Sound Masking

Sound masking is a physiological phenomenon in which quieter sounds become invisible to our ears when we simultaneously hear louder sounds. This phenomenon was discovered and described in 1860 by the German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz.

Sound masking is used in medicine to measure hearing acuity. When performing audiometry, the patient is asked to listen to sounds of different volumes and durations. If the patient does not hear a quiet sound in the presence of a louder one, this indicates that his hearing has deteriorated.

In everyday life, sound masking can be used to hide sounds that may be unwanted or annoying. For example, if you want to listen to music or watch a movie, you can turn on the music or movie and cover your ears with headphones to drown out the surrounding sounds.

However, masking sound can also lead to negative consequences. If you're in a noisy environment, such as a concert or on the street with a lot of cars and people, you may not hear important sounds such as cars honking or people screaming. Therefore, it is important to be attentive and listen to your surroundings in order to avoid possible dangers.

Title: Sound Masking: A physiological phenomenon and its use in audiometry


Sound masking is an amazing physiological phenomenon that manifests itself in the fact that when two or more sounds of different volumes are simultaneously perceived, quieter sounds cease to be audible to our perception. This effect has found its application in the field of audiometry, a method for measuring hearing and identifying hearing problems.

Sound masking in audiometry:

Audiometry is an important tool in the diagnosis and measurement of hearing. It allows you to determine the presence and degree of hearing loss in a patient. However, during audiometry there may be problems associated with the ability to perceive external noise, which can affect the accuracy of the results.

This is where sound masking comes in handy. The principle of sound masking is based on the use of additional noise (masking noise) to suppress external sounds that may interfere with audiometric results. Masking noise is generated at a specific frequency and volume to create background noise that masks other sounds.

Sound masking process:

Before starting audiometry, the specialist sets the masking noise generator to a certain frequency and volume level. The patient is then asked to listen to different sounds at different volumes and indicate when they heard them. If signals are at the limit of audibility, masking noise can be used to suppress external sounds and prevent them from interfering with the accuracy of the results.

The effectiveness of sound masking depends on several factors, such as the frequency and volume level of the masking noise, as well as the individual patient. The audiologist must carefully adjust the sound masking settings to achieve the best results.


Sound masking is an important tool in the field of audiometry to minimize the influence of external sounds on hearing measurements. This phenomenon is based on the physiological characteristics of sound perception and can be effectively used to achieve more accurate and reliable results in audiometry. Further research in this area could lead to the development of more advanced sound masking techniques and improved hearing diagnostics.

It is important to note that sound masking also has applications outside of audiometry. In some cases, such as in the fields of sound recording or acoustic design, sound masking can be used to create a desired sound environment or hide unwanted noise.

In the future, with the further development of science and technology, sound masking may become an even more effective tool in various fields, from medicine to entertainment. Research into sound perception and masking could lead to new technologies and techniques that improve our ability to perceive and control the sound environment around us.

In summary, sound masking is an interesting and important area of ​​research that has practical applications in audiometry and other fields. This physiological phenomenon continues to amaze us with its ability to influence our perception of sound, and its study helps us better understand the complexities of the auditory system and develop more effective approaches to diagnosing and treating hearing problems.