Anti-aging hand masks after 50


By the appearance of a woman's hands, one can tell about her well-groomed appearance. If the skin of a woman’s hands is smooth, velvety, her nails are well-groomed, one cannot help but notice this peculiar beauty. It is difficult to imagine in our time a representative of the fair sex with untidy hands; it seems that now this is nonsense.

But what to do when wrinkles appear on the skin of your hands at the age of 40? The most important thing is not to despair and direct all your efforts to anti-aging procedures. Of course, visiting beauty salons is not affordable for everyone, but you can also find a solution to this problem at home. With the help of homemade masks you can achieve amazing and quick results.

How to achieve quick results


To achieve a quick anti-aging effect, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort, time and money on it. Everything you need to make masks can be found in your refrigerator. To prepare the product, a few ingredients will be enough, and, as a rule, after just a few sessions you will notice an amazing result.

But in order for the result to exceed all expectations, it is necessary to follow all the rules for preparing masks at home, the rules for applying them to your hands, and most importantly, bring hand care into the system. Before applying the mask, you need to prepare your hands for the session. Before each mask, it is best to use special baths.

Baths before applying the mask

Before applying the mask, you must thoroughly prepare your hands. The preparation is simple. A soothing bath will be a useful preparatory step. You can prepare a bath, like a mask, yourself at home:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-wffCNe.webp

    Herbal bath recipe. Take 1 teaspoon each of linden, chamomile, St. John's wort and nettle. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over the herb collection. Simmer the herbal decoction in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth; it is better to fold it 4 times. The strained broth should be brought to a volume of 1 liter. That is, add water to it until you get 1 liter. Immerse your hands in the prepared broth and hold for 10 minutes.
  2. Flax seed bath. It will require 3 tsp. flax seed and 5 drops of essential oil. Preparation: add flax seed to water and bring to a boil over low heat. Then strain it and grind it in a mortar. Pour the previously decanted broth into the resulting slurry and boil everything again. The container in which the flax is located should be wrapped in a towel and left like that for half an hour. After half an hour, open the container and cool to a comfortable temperature. Steam your hands in the resulting mixture for 10-15 minutes.

Using a bath before applying the mask helps to improve the effect of the mask on the skin. You can choose the bath that you like best, you can alternate them each time - this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that its use should be regular. Now your hands are ready for the next step.

5 rules for applying masks

In order for the mask to give the expected effect, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions for its preparation and subsequent application to the hands. If everything is done correctly, the procedure itself should be pleasant.

Rules for preparing and applying anti-aging masks:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-ZSSXtV.webp

    For the best effectiveness of the mask, it should be done in the evening; some are applied even overnight. This is explained by the fact that at this time the skin rests and is in a relaxed state. You can expect a positive result from the mask if you follow it in a course, namely, apply it more than once, but do it regularly.
  2. Before using the mask, you must first wash your hands, then apply the bath.
  3. After the bath, hands must first be dried. They must be completely dry.
  4. Before applying the mask, lightly massage your hands to improve blood circulation.
  5. Keep the mask on your hands for at least 30-40 minutes so that it is absorbed; it is not recommended to wash it off before this time.
  6. Some anti-aging masks need to be left on overnight, in which case you need to wear cotton gloves on your hands.
  7. Rinse the mask off your hands only using warm water.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

These rules should always be remembered, but there is additional hand care, for example, in winter.

Features of skin care in winter

There will be little benefit from baths and anti-aging masks if you don’t take additional care of your hands in winter. Basic tips for caring for your hands in winter:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-lJPOK.webp

    You can’t wash with hot water not only in winter, but in general. Hot water causes the skin to dry out.
  2. Never wash your hands with antibacterial soap. It dries out the skin.
  3. Every time after washing, you need to lubricate them with nourishing cream and do a short massage. The massage movements should be something like this: each finger is massaged, as if a ring is being removed from a finger. Next comes the movement, as if gloves are straightening.
  4. All housework must be done only with rubber gloves. Before putting them on, you need to lubricate the skin of your hands with a cream that contains silicone.
  5. In cold or windy weather, always wear mittens or gloves.
  6. Introduce a hand care rule using nourishing and rejuvenating masks.

Hand skin rejuvenation at home

After any mask, your hands feel great, so after doing the procedure once and twice, you may not even notice how it has already become a habit. In this case, you cannot stop and you must continue proper care. Then the hands will never give away the exact age of their owner. With proper care, they will always look decent. Anti-aging agents can be of several types.

