strips.

To prepare a pore cleansing mask with gelatin, take:
Mix 1 tablet of activated carbon and 1 tbsp. gelatin, fill it all with 2 tbsp. warm milk. In a water bath or microwave, bring the mixture until smooth. Apply the mask until completely dry. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with lotion or tonic, and then apply cream.

Face mask for narrowing pores

One of the main problems of oily skin is enlarged pores, the contamination of which most often causes inflammation, acne, and comedones. Homemade masks for narrowing pores, which have a tightening effect, will help to effectively cope with this deficiency. But before applying this kind of product, you need to carefully prepare the skin: thoroughly clean it with a scrub, make a steam bath or hot compress. Then you can apply the prepared mask.

One of these universal masks - This is an oatmeal mask. It is suitable for all skin types, for any age, and does not cause allergies. Take some oatmeal and pour warm water over it. Let it brew, then apply the resulting “cake” to the skin, let the product dry completely. Rinse off with cool water.

Girls face the problem of enlarged pores starting from adolescence. During puberty, increased production of sebaceous secretion occurs. If you do not take proper care of your facial skin, the pores become clogged with particles of dust, dirt, and sebum. The holes in the epidermis expand in the form of a funnel. A rash of black and white acne appears on the face.

Skin with increased secretion of sebaceous secretions retains fluid and prevents tissue dehydration. Sebum protects the epidermis from exposure to strong winds and cold air temperatures, and creates a protective barrier against ultraviolet radiation. With regular proper care of the epidermis, sebum production is normalized, the skin looks toned, young, without the formation of folds or facial wrinkles.


Why do enlarged pores appear on oily and dry skin?

It is a mistake to believe that enlarged pores can only form on skin with a high content of sebaceous secretions. Improper facial care and the use of poor quality cosmetics lead to dehydration of the epidermis. The production of elastin and collagen slows down, the natural metabolic processes of the epidermis decrease, and “holes” form on dry skin.

Causes of enlarged pores:

Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type;
Neglecting makeup remover before bed;
Genetic factor;
Irrational use of cosmetics containing alcohol;
Errors in nutrition;
Increased body mass index;
Alcohol, nicotine addiction;
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
Hormonal disbalance;
Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.


In addition to the main reasons for the occurrence of holes in the epidermis, there are secondary factors for the occurrence of enlarged pores.

It is not recommended to use raw tap water to wash your face; dry your face with a hard towel. Violation of the water and drinking regime also causes dehydration of the epidermis.

How to solve the problem of enlarged pores

Oily skin

There are three options to approach the problem:

Get laser or chemical resurfacing of your facial skin at a beauty salon.
Use industrial products to clean pores.
Use folk recipes and prepare your own preparations:

Cleansing the skin with peeling
Using masks with hyaluronic acid.
Deep mechanical, chemical facial cleansing.
Face massage. Helps remove epidermal particles. It is recommended to do facial massage in courses (10 sessions).

Modern salons offer a wide range of services to improve facial contours, straighten facial folds, and narrow pores. This option is not suitable for women with low incomes. Procedures to reduce the porous structures of the epidermis are carried out in a complex, in courses. Requires large financial costs.


Ready-made industrial products, cleansing masks, lotions, tonics, and scrubs are available for sale. Poor quality products and improper preparation technology can cause an allergic reaction, weaken the immune system, and negatively affect the epidermis. When choosing a cosmetic product for the epidermis with a high sebum content, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

Home remedies prepared independently according to folk recipes have a guaranteed effect. With regular use, the pores become smaller and the skin becomes matte.

Dry skin

Pores on dry skin become smaller after regular use of alcohol-free cleansing toners. Beauty salons offer the following procedures for skin restoration:

Masks for cleansing the pores of dry skin.
Physiotherapy (cold treatment).
Exposure of dry skin to high frequency currents (Darsonvalization).

Tips from cosmetologists

Regardless of the chosen method of solving the problem, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of using natural cosmetics. Correct use of cosmetics guarantees a positive effect - narrowing of pores.

Before using an industrial product, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the ingredients. Some natural elements can cause redness, itching, and dry skin.
It is recommended to use a mask that narrows pores, taking into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis and the presence of contraindications.
To remove mask remnants, cosmetologists advise using infusions based on medicinal herbs. You can replace the broth with water, after boiling it for five minutes.
For safety, it is recommended to use a solution to remove the mask at a temperature of no more than 250C.
After completing the cleansing procedure and tightening the pores, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the face.


