Bio oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

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You should always take care of moisturizing your skin. This requires drinking enough fluid per day and taking vitamins. Additionally, you can influence the skin externally using special professional cosmetics. By purchasing a miraculous jar of Bio-Oil at the pharmacy, you will smooth out scars, moisturize your body, and get rid of fine wrinkles and stretch marks.

Bio-Oil oil

The cosmetic product Bio-Oil entered the market in 2002, becoming one of the products sold. The spectrum of its action is wide: from eliminating scars and ending with an anti-aging effect. The drug meets the requirements of the World Health Organization and has been awarded at world exhibitions, for example, as “Best multifunctional restorative agent.”


Bio-Oil is based on common unrefined oils (chamomile, lavender, calendula) and supplemented with vitamins A and E. The exclusivity of this product lies not in its composition, but in the formula, which ensures complete absorption of all ingredients by the layers of the epidermis. However, along with plant components, Bio-Oil contains a mineral product – Paraffinum Liquidum, which is in no way classified as natural.

Effect on the body

Renews the skin, improves microcirculation and promotes rejuvenation.

Has a wound-healing, anti-burn effect.

Cleanses the skin of toxins. Promotes cell regeneration. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.

Makes pigment spots, scars, scars less noticeable.

Gives skin elasticity, restoring it and healing wounds.

It has an antioxidant effect, restores the skin after thermal damage, for example, after sunburn.

Bisabol (chamomile extract)

Destroys bacteria. Soothes the epidermis.

Softens the dense texture of oils. As a result, the product penetrates deeper into the skin layers, is well absorbed, without leaving a greasy film.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the product

The disadvantage of the cosmetic product is its high cost. For visible results, a long course of use is required (at least 3 months), which can be expensive from the point of view of the family budget. If you take breaks, the desired effect will not be achieved. Another disadvantage, judging by the reviews, is the inconvenient bottle with a dispenser: when used, liquid flows down the bottle, dirtying it. However, this drug still has more advantages:

  1. due to its liquid consistency, it penetrates deep into the skin;
  2. makes the skin softer, silkier, has a general healing effect;
  3. can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  4. restores the tone of aging, oily, problematic skin;
  5. reduces scars, fine wrinkles, post-acne;
  6. restores structure, promotes the synthesis of new cells;
  7. moisturizes rough and dry areas of the epithelium;
  8. removes peeling;
  9. relieves inflammation and irritation;
  10. hypoallergenic;
  11. with regular use, evens out the color of the epidermis;
  12. Available in recyclable packaging.


Indications for use

Since the beginning of production, Bio-Oil has been positioned as a drug to combat stretch marks. Later, the range of activities expanded significantly. Currently, it can be used to care for any type of skin. The cosmetic product is applicable for burns, scars, wrinkles, irritation, inflammation. However, you still don’t need to overdo it so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Bio-Oil for stretch marks

There is no positive answer to whether bio-oil helps with stretch marks. Daily use of a natural product will make your skin fresh, smooth, and give it firmness and elasticity. Small stretch marks will become almost invisible. However, if you have had stretch marks for a long time, then it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of this cosmetic defect using this remedy.

For wrinkles

The desire to prolong youth is characteristic of any woman. In the fight against wrinkles, dehydration and aging of the skin, representatives of the fair sex use any drugs. Some choose proven grandmother's recipes, others choose the latest innovations in the cosmetic industry, and some try to look for combined products. The latter includes the Bio-Oil suspension, which successfully smoothes out wrinkles, including facial wrinkles.

Bio-Oil for scars

Eco-oil is good for treating fresh and minor tissue damage. Although the manufacturer claims that Bio-Oil reduces the visibility of scars, no cosmetic product can cope with deep scars (for example, after surgical sutures). There is only one way out - laser polishing. Bio-Oil is able to even out the tone, but is not able to completely resolve the scar.


Use for pigmentation and acne

Uneven pigmentation causes no less problems for women than stretch marks. The cause of this defect is the irregular production of melanin, which occurs due to external influences. The use of low-quality bleaching products or prolonged exposure to the sun will change skin color. Another reason may be hormonal imbalance, typical during pregnancy. Reviews of Bio-Oil oil confirm its effectiveness in combating this deficiency. Bio-Oil can also be used for acne, after consulting a dermatologist.