Some types of anti-aging masks:

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    Paraffin. It is used primarily for those who spend a lot of time in the cold. Once on the skin, paraffin begins to generate heat, is able to relieve pain and tension, and moisturizes well.
  2. Peeling mask. Exfoliates dead skin particles, thus renewing it. After this mask, almost after two sessions, the result is already noticeable. After the product, the skin is soft and silky.
  3. Whitening. It cannot be used often; it helps get rid of skin pigmentation. The product perfectly whitens the skin thanks to the acids it contains, for example, lemon juice. The mixture does an excellent job of rejuvenating the skin.
  4. Nutritious. The product nourishes the skin well. The composition includes nutrients, minerals and vitamins, it is thanks to them that nutrition occurs in full. At the same time, the product is perfectly absorbed and has a positive effect on the health and appearance of the skin. The skin is instantly nourished, becomes soft and smooth, and looks healthy.
  5. Moisturizing. Recommended for use in absolutely any age category. Skin can dry out at absolutely any age, and there are a number of reasons for this. Thanks to its composition, the mask moisturizes the skin well.
  6. Nail care. When caring for your hands, you should not completely forget about the health of your nails. The mixture provides double care at the same time. In addition to promoting skin rejuvenation, it also strengthens the nail plate. Nails begin to grow quickly and at the same time become stronger.

Simple recipes for hand masks

You can easily make the hand masks described below at home.

Honey rejuvenating

Honey primarily prevents dry skin, rejuvenates and nourishes it. Ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. any honey;
  2. 1 yolk;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. oil (vegetable).

Mix all ingredients and leave for several minutes. Greater effect can be achieved if the mixture is left overnight.

Curd mask

A very useful mask. The cottage cheese included in its composition gives a rejuvenating effect. Ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest or lime zest;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. green tea;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. oils (you can take almond or olive);
  4. 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.

First you need to get a homogeneous mass from the cottage cheese, without lumps. Then mix all the ingredients. Apply the mixture in a thick layer. Leave for about 25 minutes. For best results, use the mixture twice a week. The result is smooth skin.

Curd mask with parsley. When using this mask, proper nutrition and excellent hydration of the skin occurs. Ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed fresh parsley juice;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  3. fish oil 2 capsules or 2 tablets.

Mix the ingredients, let it brew for five minutes, apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to the skin. You need to hold it for at least 15 minutes. After which the mixture is washed off, and any moisturizer is applied to the skin until completely absorbed.

Potato mixture

Nothing is required for this mask. Its composition is only mashed potatoes. The requirement for puree is that it must be warm. Apply it to the skin and leave it on for about 25 minutes. The result is soft, smooth handles.

Cocktail for health

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-vpeEU.webp

    1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. semolina;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  5. 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (olive);
  6. 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  7. 1 yolk;
  8. 0.5 tsp. lemon juice;
  9. 0.5 tsp. greens (you can take parsley or dill).

This is a super beneficial anti-aging mixture for any skin type. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to your hands. The mask wonderfully nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin and saturates it with collagen. It must be applied continuously. The course includes 8 masks, which need to be distributed over a month. To achieve a greater effect, you need to wear cotton gloves on your hands. The effect of the product is immediate.

Lemon mask

Rejuvenates and brightens the skin, used in cases of pigmentation or redness of the skin. To prepare it you will need:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. any oil (vegetable);
  4. 1 tbsp. l. water.

Grind the oatmeal and add warm water. Let stand and swell. Add squeezed lemon juice and oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting composition to your hands. For best results, wear cotton gloves and keep on overnight.

Premature skin aging

In order for your hands to always remain young and beautiful, you need to prevent premature aging of the skin. It may be due to the following factors:

  1. Close contact with water and household chemicals. Not a single woman thinks about how much she harms her hands every day. Washing dishes, laundry, and other household chores using household chemicals, but without protecting the skin, is a common thing.
  2. Climatic factors. The skin of the hands is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and weather changes. Therefore, the skin needs additional care both in winter and summer.
  3. Hormonal imbalances in the body. With age-related changes in a woman’s body, the level of estrogen decreases, so the skin becomes dry and loses its former healthy appearance. To avoid premature skin aging, you need to prevent it.

Timely skin care helps prolong its youth. Every day you need to remember about your hands: protect them from cold, sunlight and household chemicals.


