Masks for aging and fading facial skin

Over the years, the skin of the face, neck and décolleté loses its elasticity and becomes covered with wrinkles, pigment spots and vascular networks. This cannot but be upsetting. However, there are remedies that successfully combat these types of signs of aging. This article is devoted to masks that can restore youth and beauty to aging skin.


Yeast mask

Brewer's yeast has long been used in cosmetology to maintain the natural pH balance of the skin. Yeast included in cosmetic masks cleanses the skin well and gives a feeling of freshness and firmness. A yeast mask for aging facial skin is made from unrefined extra virgin olive oil. This oil easily penetrates epithelial cells, transporting nutrients contained in other components into them. That is why it is often included in a variety of face masks for aging skin.

The yeast mask with the following composition has proven itself well: brewer's yeast, olive oil, natural honey and sweet almond oil. For one mask, one tablespoon of this mixture is enough. It is impossible to make the composition for future use, since in a humid environment the yeast does not remain active for long. You need to take 10-15 grams of each ingredient. They should be combined in a bowl, stirred and placed in a warm place for half an hour. During this time, the yeast is activated - the face is covered with a thick layer of mask and left for 18-20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water.

Thanks to the oils included in its composition, it does not cause a feeling of tightness and dryness. Yeast face masks for aging skin are contraindicated for those with skin prone to redness.


Protein mask

Egg white tightens the skin very well, reducing deep wrinkles and smoothing out fine wrinkles. Even after the mask is washed off, the skin will remain smooth. The protein face mask for aging skin includes lemon juice, which whitens age spots, and oatmeal. For greater effectiveness, the flakes need to be crushed into powder and poured with boiling water. For half a tablespoon of cereal - 1 tablespoon of water. Let it sit and swell for 15 minutes. Egg white is difficult to apply to the skin, so it must be whipped until foamy. Combine protein foam with ground flakes, add freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 coffee spoon) and apply this mixture to your face. After a quarter of an hour, when a feeling of tightness begins to appear, the mask can be washed off, and the face can be wiped with tonic and lubricated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Yolk mask

Egg yolk contains lecithin, which is necessary for the skin to maintain youth and eliminate various signs of aging. In order for the yolk lecithin to penetrate the skin cells, it is mixed with transport oil. Most often, the most effective masks for aging facial skin contain expensive natural oils of sweet almond, saffron, avocado, shea and others. A few drops of one of these oils mixed with yolk will rejuvenate the skin in a couple of tens of minutes. Their effect will last for several days. It is recommended to do such masks with a break of two to three days. It is ideal if you alternate the oils and use farm eggs.

Before applying the lecithin mask for the first time, your facial skin should be cleansed with a gentle peel. This will increase blood circulation and improve the penetration ability of epithelial cells.


Clay mask

Clay masks for aging facial skin have a wide spectrum of action, since the composition of cosmetic clay, depending on its color, is dominated by various microelements beneficial to the skin.

White is rich in zinc and magnesium. It has a tonic and regenerating effect.

Blue contains a lot of iron and helps with swelling.

Yellow contains a lot of potassium and is used to remove toxins.

Red clay reflects well on the complexion, as it contains molecules of copper and iron oxide.

Pink clay removes toxins and relieves irritation. It contains many microelements, including silicon, magnesium, iron and others.

Green clay is highly valued by cosmetologists. It contains silver ions, which stop all pathogenic processes and thereby restore the skin's youth and attractive appearance.

It is recommended to make face masks for aging skin containing clay every seven to ten days and alternate with oil or oatmeal ones.

For a mask, cosmetic clay can simply be diluted with water and applied to the face in this form, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and seal the result with a nourishing cream.

In case of problem skin prone to aging, it is better to dilute the clay (1 tablespoon) with aloe juice (1 teaspoon) and liquid natural honey (1 teaspoon), add a few drops of vitamins A and E in oil.


Avocado mask

The pulp of a ripe avocado has a delicate oily structure, contains many elements useful for the epithelium and goes well with various oils and other traditional mask components.