Bio-Oil - instructions for use

Before use, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. Apply the drug to a dry or slightly damp body. If you want to get rid of stretch marks, rub it on the damaged areas with massage movements for 2 minutes. Kneading the skin will improve blood circulation and allow you to get rid of stretch marks faster. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times. Those with dry and aging facial skin should use the serum before bed.

Bio-Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, an oil suspension is used to prevent stretch marks and increase overall tone. The cosmetic product nourishes the skin from the inside, saturating it with a complex of vitamins. They start using Bio-Oil from the 2nd trimester, 2 times a day. After taking a bath, you need to apply the product to your body. Particular attention should be paid to areas prone to stretching: chest, thigh, buttocks, abdomen.

Side effects and contraindications

Bio oil cosmetic oil has side effects and contraindications. The product may cause an allergic reaction as it contains paraffin and wax. It is not advisable to use it during the period of inflammation of acne and acne: the oily structure can clog pores and provoke the appearance of comedones. The drug should be applied very carefully to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.


The multifunctional product Bio-Oil is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug that has no analogues in the fight against scars and stretch marks. However, judging by the reviews, you can still buy a cheaper remedy for stretch marks or make it yourself at home, for example, a suspension with mummy (dissolve it in water and mix with a nourishing cream). Among the main substitutes are:

  1. Re-Gen oil. The composition, appearance of the packaging, smell and consistency are very similar to the oil in question. However the price is much cheaper.
  2. Revitol. A product based on powerful natural ingredients.
  3. Contractubex. An analogue of domestically produced cosmetic oil.
  4. Mama Mio. The components of the cream can reduce the visibility of stretch marks by up to 70%.
  5. Body Perfector. A product of the Oriflame company, created on the basis of glacial water and herbs.


Bio-Oil price

The manufacturer of Bio Oil is the South African company UNION SWISS ZA. The suspension is available in bottles with a dosage of 60 ml or 125 ml. The cost of the cosmetic product is high compared to similar products. The approximate price for these products in the Moscow region is given in the table below.

Summer is coming soon. This means that it’s time to prepare your body for the beach season. A slim figure is the first thing every woman needs to achieve in order to look amazing. But the second important aspect is beautiful, well-groomed skin of the face and body. It's not too difficult to achieve this. Fortunately, today the cosmetics industry offers us a lot of tools for this. And everything would be fine. But many women are concerned about the appearance of stretch marks on their bodies. How to get rid of them? But this is a difficult question. Let's leave radical methods for later and try to achieve results using products such as creams or oil for stretch marks. During pregnancy, they should be used regularly for preventive purposes.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Striae are reddish stripes in the fatty tissue of the skin that become lighter over time. Dermatologists identify one main reason for their appearance - a sharp change in body weight over a short period. It can be triggered by pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, most women who have given birth today are familiar with this unpleasant phenomenon. Many expectant mothers do not take proper care of their skin and do not pay enough attention to their diet. As a result, they gain weight dramatically during pregnancy and after it. The skin is greatly stretched. Cracks appear in the fat layer, which are quickly filled with connective tissue. This is how these ugly stripes appear on the body. At first, stretch marks have dark red and even purple shades. Then they brighten. Stretch marks are especially noticeable against tanned skin. This happens because the connective tissue does not contain pigments, so it does not change color when exposed to sunlight.


What should be the best remedy for stretch marks?

It is important to understand that you will not be able to completely get rid of stretch marks at home. Here radical measures are needed, such as, for example, a surgical method, when a layer of skin is removed along with stretch marks. There are other, less effective, but good methods of getting rid of this defect. These include mesotherapy, laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, cold and hot wraps and much more. At home, it is recommended to regularly use cosmetics, such as, for example, Bio-Oil cream for stretch marks or homemade ointment with mumiyo. Nowadays, on the shelves of stores and pharmacies you can find a lot of products whose manufacturers promise to rid the consumer of this problem once and for all. How to understand this variety of cosmetics? What should be included in the best drug against stretch marks? A good anti-stretch mark cream must contain the following components:

  1. Vitamins A, E, C. These are vital substances that serve to preserve the beauty and youth of our skin. Serve for its regeneration.
  2. Natural oils (shea, jojoba, sweet almond, wheat germ and others). They nourish the skin and improve microcirculation in it.
  3. Collagen, elastin. Manifoldly increases skin elasticity and its protective properties.
  4. Amino acids. Promote the restoration of skin tissue, smooth it out.
  5. Extracts of medicinal plants (onions, arnica flowers, etc.). Improves skin microcirculation, increasing blood flow to the affected area.