Result of cleansing masks

Cleansing the pores of the epidermis from skin secretions, epidermal scales, and dust.
The effect of mask ingredients on the deep layers of the skin.
Improving oxygen exchange between epidermal cells.
Skin moisturizing.
Narrowing of pores.
Metabolic processes and tissue nutrition increase.
Improves complexion.

Preparatory stage before applying the mask at home

Face cleansing masks are applied only to prepared skin. If you apply cosmetics to dirty skin, you can not only get the opposite effect, but also worsen the original condition of the epidermis.

It is recommended to select free time in advance for the pore cleansing procedure. You can’t make cleansing masks before going outside, at night.

Use a clean swab moistened with lotion to remove make-up from your face.
Rinse skin with warm boiled water.
Apply a warm compress to your face. Clogged pores will be easier to clean if you remove the oily film from the surface of the skin. For compresses, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Natural cosmetics for the face: simple recipes for enlarged pores

How to clean pores yourself at home? Facial cleansing can be done with lactic and fruit acids (fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits).

1. Serum mask to cleanse the epidermis

The only ingredient in the mask is serum.

After morning hygiene procedures, apply the serum to damp skin.
Using circular massaging movements, distribute the composition over the entire surface of the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
Allow the serum to absorb into the skin.
Remove any remaining product from the face three minutes after application.

The mask is not recommended for use by women with sensitive skin prone to redness.


2. Mask for narrowing pores (anti-acne)

Egg white dries the epidermis, smoothes the skin, and tightens pores. It is not recommended for use with reduced sebaceous secretion.

Separate the white from the yolk.
Using a clean, flat brush, apply the white to the face, excluding the upper and lower eyelids.
After the first layer has dried, apply the protein a second time.
Remove the mask with warm water after 15 minutes.

It is not recommended to talk during the procedure. The mask can be used as a preparatory step for applying daytime and evening makeup.

3. Oatmeal mask for oily skin

To prepare a remedy for enlarged pores, it is recommended to use finely ground flakes.

Pour 50 g of flakes into a glass container.
Pour hot water over the cereal.
After fifteen minutes, stir the mixture until smooth.
Apply the product to a clean, dry face, excluding the upper lip area.
Cover the mask with a thin layer of gauze.

The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Oatmeal should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream should be applied. Suitable for women with combination skin.


4. Cleansing pores with white clay

Enlarged pores on the skin of the face noticeably narrow after the first use of a cosmetic product.

White clay – 60 g
Lemon juice – half a teaspoon
Water – 50 ml
Honey – 30 g

How to cook:

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a separate container.
Mix clay with water until smooth.
Add lemon juice and honey to the mixture
Mix the ingredients with a wooden stick.
Apply the product to clean skin, avoiding the upper lip and eyelids.
Remove masks after fifteen minutes.

5. Gelatin mask for facial pores for dry skin

Honey – 30 g
Gelatin – 25 g
Glycerin oil – 40 ml
Chamomile decoction – 30 ml

Cooking technique:

Make a decoction of chamomile.
Dilute gelatin powder with chamomile infusion.
Place the mixture in a water bath, stirring the mixture periodically with a wooden stick.
Add the remaining ingredients to the prepared gelatin mixture and mix everything.
Cool the solution to a temperature of 250C.
Using a brush, apply the mask to the face, excluding the nasolabial triangle and eyelids.
The procedure time is half an hour.

It is recommended to apply the cosmetic product in two layers. After the time has passed, remove the remaining drug with a cotton pad soaked in cold water.


6. Honey massage to cleanse the face of enlarged pores

It is recommended to use flower honey for the procedure. Honey mask is suitable for all skin types.

Melt 30 g of honey in a water bath.
Cool the honey composition.
Apply a small amount of honey to your forehead, cheeks, and chin.
Using your fingers, make patting movements along the cosmetic lines, moving from the center to the periphery (do not touch the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids).
After fifteen minutes, a white coating forms on the skin.

To remove honey from the face, it is recommended to use a clean piece of gauze soaked in cold boiled water. The procedure must be carried out ten times, once every two days. After the massage, deep cleaning of the pores occurs, the gaps in the epidermis are tightened, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and toned.


7. Rosemary mask for oily skin against enlarged pores, acne, boils

Water – 1 glass
Rosemary – 1 sprig
Ground black pepper – 20 g
Apple cider vinegar – 50 ml


Pour water into a container and put it on fire.
After boiling, add pepper and rosemary to the water; reduce heat on the stove.
Boil the solution until the composition is reduced by half.
Allow the mixture to cool to thirty degrees.
Add vinegar.