The mask we offer for aging skin of the face and neck is made from avocado, olive oil and egg yolk. It is well absorbed. After it, the skin retains its freshness and beautiful even color for a long time. The mask should be applied to cleansed, damp skin, covered with a warm wet towel and left for about a quarter of an hour. Rinse with heated water and then wipe with a piece of ice. This contrast will cause the pores to quickly shrink. The nutrients of the mask, once in the open pores, will remain in the skin for a long time and will heal it from the inside.

Gelatin mask

Gelatin is collagen, which aging skin needs especially badly. It takes a lot of time to prepare and apply a gelatin mask - about an hour and a half, so it is recommended to do it on a day off. The waiting time before the mask can be removed is at least half an hour. The fact is that this mask is not washed off with water, but is removed in the form of a film.

For it, gelatin must be diluted with hot water, as written on the package, and left to swell. After the allotted time, without adding any more liquid, place in a water bath. When all the gelatin has dissolved, it should be cooled to body temperature and only then applied to the face, chin and neck, avoiding the areas around the eyes.

The gelatin mask should be applied in several layers using a wide brush. When the mask is applied in a thick layer, you need to lie down, relax, and in this state wait for it to completely harden. You cannot talk during this time. The frozen mask can be removed very easily, you just have to pull its edge. It is enough to do this procedure once a month. After it, the skin looks younger for several years - its structure is aligned, blood circulation improves and the vascular network disappears. Despite the laboriousness of implementation, a gelatin mask is considered one of the best for skin that has lost its elasticity and is riddled with numerous wrinkles.


Celandine mask

Aging of facial skin manifests itself not only in the formation of wrinkles, but also in the appearance of age spots. Celandine herb is a popular herbal remedy against papillomas; it eliminates not only these tumors, but also whitens lentigo and chloasma - areas of melanin accumulation that greatly spoil the appearance with age. It is not difficult to distinguish celandine from other plants - when you tear off a leaf or stem, bright orange juice is visible at the break site.

The recipe for a mask for aging facial skin contains crushed fresh green mass of celandine and fresh cucumber juice. This cocktail is applied to the skin and covered with a damp terry cloth. The duration of the mask is from a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes. If the spots do not disappear the first time, the procedure should be repeated until the unwanted rashes completely disappear. It is not recommended to use the mask more than once every 7-8 days. Use only freshly picked herbs each time.

Oil mask

Dry, flaccid skin will quickly restore its tone if, for several days in a row, you make oil masks with essential oils of rose, rose hip, frankincense, sage and patchouli mixed with basic olive transport oil. We recommend making a whole bottle of the listed oils at once, so that you can make restorative masks for dry, aging facial skin every evening for a long time.

To prepare the mask, take 100 ml of unrefined extra virgin olive oil and add 5 drops of the essential oils listed above. Before the procedure, the facial skin should be cleansed, steamed, and while it is damp and the pores are not closed, immediately apply an oil mask. Leave it on your face and neck for about a quarter of an hour. Blot the remains with a soft cloth. Properly prepared skin absorbs oil well. It lingers in the upper layer of the epidermis and accumulates moisture in its deeper layers. As a result of several procedures in one week, even very dry and dull skin will acquire a healthy and blooming appearance.


Chocolate mask

Natural dark chocolate is a powerful antioxidant. It contains flavonoids that promote the production of collagen by skin cells. Chocolate improves skin texture, making it elastic and smooth, and in combination with cream, shea butter and aloe vera juice successfully eliminates all signs of aging.

A chocolate mask for aging facial skin at home is made as follows. Melt 50 grams of natural chocolate in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon of heavy cream, the same amount of natural aloe vera juice and 1 coffee spoon of shea butter. Everything is mixed until smooth and applied warm to clean, steamed facial skin, then to the neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, the “chocolate cocktail” should be washed off with plenty of warm water. It is enough to do this mask once every three to four days.