Oil for stretch marks "Bio-Oil"

We have figured out what should be included in an effective remedy against stretch marks. Now let's talk about which drugs are most suitable for these purposes. Among women who have many stale stretch marks, a suspension based on Bio-Oil oils is especially popular. It helps get rid of stretch marks quite quickly. The product does not leave a greasy film on the skin. It has a complex composition. It includes oils of medicinal herbs (calendula, rosemary, chamomile, lavender), and vitamins (A, E), and other components. Regular use will make the skin elastic, smooth and firm. Striae on it will be almost invisible. It is noteworthy that the product is popular among mature ladies who want to restore their skin to its former elasticity and fresh appearance.

Weleda product for the prevention of stretch marks

Reviews from women show that a product containing wheat germ oil, almond oil, jojoba oil and arnica flower extract is very popular among them. The product is quite expensive, its price is about 1200 rubles. This is Weleda stretch mark oil. It serves to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and is used mainly during pregnancy. This drug makes the skin soft and elastic. It gives elasticity to the connective tissue that fills the space of the fat layer after the formation of stretch marks. The product has a light pleasant aroma.

Will coconut oil help?

What else can be recommended to women to reduce the risk of stretch marks? Coconut oil will help here. It will definitely get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy. This remedy, perhaps, will not cope only with old stretch marks. It contains a large amount of vitamin E, a natural “elixir” of youthful skin. When used, it does not clog her pores and is gentle and gentle. After a session of use, the skin becomes smooth, even and velvety. The product is absolutely hypoallergenic. Coconut oil is suitable for any skin type. For stretch marks, it should be used as follows: heat a small amount of oil in your palms and gently rub it into the affected area with gentle movements. It must be used daily. You can buy the product at a pharmacy or aroma store.


Olive oil against stretch marks

Undoubtedly, natural coconut oil for stretch marks is very effective. But other similar means also give good results. One of them is olive oil. It also contains a lot of vitamin E, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. The use of this oil prevents the processes of skin degeneration, improves its elasticity, and accelerates its renewal. If you regularly use this remedy during pregnancy, the risk of stretch marks is reduced by 2 times.

Skin massage with shea butter - good results


Shilajit cream - solution to the problem

Using natural oils to give the skin elasticity and firmness is a pleasant and effective experience. But there are other, no less effective means for these purposes, for example, cream for stretch marks with mumiyo. You can prepare it yourself at home. To do this you will need:

  1. 4-5 grams of mumiyo.
  2. 80 grams of baby or any nourishing cream.
  3. Jar for storing the product.

First you need to dissolve the mummy in a teaspoon of boiled warm water, then mix it with baby cream and put it in a jar with a lid for storage. Once a day (preferably in the morning), you need to apply the finished product to areas of the body with stretch marks until they become completely invisible.

Review of the best cosmetics against stretch marks

What does the beauty market offer us today in order to combat this cosmetic defect? Here are some of the most popular remedies against stretch marks:

  1. Avent cream. It is one of the most sought after in Europe. It is produced by an English company known for its products for babies and their mothers (baby dishes, vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and much more). Quite expensive, but effective cream. Its price is about 700 rubles. It contains extracts of algae and sea lettuce, sweet almond oil, papaya, and shea butter. Strengthens and tones the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness.
  2. Cream from the “Donna Mama” series from the Italian company Chicco. It nourishes skin tissue, preventing the appearance of stretch marks. It has a delicate, light consistency. Easily absorbed without leaving any traces. It contains components such as rice bran oil, vitamin PP and E, and wheat germ oil. Price – 450 rubles.
  3. Kontraktubeks cream is a domestic analogue of foreign products. It contains both natural components (onion bulb extract) and synthetic ones (sodium heparin and allantoin). Gives good results. The cost is about 500 rubles for a 20-gram package.
  4. Cream-active from the Swedish company "Oriflame" called "Body-Perfector". Created based on unique herbs and glacial water. Its cost is 480 rubles.
  5. A remedy against old stretch marks, scars and various growths “Kelofibraza” from the German pharmaceutical company Sandoz. Almost completely evens out the structure and tone of the skin, helping to increase its elasticity many times over. The price of the cream is about 1500 rubles.

