Black cumin oil in cosmetology for wrinkles

Recipes for using black cumin oil in cosmetology have been known since ancient times, and even Cleopatra herself used this extract for skin care. In the modern world, the miraculous characteristics of this product are actively used by women to create masks, creams and hair care.

Cosmetic properties of black cumin oil


Let's look at what is valuable in cumin oil, which helps the skin glow and refreshes its appearance. It is made using the cold pressing method, due to which all the beneficial substances are preserved unchanged.

  1. Vitamins of groups B, A, vitamins D and E deeply heal the skin, rejuvenate and renew the epidermis;
  2. Calcium has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, helping in the fight against pimples and acne; deep cleans;
  3. Iron will renew cells, rejuvenate them and saturate them with oxygen, raising overall tone;
  4. Zinc activates collagen production, removes oily shine and normalizes metabolic processes;
  5. Copper will restore skin elasticity and increase its barrier against bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

In addition, it contains many components that the human body cannot produce on its own. These are amino acids, alkaloids, flavonoids and organic acids.

How do you know when it’s time to pay attention to this herbal medicine?

  1. If the covers are dry, they will receive both nutrition and hydration. The oval will tighten, wrinkles will smooth out.
  2. If it is sluggish, then the cumin substrate will force its own cells to work so that collagen and elastin fibers are formed;
  3. If you want to get rid of unsightly acne marks on problematic skin, blackheads and pimples.
  4. In oily epidermis, the pores will be cleaned, they will narrow, shine and puffiness will disappear. He will become clean and shining.

External use of black cumin oil for cosmetic purposes is based on its effective anti-aging property, which gives the skin a second youth. It has a generally antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the skin, accelerates cell restoration after damage, and cures dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Black cumin oil in cosmetology for wrinkles - recipes


We offer you several recipes to improve the condition of different skin types. But keep in mind that you should first find out about the contraindications of black cumin oil. You can buy creams with black cumin oil in specialized stores, but making something healthy and pleasant for your skin at home is not difficult.

For oily:

The procedures should be carried out within a month, two to three times weekly, and it is better to wash off the remaining masks with cool water.

To update: take any clay from a cosmetics store, dilute it with water until it thickens, add cumin extract, mix, apply to the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

For cleansing: 7 ml of oil and 17 grams of grape extract, apply to the face and leave for forty minutes.

For a tightening effect: mix 7 ml of olive oil, 5 ml of cumin oil, four drops of rosemary essential oils, three drops each of juniper and bergamot, a couple of drops of basil. All this needs to be heated in a water bath and, while still warm, applied to the skin and relax for twenty minutes.

For dry:

The course will take 1.5-2 months, procedures should be carried out regularly three to four times a week. Wash off with warm water.

Refresh yourself: Mix cumin substrate (6 ml) with grape seed extract. Apply and leave for forty minutes.

Smoothing: Sour cream (30 ml), caraway extract (15 ml), ground cinnamon. The mixture is applied in a thick layer and kept for 15 minutes.

For wrinkles: Add a few drops of water, 4 ml of cumin oil, 6 grams of liquid honey and yolk to 15 grams. Apply a thin layer to the face and keep the mask on for ten minutes.

Black cumin oil mask for problem skin


To treat pimples and blackheads, the extract is used in its pure form, but very carefully, precisely applied to areas with inflammation.

For nutrition: Prepare a mixture of cumin substrate (7 ml), ground oatmeal, tea tree oil (30 ml) and leave for half an hour.

Rejuvenate: mix cumin (15 g) and olive (30 g) oils; Apply and leave for half an hour.

Black cumin oil for the skin around the eyes

The area around the eyes is the same area of ​​the face that shows both age and fatigue. You can also use it on this delicate area, treating it before bed. Add a couple of drops of oil to mineral water and wipe with a moistened swab very carefully so as not to get on the mucous membrane.

Black cumin oil for eyelashes

Squeezing cumin has a beneficial effect on the quality of hair, including eyelashes. To make them thicker, longer and more voluminous, it is enough to treat them at night for a month. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result. Also pay attention to the article on our website - Black cumin oil for hair loss.

