Masks with salicylic ointment



Salicylic ointment for blackheads is an excellent remedy, proven by practice and time! Therefore, we at Foto-elf could not pass by such an effective drug that allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of problems on the skin of the face.


Salicylic acid is part of many effective anti-acne and antiseborrheic agents, ointments and is sold in every pharmacy. So if you have blackheads, acne on your facial skin, and the skin itself is prone to keratolization (keratinization) or is simply very oily, tap your heels to the nearest pharmacy and buy salicylic ointment (it is often called simply salicylic acid) and salicylic acid, which are quite successful will relieve you of blackheads and pimples on your face.

Salicylic ointment for blackheads - how to use?

It is very important to use salicylic ointment for blackheads correctly, so as not to dry out your facial skin and get a good result. Apply salicylic directly to problem areas so as not to affect the entire facial surface.

This is conveniently done using a cotton swab, which is dipped in ointment or a 1% salicylic solution, and the procedure itself is carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening. After about 15 minutes, after the acid has penetrated deep into the pores, you can wash your face with cool water.

Salicylic ointment for blackheads - a combined recipe for facial skin

  1. zinc ointment
  2. salicylic ointment
  3. Sulfuric ointment
  4. tar

Mix 1 teaspoon of each ointment, add 3-4 drops of tar to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed jar for up to two weeks without losing its medicinal properties. So you can build it for 2-3 uses, and prepare it anew each time, or at once for the whole course of treatment - month.

The medicine should be applied to problem areas of the skin at 2-3 hours. Afterwards, rinse with boiled water or a decoction of herbs: string, chamomile, celandine...

IMPORTANT! Some sources write to apply at night, but we at Foto-elf warn you! — cosmetologists strongly advise against keeping the ointment on the delicate skin for such a long time in order to avoid the exact opposite, anti-therapeutic effect.

Salicylic ointment for blackheads - proven effectiveness!

  1. Zinc ointment dries the skin, has anti-inflammatory and absorbent properties and protects against bacteria.
  1. Salicylic acid is used as from black spots on the skin of the face, and for the treatment of acne, like sulfur, it kills bacteria and regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  1. Tar is made from birch bark; it has regenerating properties, eliminates redness and perfectly cleanses pores of impurities.

It is recommended to use homemade cream, made by your caring hands, once every two days. If you want to remove the unpleasant smell of tar, you can add a small amount of essential oils to the mixture, which you can also purchase at the pharmacy - orange, lemon, lavender... And best of all - tea tree! In general, choose the oil whose smell you particularly like.

The effect of salicylic acid is simply amazing! In just a couple of weeks you will get rid of black spots on your skin and problematic rashes. The skin will be evened out, its tone will improve, and your face will look much younger.

But we at PhotoElf want to warn you, - If you have serious facial skin diseases, do not self-medicate, but contact a professional cosmetic clinic.

And what is there in America?

I recently read that a study was conducted in America on the most effective remedy against acne and pimples. The Americans have come to the conclusion that products based on salicylic acid and ointments are currently the best known, and consider them almost panacea for all skin problems.

One of my friends fights blackheads very effectively by using salicylic ointment every evening after wiping her face with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Looks great! 🙂

Salicylic ointment for blackheads is gentler than alcohol and exfoliates dead epidermal cells well.

In addition, salicylic not only saves from blackheads on the skin of the face, but also successfully fights warts, solves the problem of ingrown hairs after depilation and epilation, and softens keratinized areas of the skin well, in particular on the heels and elbows.

But keep in mind - salicylic alcohol is very drying to the skin of the face, so apply it pointwise..

And here at PhotoElf we couldn’t resist and We have published for you a simple method for making an amazing facial lotion based on salicylic acid.

The video instructions are more than detailed; look, delve into, use and always remain beautiful and attractive 🙂

Women's magazine "Facial skin care" intended for the fair half of humanity. Want to lose a few years? Try our beauty recipes. Here you will learn about how to properly care for your skin - homemade masks, tonics, lotions, creams, peelings - each of you will find something new for yourself. We reveal the secrets of beauty and rejuvenation. We also write about fashionable makeup, face fitness, plastic surgery, medicinal and non-medicinal methods of preserving youth, beauty injections and much more.