Potato mask

A potato mask is considered one of the best remedies against swelling in the eye area. In addition, it eliminates dark circles under the lower eyelids. For the mask you need fresh peeled potatoes, grated on the finest grater. This paste is applied in a circle to the orbital bone and left for a couple of tens of minutes. You need to wash it off with warm water, trying to act as delicately as possible so as not to injure the thin skin near the eyes. This mask can be used as often as you like. By adding some new ingredients, it is easy to increase the functionality of the procedure.

One of the most famous potato masks, used in beauty salons, also contains aloe vera juice, arnica water infusion and fennel oil. Aloe vera stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which is especially important for aging skin. Regular use of this mask not only effectively fights swelling, but also smoothes out fine wrinkles around the eyes. Arnica enhances the anti-edematous effect of potatoes, and fennel tones the thin skin of the eyelids. A potato mask can be recommended to any woman. It does not cause irritation or allergic reactions.

What to do if the skin no longer pleases with its blooming appearance, loses its elasticity and beautiful color, the cheeks sadly sag and wrinkles become obvious? Is time really lost and there is no way to stop skin aging? Don't despair, try intensive care and start making homemade masks for aging, fading facial skin as soon as possible.


Fading skin does not always indicate the approach of old age - the eternal horror of any woman! Is it because we put off using anti-aging products for so long that we are afraid to admit to ourselves: the time has come?! However, as the experience of cosmetologists shows, up to 30% of women experience premature aging - due to unhealthy habits, unsuitable climate or genetic predisposition.

Why do we grow old early?

The youth of the skin depends, first of all, on the genetic factor - in 99 cases out of a hundred, if your grandmother and mother did not have wrinkles by the age of 45, then this will not threaten you either. But if, unlike them, you regularly smoke, drink a lot of coffee, do not get enough sleep, and also work at a computer in the dry, unhealthy air of an office, then your chances of continuing the “family tradition” of preserving youthful skin for up to 60 years are reduced to zero!

Excessive use of sunlight, solariums and diets also certainly affects the skin, worsening its appearance and leading to dryness and wrinkles.

So what do we need to do to prevent our skin from suffering, and how to protect ourselves from premature aging?

Methods to combat signs of premature wilting

Surely everyone has heard that young skin is pale skin, and no matter how appetizing a dark-skinned body may look, the sun or solarium literally draws moisture out of the skin, making it drier, more vulnerable and thinner. And then you shouldn’t be surprised at the appearance of small folds under the eyes and in the corners of the mouth - dry skin instantly becomes covered with wrinkles. You shouldn’t go to the extreme and exclude the sun altogether; dosed light is simply necessary for the production of vitamin D, but you shouldn’t get it in the midday heat, preferably before 10 am or after 5 pm.

Taking care of our figure, we often deprive the skin of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E contained in nuts and vegetable oils - by going on a diet that completely excludes fats, we sacrifice the beauty of the skin, dooming it to aging. That’s why cosmetologists strongly advise us not to use destructive diets, or at least to compensate for the lack of nutrients with vitamin-mineral complexes.

A woman at any age, and especially after menopause, simply needs:

as well as vitamins C, B, D, E, beta-carotene and fatty acids.

Don’t forget about active hydration – after all, lack of moisture leads to aging in the first place. Therefore, be sure to include skin moisturizers in your daily care. It is best to combine cosmetics with folk recipes.


Homemade masks: nourishing

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks are based on enhancing regeneration processes, nutrition and hydration. There are a great many recipes for masks for aging, fading facial skin, and you can choose ones that will be pleasant, affordable and will not cause irritation.

  1. Honey + carrot juice

Many masks include honey in their composition - for example, a mask with honey and carrot juice: for one and a half teaspoons of honey you only need half a spoon of carrot juice and a pinch of baking soda. Honey will expand the pores, soda will help remove impurities from the pores, and carrot juice perfectly tones and saturates the skin with vitamins. The exposure time of such a mask is about 20 minutes, after which you need to rinse the skin with mineral water and do not wipe it with a towel.