How to use the funds?


All remedies against stretch marks are divided into those that need to be used while still pregnant, and those that are indicated after the baby is born. Most of them are recommended to be used 2-3 times a day for several months. Such products, as a rule, include natural ingredients that are absolutely safe for the fetus or an already born child. They do not pass into breast milk, so they will not cause any unpleasant “surprises” after use. Ointment for stretch marks for pregnant women is used from the first weeks of pregnancy and 3 months after birth. It is recommended to lubricate the areas of the abdomen, waist, hips and chest. Dermatologists recommend applying anti-stretch mark products used after childbirth after a massage with a hard sisal washcloth in the shower. Such creams should also be applied 2-3 times a day, unless another method is prescribed in the instructions. The product is used until the stretch marks become light and unnoticeable.

Prevention of stretch marks

Following these simple recommendations will allow every woman to avoid “acquaintance” with stretch marks:

  1. It is necessary to exercise regularly, exercise daily, and lead an active lifestyle.
  2. Eat healthy and varied, giving preference to light dishes. Do not overeat under any circumstances. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. This way the stomach becomes full faster. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Drink at least 2 liters per day. This is important for skin elasticity.
  3. Avoid sudden increases in body weight. At the first signs of obesity, use measures to normalize weight (diet, fitness, and so on).
  4. During pregnancy, use special supportive underwear (bandages, bras).


Regularly use cosmetics containing collagen and elastin to maintain skin elasticity. You can also use special preparations to prevent stretch marks, such as oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, creams and lotions.

Traditional medicine tips

What could be better and safer than a homemade remedy for stretch marks? Here are a few recipes that our women often use:

  1. Homemade scrub. Take 1 faceted glass of granulated sugar, the same amount of salt and ½ glass of palm oil (any kind will do). Mix everything and massage the affected areas of the skin in the shower.
  2. Homemade butter cocktail. Shea butter is known to be very effective against stretch marks. In combination with other components, it simply works wonders. To prepare the product, you need to take ½ cup of olive oil, add a little shea butter, a drop of rosemary, orange, lavender and mint oils. It is recommended to rub your body with this aromatic mixture twice a day.
  3. Avocado cream. Mix the following ingredients in a blender: 1 fresh avocado, 4 teaspoons of olive oil, 4 teaspoons of aloe juice, 10 capsules of vitamin E. Apply the mixture to the skin for half an hour, and then rinse it off with warm water. After this, it is recommended to apply any nourishing cream to it.

The best oil for stretch marks: reviews from women

Every new mother has probably already tried several remedies to help her cope with the problem of stretch marks appearing on her body. If you analyze women's reviews of such products, you can find out that the best oil for stretch marks for many of them is olive, coconut and even sunflower. Our ladies prefer to use mostly natural products to cope with the problem. It is possible that this is explained by their desire to protect their baby from the effects of chemical compounds found in cosmetic skin care products. Many expectant mothers trust such a remedy as Weleda stretch mark oil. It is usually used during pregnancy.


And many women use their own homemade stretch mark cream with mumiyo for this purpose. If we analyze which cosmetic product is most popular among women, we can create the following ranking ladder:

  1. Celluli-Ultra Performance from Payot.
  2. Phytolastil ampoules from Lierac.
  3. Sanosan Mama from Sanosan.
  4. Biovergetures from Biotherm.
  5. Mustela 9 Months by Mustela.
  6. Lierac Phytolastil gel from Lierac.
  7. "Stop Stretch Marks" by Academie.
  8. Response Corps by Matis.
  9. Anti-stretch Mark Cream from Oriflame.
  10. Expert Body from Faberlic.

We looked at which oil is best to use against stretch marks during pregnancy, and also reviewed the best cosmetics and folk remedies against the formation of stretch marks.