Let your facial skin always shine with youth and health! Enjoy your reading 🙂


Salicylic acne ointment is a universal medicine that helps well in the treatment of skin diseases. It got its name from salicylic acid. Currently, like other acids, it is produced industrially. The product has extensive use in cosmetology and medicine, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfecting properties. Salicylic acne ointment removes oily shine, restores the epidermis and helps the rapid healing of small wounds. Due to the broad action of the acid, this remedy is widely used to treat:

  1. Pyoderma
  2. Chronic eczema
  3. Seborrhea
  4. Warts
  5. Calluses
  6. Psoriasis
  7. Ichthyosis.

It also has a good keratolytic effect on the skin and helps exfoliate dead cells. As a result of this, the dermis is renewed. Salicylic ointment helps fight acne and achieve excellent results in a short time. Its use should not be combined with other medications. If necessary, this can only be done with the permission of a doctor.

This product is freely sold in pharmacies and has a low price, which makes it affordable. Salicylic ointment has several types of dosages: 2%, 5%, 10%, it all depends on the concentration of acid in it. It is allowed to store at room temperature in a dark place and away from children.

Instructions for using salicylic ointment

Instructions for use should be studied before applying the product to the face. Particular importance in the instructions is given to the list of contraindications and side effects.

  1. First, you need to wash your hands and face well. Preferably with a soap solution.
  2. Use an antiseptic to treat pimples and wounds.
  3. Using a special spatula, apply a thin layer of product to the problem area of ​​the skin. You need to keep the ointment on the treated area for several hours, and to prevent it from drying out, you need to apply a sterile napkin and secure it with an adhesive plaster. Can be left on the surface of the face overnight.
  4. After removing the sterile napkin, rinse your face with water, and then apply a rich or moisturizing cream to your face.

For combination and oily skin, this product has a drying effect.

For dry skin, this composition is used with caution, and 2% salicylic ointment is purchased. This cream cannot be used for more than 2 weeks.

Face masks with salicylic ointment


A mask based on salicylic acid, which is part of the product, helps against pimples on the face.

Mask specifically for combination face type

Combine green clay (2 tablespoons) with heated boiled water, stir until a paste forms. Add salicylic ointment (1 teaspoon) to the resulting composition and stir well. The finished mask is spread on the face, avoiding the area around the mouth and eyes, and left for 15 minutes. After the expiration date, rinse with warm water and use face cream.

Mask for oily skin

Pink and black clay (1 teaspoon each) are diluted with warm water to a paste-like mixture and salicylic ointment is added to the composition. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with water and apply cream to the face.

If the dosage is not strictly followed, unpleasant symptoms such as itching, irritation and redness of the skin may appear. The acid content of this composition may cause allergic reactions in some people. If at least one sign occurs, you must thoroughly rinse the skin and stop using this product. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

With the help of salicylic acid, pores open, thereby eliminating blackheads.


Modern women more often suffer from skin rashes on their faces due to poor quality food, poor environment, and problems with intestinal function.

Various cosmetics can help get rid of skin inflammation, including homemade salicylic acne masks. Let's take a closer look at these remedies and find out how they affect acne and other rashes, and how to make them yourself.

Beneficial properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic acne masks contain different components, but the main one is salicylic acid. It is she who actively fights skin rashes, regardless of why they occurred, so this substance not only treats wounds, but also treats pimples and acne.

Important: the skin is treated with a one percent acid solution, since stronger solutions dry it out greatly.

Properties of salicylic acid

Let's look at the main beneficial properties of salicylic acid:

  1. Salicylic acid whitens skin and fades freckles.
  2. Salicylic acid improves blood circulation, penetrating deeply into the pores.
  3. Salicylic acid dries out pimples and relieves redness.
  4. Salicylic acid easily defeats microbes that cause acne.
  5. Salicylic acid normalizes oily skin.
  6. Salicylic acid reduces blackheads.

That's how beneficial salicylic acid is for the skin! The main thing is not to use high concentration solutions and adhere to the rules for its use.