To improve the tone of the facial skin and correct the blurred oval, they also use this mask with carrots. Take one carrot, peel and grate, squeeze a tablespoon of juice from the resulting mass. It is poured into a container with dry white clay and starch (a teaspoon of each component). Beat a raw yolk into the mixture and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly. The mass is applied to the face and neck area, covered with gauze and left for 15 minutes.

  1. Honey + glycerin

A glycerin mask for aging skin gives good results. Its composition will soften the skin and remove dead cells.

Option 1. Another effective mask with honey - mix one and a half tablespoons of honey and glycerin and apply to the skin at night, and rinse with warm water without chlorine in the morning. From the first use, you will feel how your skin has become elastic, and after a month of regular honey-glycerin masks, your facial contour will improve.

Option 2. To prepare, take a teaspoon of glycerin and honey, a pinch of wheat or oatmeal. All components are mixed and the prepared product is used as a scrub. After massaging, leave the composition on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

Honey can be combined with milk - in this combination it is especially effective for dry (and with age everyone’s skin becomes drier) facial skin. Take one tablespoon of honey and milk (or sour cream), mix thoroughly, apply to the face.

Honey-based masks are considered one of the most effective, but before using them you need to make sure there are no allergies, since allergic reactions to honey are very common.

Fruit anti-aging masks are widely known:

their recipes are approximately the same, only the main ingredient changes, the fruit is crushed and applied to cleansed skin for about twenty minutes.

Egg and oatmeal masks are simple and surprisingly effective - egg masks are often supplemented with honey, and oatmeal masks with milk, vegetable or olive oil.

  1. Kefir - curd

The widely known kefir-curd mask is one of the masks that perfectly nourishes skin that has begun to fade. To prepare it you will need:

  1. - kefir (tablespoon);
  2. - cottage cheese (also a tablespoon);
  3. - a pinch of finely ground salt.

Mix everything, apply to a cleansed face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, then wipe your face with an ice cube. Finally, apply moisturizer to the skin.

  1. With semolina porridge

Interestingly, a homemade mask made from…ordinary semolina porridge can have a good effect! If you feed your household on weekends with this dish familiar from kindergarten, leave some for yourself “in the stash.” When breakfast is over, don’t rush to immediately wash the dishes and start cleaning: devote yourself half an hour. We send the children for a walk, and we ourselves take:

  1. - warm thick porridge (a couple of tablespoons);
  2. - yolk;
  3. - honey (teaspoon);
  4. - half a spoon of salt (teaspoon);
  5. - a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil.

If you have a small tomato in the refrigerator, mash it and add it to the mixture. The result should be a rather dense, thick “porridge”. You need to keep it on your face for about 20 minutes, then rinse it off and apply cream.

During a period of total shortage, our mothers invented an excellent mask that can be made from the simplest products that can be found in almost any home, even if the refrigerator at first glance seems empty. Let's take a closer look at it: there's probably a bottle of vegetable (and maybe olive) oil there and a forgotten lemon. Now combine these ingredients and add beans:

  1. - a glass of boiled and chopped beans into porridge;
  2. - a tablespoon of oil;
  3. - juice of half a lemon.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face and neck. You need to leave it for 20 minutes. Then everything is as usual.

  1. Parsley decoction

A decoction of parsley will help to refresh the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. To prepare it, add half a liter of water to a bunch of greens. Cook over low heat for half an hour, strain the broth. Wipe your face with it morning and evening using a gauze pad.

To get rid of wrinkles, you can use a banana mask recipe. Half a banana is grated, mixed with egg yolk, two teaspoons of honey and a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to problem areas and leave for 25 minutes.


Eye masks

We often forget about centuries. Many masks are recommended to be applied to the face, avoiding the eye area, since the skin there is extremely thin. However, with complete inattention to the eyelids, they quickly “hang”, become flabby, and even in the absence of wrinkles on the face, they betray age.

Therefore, it is necessary to resort to express methods a couple of times a week to restore smoothness and youth to your eyelids.

Here are a couple of simple recipes that won’t take up much of your time.