It is recommended to use the mask before going to bed after hygiene procedures. The exposure time on the skin is 8 hours. In the morning, wash off the mask with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Medical preparations for making masks

Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin is used at elevated temperatures as a pain reliever. Acetylsalicylic acid can also be used as the main ingredient in preparing a mask for skin with wide pores.

Who should not use masks with aspirin?

During pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Individual intolerance.
Microcracks in facial skin.
With excessive peeling of the top layer of skin.
Respiratory tract diseases.

Acetylsalicylic acid should not be used after sunbathing.


The nuances of preparing a mask:

Tablet forms of the drug are used as the main ingredient.
The effect of the medication occurs within three hours after applying the mask.
Acetylsalicylic acid enhances the effects of sunlight. After using a mask with aspirin in the summer, it is recommended to apply sunscreen.
When using aspirin in a course, it is recommended to adjust the composition before each use.

How to cook:

Acetylsalicylic acid – two tablets
Sea salt without additives – 30 g
Flower honey – 15 g

Mix the ingredients and immediately apply to the surface of the skin. Use your fingers to make several massage movements without touching the skin around the eyes. After a few minutes, remove any remaining product with boiled water.


How to get rid of blackheads using activated carbon

Attention: it is strictly forbidden to use charcoal after mechanical cleansing of the face.

Technique for preparing and applying cosmetics:

Grind five charcoal tablets in a glass container to a powdery state.
Add warm milk to the coal.
Stir the mixture until it becomes a homogeneous thick paste.
Apply a charcoal mask to steamed skin.
Use your fingers to massage your forehead, cheeks, and chin.
Leave the product on for fifteen minutes
Wash off the mask as usual.

How to care for your skin after using masks

To ensure that the effect of the mask lasts for a long time, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

Avoid using cosmetics based on mineral oils. The film formed after using such cosmetics disrupts metabolic processes in the epidermis and clogs pores.
It is not recommended to use oily face creams.
When applying makeup, it is recommended to use light base foundations.


Enlarged pores are one of the widespread problems among those with normal or oily skin types. But in addition to the unaesthetic appearance, this problem can cause inflammation of the pores, and, consequently, the appearance of acne and blackheads. For the most part, skin condition depends on genetics, which is impossible to argue with. But it can be improved through proper care and a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of enlarged pores

Most often, oily facial skin suffers from this defect, mainly the T-zone (forehead, wings of the nose and chin), and a little less often - the cheeks. The fact is that pores are designed to remove sebum from the body, and if too much of it is produced and the skin tone is weakened, they quickly increase in size. Wide pores are easily clogged with dirt, sebum accumulates in their trunks, comedones, inflamed pimples, etc. appear.

There are essentially two main reasons why this can happen: genetics and age.

There are many more provoking factors:

  1. presence of bad habits;
  2. use of cosmetics of inadequate quality;
  3. hormonal changes in the body;
  4. unhealthy lifestyle and constant stress;
  5. impaired metabolism;
  6. insufficient skin care.

Skin care rules

Most causes can be dealt with quickly, but careful skin care is still necessary. Therefore, for the epidermis with enlarged pores, there are its own rules for complete care. The main condition for good care of such skin is to prevent inflammation. Therefore, the following manipulations are used as preventive measures:

  1. regular cleansing and use of non-traumatic peeling every other day;
  2. complete make-up removal every evening;
  3. Use warm or cool water to wash your face; do not steam such skin;
  4. Ice cubes that can be used to wipe your face can be an excellent help for tightening pores;
  5. To improve skin quality, you should also use cosmetics with zinc.


The use of pigment-constricting masks

For high-quality skin care with enlarged pores, it is important not only to choose the right composition of the product, but also to follow the recommendations without fail. Otherwise, instead of a positive and desired result, you may end up with problems with the skin:

  1. maski-dlya-ochisheniya-i-vdPuSW.webp

    It is better to use this mask no more than three times a week.
  2. You should not keep the mixture longer than the prescribed time, which usually takes a quarter of an hour.
  3. Apply the product to well-cleaned skin from bottom to top.
  4. During the procedure, it is advisable to lie down and relax.
  5. You need to rinse off with warm water, and then apply your usual moisturizer to the skin.