The skin of the hands is one of the first parts of a woman’s body to show signs of aging, so hand care should begin as early as possible. It is not necessary to wait until the age of 50 to begin to fully care for your skin; prevention can be carried out after 25, and it is not necessary to get carried away with salon procedures; masks, baths and other effective rejuvenation techniques can be carried out at home.

Causes of aging hand skin


The aging of the skin of the hands begins not after 50 years, but much earlier, because this part of the body is more exposed to pollution than others, in addition, the skin in these areas is thin and quite delicate. Frequent washing also damages the epidermis, drying it out, so hand care should be made the most important rule that cannot be neglected. The skin on the hands begins to fade for the following reasons:

  1. Chemical exposure, working with detergents without protective gloves.
  2. Frequent washing.
  3. Dry skin.
  4. Avitaminosis.
  5. Exposure to temperature changes.
  6. Incorrect care.

The effectiveness of homemade masks


Women over 50 especially value homemade hand care recipes, since at this age, as a rule, many cosmetic lines have already been tried and the conclusion has been reached that there is nothing better than using natural products for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, masks and baths prepared at home are considered an ideal method for restoring youth to the skin of your hands. In general, no matter how old a woman is, the effectiveness of such products is assessed by different age categories. As a result of the home course, the following results are observed:

  1. home remedies help not only eliminate fine wrinkles, but also cope with deep wrinkles, which usually appear after 50 years
  2. deep hydration occurs
  3. metabolic processes are normalized
  4. home care, which includes natural ingredients, performs a nourishing and protective function, filling the epidermis with necessary substances and protecting it from external irritants

Home Remedies

Hand care at home contains a whole list of products that you can prepare yourself. No matter how old you are, 50 or younger, each of you has ingredients in your kitchen that you can use to make effective hand cosmetics.



Scrub No. 1 (with brown sugar).
After 50, the skin of the hands especially needs to eliminate dead cells; a self-prepared homemade scrub will help with this. Combine a quarter cup of brown sugar with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Massaging time is 5 minutes.

Scrub No. 2 (with oats). Brew a spoonful of oats with boiling water, strain it, add a spoonful of milk and honey. Massaging time is 10 minutes. Such hand care will not only affect the process of cleansing the skin, but will also become a nourishing basis for it.

Scrub No. 3 (with cream). Add a little sugar to the cream that makes up your basic hand skin care routine. Massaging time is 3 minutes.

Scrub No. 4 (with grapes). Peel and seed the grapes, leaving only the berry pulp. You need to grind rolled oats into flour and combine these two ingredients together. Massaging time is 5 minutes.


Mask No. 2 (with iodine). Combine a couple of tablespoons of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice and two drops of iodine. Action time: 10 minutes. This product, prepared at home, will not only be an excellent mask for the skin of your hands, but also a strengthening element for nails.

Mask No. 3 (with yolk). Beat the yolk separated from the white, add a drop of lemon juice and olive oil. Action time: 15 minutes. This care guarantees nourishment and protection of the skin.


Mask No. 4 (lotion mask).
Pour 100 ml of cologne over the chopped cucumber and add 50 ml of glycerin. After wiping, rinsing is not necessary.

Mask No. 5 (with honey). Combine a spoonful of honey, oatmeal and 1 chicken yolk. This remedy can be made using the express method, or left overnight, warming your hands with gloves. In the second case, the result will be unsurpassed.

Mask No. 6 (with cabbage brine). Sauerkraut brine will be an excellent lotion for rejuvenating the skin of your hands. You can lubricate the skin several times a day.

Mask No. 8 (with sour cream). Combine a spoonful of homemade sour cream with a previously separated yolk, add a spoonful of heated honey. Action time: 20 minutes.

Mask No. 9 (with glycerin). You need to prepare a decoction of chamomile and calendula. After it has infused (30 minutes), the infusion should be combined with a teaspoon of glycerin. This lotion does not require rinsing and can be used up to three times a day.

Mask No. 10 (with carrots). Grate raw carrots on a fine grater and place on the skin for half an hour. If desired, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the recipe. Finely grated cucumber also produces a good effect when combined with oil.

Mask No. 11 (with paraffin). For this recipe you will need to purchase special cosmetic paraffin. It will come with heating instructions, use them and make a paraffin mask. This method of hand care has earned recognition in cosmetology; it is used by masters in salons, but preparing such a mask at home is also not difficult.


Bath No. 2 (with sea salt). Dissolve sea salt in warm water and the bath is ready. You can add essential oil in a small amount; any citrus oil is suitable for these purposes.