  1. First: take cotton pads, soak them in warm milk and apply them to your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. At this time, you need to lie down quietly, trying to eliminate all distracting and entertaining moments. It's good to just think about something pleasant. Then you need to wash off the milk, wipe your eyelids with an ice cube, and apply eye gel.
  2. Second recipe: dip a slice of white bread in warm milk, and then drop a few drops of vegetable or olive oil on it. Pieces of bread should be applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes. Then you should rinse everything off with warm water and apply gel or cream to your eyelids.

To eliminate facial wrinkles, it is recommended to lubricate them with sesame oil or rosehip oil.

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks are an ideal remedy to combat age-related changes. Do not neglect them, and by accepting the healing power of nature as a gift, you will be able to enjoy youth for many years. And in addition to these measures to combat wrinkles, you can use another wonderful invention of mankind - self-massage.

Turn facial skin care into a regular procedure - and soon you will be pleased to notice that wrinkles “give up”!


With age, metabolic processes in cells slow down, which means that the cells no longer receive normal nutrition. Care for aging facial skin involves greater attention to hydration and cosmetic procedures that ensure adequate nutrition of the skin.

To provide your facial skin with sufficient nutrition, it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons or spend money on creams from elite French companies.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Anti-wrinkle masks at home can provide fantastic results, and the price and composition of these masks are affordable for any housewife.

Every kitchen has coffee grinder and peas. Powdered peas are used in masks.

Pea mask against wrinkles

Pea powder, water, yogurt 2 tablespoons each. mix the spoons and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Spread a thick layer over the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes and lips. The neck and décolleté can also be pampered with this mask.

Nutrients are absorbed into the skin, the mask dries, creates a shell effect and gives a lifting effect. After 15-20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water. Often, cream is not needed after this mask. The skin becomes velvety and smooth. Small wrinkles are practically erased, the skin becomes tightened. If such masks for aging skin are done once a week, then a cumulative effect occurs, that is, wrinkles are filled in and the skin is smoothed.


The best face masks: read how to properly care for normal skin using affordable means.

As you know, there are no universal scents, but there is a definite opinion about which scents attract men.

Chic rejuvenating French mask ready in a few minutes. It is applied to the skin of the face, without touching the area of ​​the lips and eyes, neck and décolleté. Can be done in 3 layers. Leave for 20 minutes with the facial muscles still. The mask makes the skin velvety, gives it elasticity and fights wrinkles.

To make it, grind 2 table. spoons of hard cheese. To avoid allergies, cheese should be without additives and spices.

Grind the cheese with a tablespoon of honey into a puree, add a tablespoon of cream or full-fat milk and mix with whipped egg white (the protein gently cleanses the pores and tightens them). The finished mask is stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. Apply daily for three or four days or once a week.

Fruit recipes for aging dermis - ideal peeling at home


Plum vitamin mask

Mash three ripe plums to a puree, add half a spoonful of honey, a teaspoon each of oatmeal and buckwheat, and mix with the yolk. Apply to the face leaving 1 cm to the edge of the eyes. The face should be relaxed. After 15 minutes of exposure, remove the mask with a napkin and wash.

Gelatin support

A gelatin face mask simultaneously cleanses, nourishes, whitens and rejuvenates. Gelatin contains collagen, it turns tired and sagging skin into strong and elastic. Corrects the oval of the face.

Refreshing cucumber mask

Pour half a teaspoon of gelatin with half a glass of water and wait until it swells completely. Then dissolve it by heating over low heat, but do not bring the solution to a boil. Grate a large cucumber and squeeze the juice out of it. Combine the juice with the gelatin solution and place in the refrigerator to thicken for a couple of hours. After applying the mask to the face, remove it after half an hour with warm water. Apply twice a week.

Mask with glycerin and honey

The combination of gelatin and glycerin works great on shallow wrinkles and smoothes the skin.