Black seed oil also helps with stretch marks and cellulite


Stretch marks are a very common cosmetic defect when collagen fibers rupture. This happens due to hormonal activity, lack of vitamins, stress, and sudden changes in weight. Women are highly susceptible to stretch marks during pregnancy.

The natural components included in the cumin substrate allow it to be used externally while expecting a child. Skin care for stretch marks, especially if you add lavender and olive fatty extracts, becomes pleasant and very effective. In this combination, the skin will be protected from dryness and will receive nutrition and be enriched with vitamins. This therapy is especially effective in the early stages. In cosmetics, this ingredient can often be found in products for intensive hydration, including for the prevention and treatment of cellulite.

So, we looked at black cumin cosmetic oil and learned about the different ways it can be used to maintain the beauty and natural health of the skin.

We also suggest that you pay attention to the material on the use of lemon balm oil in cosmetology.

The problem of unhealthy, aging facial skin has plagued more than one generation. Many oriental beauties know about the miraculous transformation of the skin after using cumin. Even the queens of Egypt Cleopatra and Nefertiti did not miss the opportunity to use black cumin oil for deficiencies and diseases of the dermis. Therefore, the capabilities and medicinal properties of the drug cannot be neglected. How to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, all its secrets will be revealed further.

Subtleties of preparing the product

Black cumin or Roman coriander is an annual plant that grows mainly in hot countries of the Middle East, and is also found in Russia. Initially, it was used in cooking and medicine in the treatment of many diseases (for example, diseases of the endocrine and digestive system). For cosmetic purposes, an oil extract of the plant is used, which is obtained by mechanically squeezing selected and dried caraway seeds. An oily liquid without sediment is used in anti-aging and anti-inflammatory face masks, in products for healing and stimulating hair growth. By regularly using the extract in combination with self-massage, young and tightened facial skin, like Queen Cleopatra’s, is guaranteed.


Cumin seed oil is a golden to brown liquid with a pungent aroma. Possessing a large number of useful components, fatty acids and microelements, it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles and defects not only of young, but also mature dermis. In addition, the use of the drug guarantees a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Composition and medicinal properties of black cumin oil

According to leading doctors, the composition of the elixir is considered truly royal, thanks to the content of over 100 types of useful components. In addition, about half of the components enhance the processes occurring inside cells.

The composition of the drug is multifaceted:

  1. fatty acids - Omega-6, Omega-9, linolenic, stearic;
  2. about 15 important amino acids (arginine in particular);
  3. vitamins C, D, E, group B;
  4. micro-, macroelements – calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc;
  5. carotenoids, which help activate the synthesis of new collagen fibers;
  6. phytosterols with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

The whole complex guarantees an effective and quick result in the improvement of individual systems and the immunity of the body as a whole. Black cumin oil is also used on the face for wrinkles, stretch marks and acne.

Thanks to its unique components, the following properties of black cumin oil are undeniable:

  1. antibacterial - successfully used for inflammation of the epidermis and treatment of many infections;
  2. a high content of antioxidant substances helps slow down the aging process and activate the regenerative function;
  3. analgesic – reduces pain;
  4. immunostimulating – strengthens the body’s immunity, increases resistance to infections;
  5. sedative – the product calms and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  6. relaxing – natural ingredients soothe and relax muscles.


Black cumin oil - benefits for the face

Black cumin oil for facial skin is an essential source of vitamins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and enzymes. They stimulate collagen production, nourish and normalize cell function.

The glutathione contained in the drug has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration and slows down aging. Due to its antibacterial and soothing properties, black cumin oil is used for acne, inflammation, redness and itching.

Zinc and vitamins A, C, E neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on tissue and help eliminate stretch marks and wrinkles.
A combination of vitamins A, B and unsaturated fatty acids helps normalize the water-lipid balance in epidermal cells. The dermis is noticeably transformed, it becomes soft, moisturized, the color evens out and acquires a pleasant, healthy shade.