Bath No. 3 (with starch). A teaspoon of starch must be diluted in heated water. Action time: 15 minutes.

Bath No. 4 (with vitamins). Steam almonds, olives or rose hips. Add a few drops of vitamins A and E, purchased at the pharmacy in the form of oil. Action time: 15 minutes.

Bath No. 6 (with vinegar). This product is especially recommended for use by those who suffer from sweaty hands. 100 ml of vinegar should be diluted with two glasses of heated water. You can use apple cider vinegar, but in this case it is highly advisable that it be homemade. The action time is 5 minutes; you should not overexpose your hands in such a bath.

Whichever of these methods of hand rejuvenation at home you choose, they will be equally useful and effective. It will be even better if you use baths, scrubs and masks in an integrated approach.

To effectively care for their hands, many women use “kitchen” cosmetics - and achieve excellent results. This requires very little: determination and ordinary products that can be found in the kitchen or in a home medicine cabinet. But at the same time, you need to have a good understanding of exactly how certain products work for the skin, how and at what age they are best used.

Beautiful hands are a woman’s business card

Not the face or even the neck - it is the condition of the hands that can tell a lot about a woman: her age and lifestyle, character and even mood. The skin of hardworking female hands is most exposed to the aggressive effects of the environment and everyday life; she deserves special care, attention and care.


How to increase the effectiveness of the procedure

It's never too late to start systematically caring for your hands, but it's better to do it from a young age. And homemade masks with natural ingredients are an excellent way to protect, support the skin and protect it from premature aging. To achieve the best result, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Before each procedure, you need to wash your hands and steam them a little.
  2. At least once every ten days, it is recommended to make scrubbing masks for deeper cleansing of the skin.
  3. Masks with natural ingredients can be done quite often: at a young age - twice a week, from 35 to 50 years - three times, and older ladies should double the duration of the procedures and periodically carry them out in daily courses (for one to two weeks).
  4. For dry, dull and aging skin, after each mask it is advisable to saturate your hands with cream.


Daily care recipes

To enhance the effect, you can make the same mask for seven or ten days, and then switch to a rejuvenating course with a different composition. Strengthening your nails and caring for your cuticles will be a nice bonus.

With honey and yolk

Good nutritional composition, best suited for women aged thirty to forty.

  1. chicken egg yolk (preferably homemade) - 1 piece;
  2. flower honey - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Separate the yolk from the white and beat thoroughly with honey.
  2. Spread the resulting eggnog on your hands, let it absorb and dry.
  3. When a slight feeling of tightness appears, you can wash your hands with warm water.

With cucumber

A cucumber mask quickly saturates the skin with easily absorbed moisture and vitamins; effective up to 35 years of age.

The cucumber in the recipe can be replaced with zucchini, but the vegetables should be seasonal and not greenhouse.

  1. fresh cucumber - 50–70 grams;
  2. oatmeal flour - about a tablespoon.


  1. Grind oatmeal into flour, grate the cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. Mix the ingredients and leave for ten minutes so that the oatmeal has time to swell.
  3. Distribute the mixture over the skin of your hands and rinse them after 20 minutes.

With potatoes

Perfectly restores chapped, rough skin, eliminates inflammation and flaking.

  1. potatoes - 4 medium tubers;
  2. Homemade full-fat milk - 6 tablespoons.


  1. Without removing the peel, boil the potatoes, rinse with cold water, immediately peel and mash.
  2. Add hot boiled milk, beat the mixture until smooth.
  3. The mashed potatoes should be hot, but not burn your skin; You need to completely immerse your hands in it and relax them.
  4. Wait for the mixture to cool and wash your hands without soap.

With apple

Has a strong and rapid rejuvenating effect on the skin. The mask is suitable for ladies of any age, but after fifty, it is better to replace the apple in its composition with strawberries (for oily skin), banana or grapes (for dry skin).

Fruits and berries must be very ripe - this significantly increases the effectiveness of the mask. You will notice the result after the first procedure.

  1. red or yellow medium-sized apple - 1 piece;
  2. olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  3. heavy cream or sour cream - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Grind the apples, peeled and pitted, into a pulp.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the applesauce and immediately spread the mixture onto your hands.
  3. Rinse off the mask with warm water after twenty minutes.

With wheat germ oil

The relative complexity of the composition is compensated by the powerful anti-aging effect of the mask - it restores even the most “worn out” skin, simultaneously lightening age spots and making nails stronger.