Mix 4 table. tablespoons of glycerin with the same amount of water, add 2 teaspoons of honey and gelatin and, stirring constantly, bring to low heat until they are completely dissolved. Add 4 more tables. spoons of water and mix again. Remove the mask with warm water 20 minutes after application. Additionally, you can apply cream to the skin. In a container with a tightly screwed lid, the mask can be stored for quite a long time.


A cucumber face mask helps eliminate acne and wide open pores. Read our mask recipes.

Rating of the most popular products: choosing the best anti-sweat deodorant.

Biorevitalization: photos and videos you can see here.

Products for aging skin

Fading skin can no longer cope with the regeneration function; the top layer of skin wears out faster than new cells are produced. Therefore, problems arise with peeling skin and uneven complexion. Exfoliation, softening, nutrition and restoration of elasticity are the main tasks of masks for aging skin.

Face mask for skin elasticity

If dry starch used in masks to tighten or dry the skin, then starch found in mashed potatoes, on the contrary, softens a very thick layer of the epidermis, relieves flaking and refreshes the complexion.

Boil potatoes in their jackets, mash 1 potato, add milk for oily/combination skin or cream for dry skin. The puree should be slightly dry. In a separate bowl, mix the yolk and table. spoon of castor oil and combine with potato gruel. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, and for older women it is better to keep it for 40 minutes. Then rinse off and apply cream as needed. A course of 8-10 procedures is carried out with an interval of 1-2 days. Then, if necessary, 1-2 times a month.

Indian cinnamon mask to combat dull, sagging skin

Cinnamon contains a huge amount of microelements, vitamins and minerals.


Banana nourishes, softens and saturates the skin, provides the softest peeling - gamage.
Grind a quarter of a ripe, or better yet an overripe, banana into a puree, add a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, a whole spoonful of lemon juice and two teaspoons of sour cream or kefir. Sour cream is best used for dry skin or in winter. It is better to apply the mask in a thick layer on the face (do not touch the eye area), neck and décolleté in the evening, after which you should not go into the cold. You can wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

This mask successfully removes flaking, redness, nourishes the skin and makes it tightened, removing fine wrinkles. The face is smiling. Tightens the oval of the face and smoothes the neck. The mask is done once a week in winter. Kefir is more suitable for oily skin or when using a mask in the summer. In summer it is better to do it two to three times a week.

Rejuvenating mask with starch - a replacement for Botox

Carrot juice tones and smoothes the skin, helping it to be elastic.
Sour cream softens the skin, nourishes it, makes it thicker, thickening the dermis (the skin does not collapse). Starch acts on wrinkles by filling and smoothing them out.

Dissolve the starch (a heaping tablespoon) in half a glass of slightly warm water, after dissolving it, add the remaining half of the water and in 10-15 minutes in a water bath, bring the solution to a jelly-like state. Mix 1 tablespoon of cooled jelly with 5 tablespoons of carrot juice and add 1 tablespoon of cream or sour cream.

Apply along massage lines, you can use a brush, let it dry and apply a second and then a third layer. This mask must be applied to the lip area, going to the edges of the lips, and to the “crow’s feet” area, leave for 20 minutes. You can remove it with warm water, then apply cream or better yet almond oil, blot it with a napkin after 20 minutes. Recommended course of 5-10 masks every other day. The prepared mask will keep in the refrigerator for 3 days.


Darkening of the skin around the eyes:
folk recipes for solving this problem.

Avocado firming mask
All trace elements found in avocados are easily and quickly absorbed into the skin. The bone can be used as a facial massager. Apply almond oil to your face, then sprinkle it with rose or lavender water and massage along the massage lines.

Mash the avocado to a puree consistency and mix a tablespoon of puree with the yolk and add a teaspoon of honey, cream and finely grated carrots. Apply a thick layer for 20 minutes, rinse. This mask is equally good for all skin types. Tightens the skin, makes it surprisingly young, elastic and soft, gives good turgor. For dry skin types, you can use cream after the mask.

This is only a small part of the arsenal of home cosmetics. If you wish, you can always find a suitable mask that will allow you to look young, healthy and well-groomed.