Masks for narrowing pores

Enlarged pores require special care to avoid worsening the problem. And home remedies are an excellent alternative to salon treatments.

There are many home-made pigment-reducing masks that will help reduce the oiliness of the epidermis, get rid of acne and improve the quality of the skin.

Pore-tightening face masks can be made from a variety of commonly available and healthy ingredients to suit every taste.

Egg white

Chicken egg white is an excellent element for creating a pore-tightening mask at home. This ingredient not only reduces the main problem, but also improves the overall appearance of the epidermis and even helps smooth out expression lines. There are several options for using egg whites..

  1. Chop plantain leaves. Beat the egg white thoroughly and mix with the chopped plantain. Gently apply this mixture to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour.

  2. maski-dlya-ochisheniya-i-wIxqS.webp

    Beat the cooled egg white and carefully combine with a tablespoon of lemon juice. This mask for tightening pores at home will give excellent results, and as a bonus it will help lighten your skin a little.
  3. Another great home remedy is a protein mixture with a tablespoon of honey and a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil. This composition not only reduces pores, but also helps cope with inflammation on the epidermis.


One of the most used ingredients in cosmetology is clay. It can smooth out wrinkles, eliminate blackheads and pimples.


A clay mask for tightening pores does not require any complex manipulations. You should take 40 grams of powder, mix with warm water until creamy and combine with a couple of drops of fennel oil and half a teaspoon of glycerin. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

If you mix blue clay, a tablespoon of honey and cucumber juice, you will get an excellent mask that tightens pores and gives the skin a pleasant matte finish.

Fruit masks

You can also use fruit to prepare a pigment mask at home. There are many recipes, so choosing the right option will not be difficult:

  1. Grind the banana until smooth. Add to it a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice, as well as oil from one capsule of vitamin A. This mask will nourish the epidermis well and help reduce pores.
  2. Squeeze 50 ml of pear juice and mix with 50 grams of potato starch. To enhance the pore tightening effect, you can apply a few drops of lemon essential oil. An additional result of the mask will be the inner glow of the skin.

  3. maski-dlya-ochisheniya-i-ddraiaH.webp

    For another option for a mask to narrow pores on the face, take a finely grated cucumber and mix it with mashed avocado. If you are not allergic, you can add 20 grams of lemon juice for better results. This mask deeply nourishes the skin, improves complexion and perfectly tightens pores.
  4. For a mask that tightens pores, you can also use exotic fruits, such as papaya. Mash its pulp thoroughly and mix with starch, honey and pineapple juice. Papaya is a real storehouse of enzymes that exfoliate dead skin cells. This mask has the properties of deep cleansing pores, which helps to reduce them.
  5. You can also prepare a pigment-constricting film mask at home from gelatin. Pour 10 grams of gelatin with milk and leave to swell. Then heat the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved and let cool slightly. Apply to the face in two layers with a short break. The frozen mask can be easily removed, like a film.

Oat based

Oatmeal is a versatile ingredient. Products based on them have excellent nutritional properties, smooth out wrinkles, tighten pores and remove oily shine.

  1. maski-dlya-ochisheniya-i-MJkwp.webp

    Grind a large spoonful of oatmeal into flour and mix it with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Add liquid honey to the mixture and mix well. This mask perfectly tones and nourishes the epidermis. The set of ingredients is perfectly selected, so it is suitable for all skin types. Provided there is no individual intolerance.
  2. Combine one tablespoon of chopped oatmeal with the zest of one lemon and one chicken egg. If the mass turns out to be liquid, you can add a little more oatmeal. This product should be kept on the face for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinsed off with warm water. It will not only help reduce the pores on your face, but will also lighten your skin a little.

Thus, there are many skincare masks for tightening enlarged pores at home. All that remains is to choose the main ingredient to your liking.

Reviews of skin care masks

I have been fighting enlarged pores for many years now. I tried a huge number of products. And now I have found the ideal mask for cleansing and tightening pores. Gelatin with milk just perfectly copes with these problems in two ways. After the mask, the face becomes clean and fresh. Be sure to apply your regular moisturizer.

I really like the effect of egg white on the skin. I just use it without lemon. And if there is no time to fully make a mask, then I use the remains of the protein on the shell during the cooking process. It seems to me that the protein works 100%.

I love making masks with clay. I use everything: white, blue, pink, green. It perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores, and white even helps remove blackheads. The only thing I don’t use is black clay, because, on the contrary, pimples appear on it.