  1. oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  2. strong linden decoction - 1 tablespoon;
  3. almond and flaxseed oil - 1 teaspoon each;
  4. wheat germ oil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  5. lavender ether - 5-7 drops.


  1. Grind the oatmeal and steam it with a hot linden blossom infusion.
  2. While the oatmeal is swelling, prepare the oil mixture; mix all ingredients.
  3. The duration of the mask is from twenty minutes to one and a half hours, depending on the condition of the skin.

With vitamins

Doping for aging, thinning skin; the mask can be successfully used both after fifty and after sixty years.

  1. olive oil - 2 teaspoons;
  2. honey and starch - 1 teaspoon each;
  3. vitamins A and E, oil - 10 drops each.


  1. Mix oil, honey and vitamins, thicken the composition with starch.
  2. Keep the mask on your hands, then rinse with heated mineral water; Lubricate your hands with cream.

With bread

A very simple restorative mask suitable for all ages and skin types; You can also use rye bread.

  1. crumb of white bread - 1-2 pieces;
  2. hot water - 0.5 cups.


  1. Cut off the crust from the bread and boil the crumb with boiling water.
  2. Apply the soaked and slightly cooled bread mass to the skin and leave for about twenty minutes.
  3. Lightly rinse your hands with water at room temperature.

With lemon zest

Winter mask-scrub for cleansing, nourishing and whitening skin that needs protection; It is best to use before the age of forty.

  1. fresh lemon zest - 1 teaspoon;
  2. full-fat sour cream, olive oil and green tea - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. Grate the zest on the finest grater and mix with the rest of the mask ingredients.
  2. Rub into the skin of your hands and leave for twenty minutes, after which roll out the mask with light massage movements.

We return youth to our hands - video

With granulated sugar

A natural scrub removes dead particles from the skin surface, improves blood circulation and metabolic and restoration processes.

  1. white sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  2. any vegetable oil, unrefined - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Mix the ingredients well, without trying to dissolve the sugar in the oil.
  2. Lightly massage both hands in a circular motion, spending two to three minutes on each.
  3. Rinse the skin well with warm water.
  4. Procedures should be done weekly; for very dry skin - once every ten days.

With aloe

With regular use, it gives an amazing restorative effect, stimulating the skin to renew and rejuvenate; ideal for ages 35–45 years.

  1. Agave pulp - 1 tablespoon;
  2. olive oil and liquid honey - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. If the honey has thickened, it can be melted without bringing the temperature above forty degrees.
  2. Peel the activated aloe leaves (kept in the refrigerator for at least twelve hours), leaving only the jelly pulp.
  3. Beat aloe and honey in a blender and immediately use for a mask.
  4. Wash off the composition after twenty minutes.

With chocolate

A good composition for deep hydration and stimulation of skin with the first signs of aging - especially effective after forty years.

  1. cocoa powder (or a piece of chocolate) - 1 tablespoon;
  2. boiling water - 1 dessert spoon;
  3. glycerin - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Stir cocoa powder with boiling water (or dissolve chocolate), add glycerin and mix well.
  2. It is better to apply a warm mask to the skin of your hands with a cosmetic brush.
  3. The duration of the mask is twenty minutes; it must be washed off thoroughly with hot water.

Masks in mittens

To consolidate the positive result of the procedure, you can wear mittens over any mask. You can purchase special gloves for this - cotton, waterproof from the inside. But you can use any other household or medical gloves:

  1. polyethylene;
  2. rubber;
  3. silicone;
  4. knitted.

Don't have any gloves on hand? Don’t rush to the store - just put regular plastic bags over your hands over the mask. If you insulate them on top with terry or woolen fabric, this will further enhance the beneficial effects of the anti-aging mask.


For some masks, gloves are required, especially since the composition can remain on your hands throughout the night.


A paraffin mask, which is great for helping to cope with the signs of aging, can be made at home, and not just in an expensive beauty salon.

For the procedure, it makes sense to purchase special low-melting paraffin, which becomes liquid at temperatures up to 45 degrees; More refractory types of paraffin can cause burns.

  1. paraffin - 200–250 grams;
  2. nourishing cream.


  1. Spread your hands with thick cream in advance.
  2. Heat the paraffin in a steam or water bath; Once it becomes liquid, turn off the heat.
  3. Test the melted paraffin with your fingers - it should be hot, but tolerable to the skin.
  4. Gently immerse your hands in liquid paraffin for a few seconds.
  5. Take your hands out and let them dry a little.
  6. Repeat this procedure five to six times in a row.
  7. When the layer of paraffin on the skin becomes thick enough, put gloves on top of it - after half an hour they will need to be removed along with the paraffin.
  8. Do not wash your hands, but lubricate them again with rich cream.


