Face masks from loose skins

Quotation book

Prayer that delivers from all curses “I call on the angels of God and all the Lights of the Divine.

Best homemade ointment for gout on legs or can cure gout. forever? Gout, that is.

The face of a pioneer, the hands of a pensioner: castor oil, glycerin - a simple recipe for youthful hands. Even.

Who wants “Tvoropyshki” donuts? I suggest making curd donuts.




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Thursday, December 29, 2016 19:11 + to quote book

A week before the holiday: amazing face masks for wrinkles and sagging skin

There is very little time left before the holidays, and we women, as usual, do not have enough time to take care of ourselves. But you really want to impress guests with your blooming appearance and wait for a compliment even from your own husband. But even a week before the celebration, you can “beautify” with the help of simple face masks that do not require any special material or time costs.

I offer you several excellent proven methods that can improve the condition of your skin, reduce wrinkles and refresh your complexion in a very short time. Let's shine, dear queens!

Winter face mask for fine wrinkles and crow's feet

This wonderful mask is suitable for any skin type. The good thing about the curd mixture is that it helps to quickly and effectively create a “gloss” - refresh the complexion, make the skin smooth and matte, eliminate fine wrinkles and clear the skin of small rashes.

We will need:

1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese (nourishes the skin)

1 tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice (whitens, increases blood flow, increases skin elasticity and tone)

½ teaspoon of turmeric (cleanses, soothes the skin, eliminates minor rashes).

Knead all components thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Clean your face and apply the mask, including the crow’s feet area. Leave for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.

For a good and quick effect, you need to make such a mask 3-4 times a week and the result will not take long to arrive.

I like that after using this curd mixture, the face is transformed before our eyes - the skin acquires a beautiful shade, wrinkles are smoothed out, pigment spots, freckles lighten, and with prolonged use they disappear completely.

Cinnamon is the secret of unfading beauty

Cinnamon is not only a well-known spice. Many people know about its use in teas for colds and delicious warming mulled wine, but not everyone knows that cinnamon helps women look much younger than their years.

And yet, cinnamon is successfully used in home cosmetics - as a means of helping to cleanse the skin, activating metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer and eliminating acne, minor rashes, and wrinkles. There are a lot of recipes for its use, but I will limit myself to those that I have personally tested.

Home rejuvenation methods

Let me make a reservation right away that cinnamon can cause an allergic reaction, manifested by redness and itching of the skin.

It all depends on individual tolerance, so first I recommend doing a test: apply a small amount of cinnamon mixture to your wrist and wait 20-30 minutes. If everything is in order, then you can begin rejuvenating procedures, but in case of redness, itching, peeling of the skin, immediately wash off the cinnamon mass with warm water and do not use it under any circumstances - most likely you belong to the type of people for whom the use of cinnamon is contraindicated .

Cinnamon infusion for skin tone

You need to wash your face with this infusion several times a day, then the skin will be elastic, fresh and wrinkle-free.

Dilute half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion and use for washing and wiping the face and décolleté.

You can pour the infusion into ice cube trays and freeze - by rubbing your face and neck once a day you will get rid of loose and wrinkled skin.

Cinnamon and honey mask

A wonderful cleansing mask. Helps get rid of sebaceous plugs, blockages, reduce blackheads and make the skin elastic and soft.

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Apply the mixture to cleansed facial skin and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and lemon (squeeze juice from ¼ lemon into a glass of water) and apply nourishing cream .

The mask can be done 2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Anti-wrinkle lifting mask with cinnamon and turmeric

Knead the dough from the following ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calendula oil (read how to make it here) 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of turmeric

Flour (you can grind rolled oats, buckwheat, millet) - sprinkle enough to knead a not very stiff dough. Apply the dough in pieces and “cover” your entire face and neck with it. Lie down for 30 minutes, then remove and wash with warm water. Apply nourishing cream. Do it no more than once a week.

Rye flour and milk mask for delicate skin

From milk and 2 tbsp. spoons of rye flour, knead a batter with a consistency similar to sour cream. Apply the mask to the face, avoiding the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. After 10 minutes, apply nourishing cream.

Smoothes out fine wrinkles, eliminates sagging skin, improves complexion.

Mask with baby powder for oily skin with enlarged pores

This is done by a friend of mine who has struggled with oily, porous skin since high school. She says this simple mask regulates oil production from the sebaceous glands and tightens pores. Result: the face does not shine and there is no “orange” skin on the wings of the nose. The skin is clean, fresh, elastic.