Rules for using salicylic acid

  1. Before use, we do a test for the body’s reaction by applying a solution of salicylic acid to one pimple. If the skin does not turn red or itch within 24 hours, you can safely treat acne with this remedy.
  2. We use acid a maximum of twice a day if we don’t want to dry out the skin and add problems with peeling.
  3. We do not use salicylic acid together with other anti-acne products so as not to cause a negative skin reaction. The fact is that acid promotes the rapid penetration of medicinal components into the skin, and this effect may be too aggressive - a drug overdose will result.
  4. We treat acne with salicylic acid for no longer than 7 days. We take a five-day break and repeat the course: we treat the skin for acne until they recede. Depending on the extent of acne damage to the skin, the result of treatment will be visible in one to two months.
  5. When using salicylic acne masks, stay away from direct sunlight, regardless of the time of year.
  6. To avoid burns, do not rub the acid into the skin, but apply it pointwise to pimples (except for masks) until you feel a slight tingling sensation.
  7. A few minutes after application, rinse the skin to remove any remaining mask.

Salicylic acne masks: homemade recipes

Here are a few recipes so you know how to make salicylic acne masks at home.

  1. Clay mask. We dilute a regular clay mask purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store with water and add a spoonful of salicylic acid. Apply the mixture to problem areas and hold for 15 minutes. and wash and apply moisturizer. The mask nourishes the skin well, accelerates the growth of new cells and increases blood circulation.
  2. Clay mask with bodyaga. We buy a clay mask, dilute it with water and mix it with bodyaga until a viscous mass is obtained. Add 10 drops of salicylic acid, apply to acne, leave for 10 minutes and wash. We make a mask no more than once a week.


  1. Masks with aspirin. Since aspirin contains salicylic acid, it can be used to make acne masks.
  2. Chocolate mask with aspirin. Soften 20 g of chocolate and mix with a crushed aspirin tablet. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to the entire face, leave for half an hour and wash. The mask not only treats acne, but also improves the overall condition of the skin, moisturizing and toning it.
  3. Lemon mask with aspirin. Grind three aspirin tablets into powder and mix with lemon juice to form a homogeneous thick mass. Apply the mixture to areas with pimples, without touching the nasolabial triangle and the area around the eyes, hold for 10 minutes. and remove with a cotton pad soaked in an aqueous solution of baking soda. Baking soda neutralizes the effect of acid.
  4. Bran mask with aspirin. Pour boiling water over 30 g of bran, stir and add a crushed aspirin tablet. Apply to acne-prone skin, gently massaging it. A bran mask removes dead cells and helps get rid of acne in a short time.
  5. Oil mask with aspirin. Mix 15 g of olive, plantain and nettle oils with an aspirin tablet. Apply the paste to the entire face and leave for 20 minutes. and wash with cool water. The skin will immediately improve its health and become elastic and velvety. The mask eliminates inflammation well and heals pimple marks.
  6. Tea mask with aspirin. Brew loose leaf green tea without impurities, cool, filter and dissolve one aspirin tablet in it. Soak gauze in the solution and apply it to the area with pimples for 10 minutes. We wash ourselves with cool water. The mask evens out skin tone, tones and tightens enlarged pores.
  7. Carrot-honey mask with aspirin. Mix 100 ml of fresh carrot juice with an aspirin tablet and 1 tsp. honey Apply to areas with acne and leave for 15 minutes. and wash ourselves. The mask perfectly eliminates acne and its consequences.
  8. Acne cream with salicylic acid. It is better to supplement the use of masks with the use of a special acne cream. It perfectly takes care of problem skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrows enlarged pores in the T-zone. Stirring all the time, melt 5 g of natural beeswax, mix in a blender with 10 ml of rice oil and 1 ml of phenolic solution. Pour the cream into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Apply every day to clean skin.

Salicylic acid: contraindications

Despite the fact that salicylic acid works well against acne and other skin inflammations, it is contraindicated for some people. It cannot be used:

  1. If you are already treating acne with other means. Otherwise, the effect may be exactly the opposite: the number of pimples will only increase.
  2. If you are expecting a child, because... it thins the blood, which can lead to miscarriage and uterine bleeding.
  3. If you have dry or sensitive skin. Salicylic acid will cause flaking and even more irritation.

Salicylic acne masks are a great way to restore a healthy appearance to your skin. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage of acid and not to expect that acne will disappear after the second procedure: the effect will be noticeable only during treatment courses.