The simplest one-component mask, a minimum of time - and an excellent result: smooth, soft and elastic skin at any age.


  1. Rub regular pharmaceutical glycerin into the cleansed and dried skin of your hands with soft circular movements - it should cover both hands and wrists.
  2. Wear thin waterproof gloves and insulate the top with a towel or scarf to improve the effect.
  3. Sit or lie down in a relaxed state; after a quarter, blot off the remaining glycerin; you don't have to wash it off.
  4. Be sure to lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

With a minimum of effort, an excellent effect for the hands - video

Oatmeal tea

A simple and very effective mask - after just one use it noticeably improves the condition of aged skin (after 45–50 years), nourishing it, making it soft and smooth.

  1. oat flakes - 0.5 cups;
  2. strongly brewed black tea - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Brew strong tea; Grind the flakes and steam the resulting flour with hot, strained tea.
  2. When the mixture has cooled to an acceptable temperature, spread it on your hands, put gloves on top and hold for at least an hour, or even better, leave the mask to work overnight.

With panthenol

Night vitamin-oil masks with panthenol - a life-giving balm for dry, damaged and tired skin; This product also works great on aging skin after fifty years.

The mask can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

  1. panthenol (ointment) - 1 teaspoon;
  2. olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  3. sea ​​buckthorn oil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  4. vitamins A and E oil - 5 drops each.


  1. Rub the mixture of components into the skin of your hands in the evening and put on gloves.
  2. In the morning, blot off any remaining unabsorbed oil and rinse your hands with warm water.

Hand masks according to grandma's recipes - video


To make sure that the composition is normally tolerated by your body, you need to apply a drop of the prepared mixture to the delicate skin of your wrist in advance. If after 15–20 minutes, according to the test results, there is no redness in this area, the mask can be used.

For hand skin with signs of inflammation, dermatoses and even minor injuries, you should not use overly active components of masks - for example, citric acid.


A very good recipe was recommended to me by my manicurist. First you need to steam your hands in warm water with lemon juice and wipe them dry. Next, you need to take the AE-Vit capsule and rub its contents into the skin of your hands. Do not wash off! After twenty minutes, apply nourishing cream and put on warm mittens for 30 minutes. You can do this procedure twice a week. Then your hands will be tender and soft. :


A fresh egg is a mega thing! Spread your hands (with both egg white and yolk) and hold until dry. You won’t recognize your hands: even small wrinkles are smoothed out!


Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and mash. Place a layer on cling film, wrap your hands in it, and wrap it in a terry towel. Sit for 15 minutes, then wash off the potatoes and lubricate with your favorite hand cream.


Apply cream to the skin of your hands, then apply heated liquid paraffin. After the paraffin has hardened, put on cellophane gloves and terry mittens. This hand care mask is very suitable for dry and aging hand skin.


One of our favorite options is a hand mask made from oatmeal, almond butter, honey and yolk; it is especially good for improving the condition of chapped or frost-damaged skin - in this case, leave the mask on overnight, wearing gloves on your hands. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey (it needs to be heated a little in a water bath), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil (almond oil can be replaced with any other oil, for example, olive oil), 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of finely ground oatmeal. In general, according to my observations, oatmeal is a very useful product for dry skin; they are good for both the skin of the hands and the face, giving it softness and velvety.

Natalya Kitik

For the mask we will need: 1 tbsp honey 2 tbsp almond (olive) oil (sunflower can also be used) 1 yolk lemon juice (5-6 drops) Mix 1 tbsp honey with oil Add yolk and lemon juice Apply to hands, on top Wear cotton gloves It’s best to make this mask at night, but I don’t always succeed, so I wear it for an hour, sometimes two. After rinsing off, the skin becomes softer and more delicate.


I once visited some friends and tried a mask that cleanses and tones the hands. The result is amazing. You need to mix a teaspoon of sesame oil, a pinch of red pepper and the pulp of one orange.


Hand masks at home are simple, convenient and inexpensive. But the effect of this procedure will be wonderful. Regular use of natural life-giving ingredients will make your hands beautiful, smooth and well-groomed - young at any age. A variety of recipes allows you to choose those that will be most successful for you.