1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of baby powder with zinc with calendula tincture until it reaches the consistency of sour cream (take the tincture “by eye”). Apply to face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then rinse with cold. Do not apply cream. It is advisable to make a mask 3-4 times a week until the skin condition improves. Then carry out as necessary.

A good result is visible within a week.

Scrub mask for oily skin

This mask has a wonderful effect - it cleanses oily, porous skin of impurities and sebaceous plugs.

Grind the rolled oats (not flakes!) in a coffee grinder and pour into a clean jar with a lid. For a 0.5 liter jar of rolled oats, add 2 tbsp. spoons of regular table salt or chopped sea salt.

Now every other day you need to carry out the following procedure: dilute 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture with water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cool water and after 20 minutes you can use your favorite cream.

Dear women! Each of us does not have time for ourselves, but finding at least 30 minutes a day for skin care is simply necessary. At least before the holidays. Let's feel like queens at least sometimes!

Greetings, dear readers! You are not yet ready for radical measures or do not have the opportunity to leave large sums in beauty salons and in the plastic surgeon’s office!

I offer you home procedures for getting rid of sagging facial skin, restoring elasticity with your own hands - this is quite possible if you do not have severe ptosis.

Vacuum massage ↑

Vacuum massage with cups is the most correct answer to the question of how to get rid of sagging skin on the face. This procedure will quickly improve your complexion and return clear contours to your chin.

A silicone jar for massage is very cheap, and you can buy it at almost any pharmacy. Self-massage is performed along special lines that tighten the skin upward, and after a facial massage, a lifting effect is observed almost immediately.

It is worth repeating the procedure 2 times a week - this will provide a noticeable result.

Masks against sagging skin on the face ↑

Regular facial skin care is a guarantee of a beautiful oval and clear chin contour. But you shouldn’t think that such masks are sold only in professional stores - you can make your own product for elastic skin even from homemade products and banal ingredients that you can get in any refrigerator or pharmacy.

Green clay mask with orange essential oil ↑

Green clay is a rich source of natural antioxidants that prevent skin cell destruction and accelerate collagen production. Green clay wonderfully cleanses and tones the epidermis, increases blood flow in the capillaries and, with regular use, provides a skin tightening effect.

Orange oil, like all citrus essential oils, is known in cosmetology as an excellent remedy for wrinkles and sagging. Orange oil enhances regeneration in soft tissues, deeply nourishes the skin and smoothes it.

It is very simple to prepare such a mask for facial elasticity.: mix dry green clay powder (3 tablespoons) with warm water until it becomes thick sour cream, then add 3-4 drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Stir the mask thoroughly and apply it to a damp, washed face for 20 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water without using soap or foam.

Grape seed and honey mask ↑

Many women are aware of how the substance found in grape seeds has a positive effect on the skin. At the height of the season, you can make a life-giving face mask with your own hands to tighten its contours: just don’t throw away the grape seeds, but grind them into flour.

It's very easy to do this: Place the seeds on a hard surface and rub them on top with a rolling pin or even a kitchen hammer. If you have a mortar for grinding ingredients or a coffee grinder, you can use them.

We mix one tablespoon of crushed grape seeds (without a slide) with a teaspoon of natural bee honey, then apply it to the skin of the face and leave for 20 minutes. It is necessary to use a mask to combat sagging and sagging facial contours at least twice a week.

Chocolate mask ↑

Cocoa beans are a natural substance valuable for beauty, which can not only smooth out wrinkles and restore elasticity to the skin: regular cocoa-based masks can even smooth out fresh scars and post-acne marks.

In spa treatments and in cosmetologists' offices, chocolate masks are actively used to make the skin beautiful, fresh and restore youth to it.

It's very easy to prepare this mask., we only need natural cocoa powder without impurities, a little heavy cream and cocoa butter. The latter looks like wax or frozen fat; it is sold in a pharmacy or any cosmetic store.

Take one level spoon of cocoa powder and brew it in hot cream to make a thick mixture. Separately, melt the cocoa butter: you can scrape it with a fork or the tip of a knife so that you get about a little more than half a teaspoon. Heat the cocoa butter until it becomes liquid and transparent. Pour into our chocolate mixture and stir well.

Apply the mask while still warm to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the mouth and eyelids, and leave for 20 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, you can use your favorite cleanser or additionally cleanse your face with toner.

This chocolate mask for sagging facial skin works well in combination with a night nourishing cream and massage - within a few weeks the cells will begin to actively regenerate, and the face will look fresher, the skin will become toned and signs of sagging will become less pronounced.

Masks for sagging facial skin are a pleasant, useful hobby for every woman, making her more beautiful. Even avid “bachelors” - ladies who neglect care, note that the very first home procedure affects the skin very favorably. The face becomes younger, brighter, lighter. We offer a selection of recipes for different skin types, read on!

Purpose of masks

Flabby does not mean fading. Young girls also often complain of decreased facial skin tone. For young beauties, the reason for sagging skin is smoking, a passive lifestyle, a love of unhealthy delicacies, cheap cosmetics, careless care, and rapid weight loss.

For older women, these are age, heredity (early aging), illness, prolonged stress and other negative factors.

No matter how old you are, add face masks for sagging skin at home to your diet. This way you can radically change the situation, or significantly improve it. Folk cosmetics are very useful, because they:

  1. refreshes complexion;
  2. cleanses carefully;
  3. with regular use, it smooths out small wrinkles and makes large ones less noticeable;
  4. nourishes, prevents vitamin deficiency of the skin;
  5. moisturizes;
  6. tones.

Recipes for effective masks

Age masks should be kept on for about 20 minutes, with the exception of cleansing and whitening masks, which take 10-15 minutes. The more aggressive the components that make up the product, the less it needs to be kept.

An important rule: all lifting masks and procedures with a rejuvenating effect are performed exclusively while lying down. Otherwise, under the influence of gravity you will get the opposite effect.

Cleansing masks

Recipes for cleansing masks.


Honey opens pores and saturates the skin with natural benefits. Salt is a natural antiseptic; it cleanses, strengthens, and saturates with microelements. Mix a teaspoon of liquid honey with a teaspoon of fine salt, whisk, apply to your face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off and secure the result with day cream.

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week, course – 10 procedures.

With blue clay

Mix one and a half teaspoons of blue clay, one teaspoon each of sour cream and honey. Add fresh juice from half a lemon there. Mash the ingredients thoroughly. Rinse with warm, then cool water. Repeat 2 times a week.

Nutritious, vitamin

Recipes for nourishing and vitamin masks.


A homemade face mask for sagging skin with pomegranate juice is ideal for dull, tired dermis.

Mix fresh pomegranate juice with sour cream in a 1:1 ratio. Keep this mask for about 20 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. No need to apply cream.

Readers often ask us: what sour cream is best to use? It all depends on the skin type: oily epidermis prefers low-fat sour cream, dry epidermis prefers oily one. This is how the skin compensates for what it lacks. Often, instead of low-fat sour cream, other fermented milk products are used: yogurt, yogurt, kefir. However, sour cream acts more gently and creates a soft peeling effect: it delicately removes the top layer of dead cells. To do this, apply sour cream, rinse after 20 minutes and treat the skin with a soft scrub.

Universal mask for eyelids, face, neck, décolleté

Squeeze the juice of half a grapefruit, add 0.5 teaspoon of sour cream and carrot juice, and 0.5 tablespoon of rice flour. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes.

The procedure gives a stunning complex effect: rejuvenates, refreshes color, saturates with vitamins; Rice flour deeply cleanses. Be sure to try it!

Repeat 2 times a week. Then take a week's break.

Milk for rubbing sagging skin. Almond. Memo


Recipes for anti-aging masks.


Mix one teaspoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of onion juice and beeswax melted in a hot water bath. Wax can be obtained by melting a wax church candle. To get rid of onion smell, after the mask, wipe your face with a piece of lemon, then rinse it.

Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. Repeat 2 times a week.


This mask not only rejuvenates, it nourishes, moisturizes, and improves complexion.

Mix 1 teaspoon of ripe banana pulp, sour cream, and honey. Add one yolk and stir the mixture. There is no need to apply cream after the mask.

Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days for one and a half months.

Our video. Firming neck mask with chocolate and olive oil

All these masks for aging facial skin at home bring a lot of positive emotions. You will take care of yourself, learn to appreciate your skin, and become younger. Be beautiful, young and full of strength!





I am engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of acne, I am fluent in the methods of therapeutic and hardware cosmetology to reduce the severity and eliminate age-related changes in the skin of the face and body. I have extensive theoretical knowledge and experience acquired during training and internships in leading cosmetology clinics in Europe.