Regular use of the drug guarantees:

  1. normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. increases blood and lymph circulation;
  3. alignment of relief and complexion;
  4. acceleration of the regenerative abilities of the epidermis;
  5. reduction of inflammatory processes and swelling of the dermis;
  6. high-quality, deep cleansing of pores;
  7. eliminating the appearance of pimples and acne on the face;
  8. reducing skin problems;
  9. deep nutrition and hydration of tissues;
  10. smoothing and partial elimination of facial and age wrinkles;
  11. increasing the protective function of cells.

In many European countries, black cumin oil is used for the face against wrinkles as the most effective cosmetic product; all kinds of nourishing, rejuvenating face masks are prepared from it, and even added to the main lifting cream for enrichment.


Contraindications for use

Black cumin oil, the harm of which is not commensurate with the benefits, still has some limitations in use:

  1. individual allergic reaction;
  2. pregnancy at all stages;
  3. breastfeeding period;
  4. recent organ transplant operations.

Be sure to conduct a rapid test for an allergic reaction before using cosmetics based on black cumin extract. To do this, apply a few drops of liquid to the inside of your elbow and observe. Irritation, discomfort and itching are signs of intolerance by the body to the components of the drug. Its use will have to be postponed.

When consuming liquids orally, consult your doctor first about the correct, safe dosage.

If you want to replace black cumin oil with another product, you should pay attention to: rose oil, sandalwood oil, jojoba oil.

Black cumin oil for face against wrinkles

A large arsenal of useful and effective substances allows the extract to be used in cosmetology as:

  1. the main component of all kinds of masks and skin care creams;
  2. an effective addition to a cleansing cosmetic product;
  3. component of creams for the neck and décolleté area;
  4. vitamin supplement to basic skin care cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, acne, or as a prophylactic agent in its pure, concentrated form. To enhance effectiveness, it is useful to combine the drug with other essential plant extracts. Find out more about them here.

The best mask recipes will help you avoid premature aging, solve the problems of young skin and eliminate the existing shortcomings of mature skin:

  1. Queen Cleopatra's mask with a lifting effect: 15 g of oatmeal crushed into flour, 2-3 drops of purified water, 4 ml of caraway seeds, 6 g of natural honey and 1 yolk. Mix all components thoroughly, apply the composition to the surface of the face in a thin layer, and rinse after 10 minutes.
  2. Black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles for oily dermis can be used in the following mask recipe: olive oil 7 ml, cumin remedy 5 ml, rosemary essential extract 4 drops, juniper and bergamot extract 3 drops each, mix basil juice. Heat the mixture slightly in a bathhouse, then apply to the face for 30 minutes. Remove any leftovers.
  3. Mask for problematic surfaces: mix 30 ml of tea tree extract with 7 ml of cumin oil, add 12 g of oatmeal. Mix and spread over problem skin for 30 minutes.
  4. Anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin types: mix full-fat sour cream (15 ml) with caraway elixir (7 ml) and cinnamon powder (4 g). Apply the resulting mixture generously to the dermis for 15-20 minutes.
  5. 5. A mask of 10 ml of olive extract and 7 ml of caraway will help to cleanse oily skin and give it a healthy glow. The oil composition is distributed over the surface for 30-40 minutes.

To achieve maximum results, steam your skin with chamomile decoction before applying the mask.


The miraculous properties of oil obtained from black cumin seeds have been known since ancient times. It was used to treat wounds, bites of poisonous insects and snakes, and was taken for colds. This wonderful product will help take care of your skin to maintain youth and beauty. By correctly using black cumin oil for wrinkles, you can achieve remarkable results.


Black cumin is also called Roman coriander. The plant grows mainly in the countries of the Middle East. The seeds of the plant are valuable; they are used as a seasoning, as well as raw materials for extracting oil. The result is an oily, light yellow liquid, which has recently been actively used in cosmetology.


Interesting! The product has a balanced composition, which contains vitamins, organic acids, tannins, as well as micro- and macroelements in optimal proportions. This ratio of elements is not found anywhere else, that is, the oil is a unique product of its kind.

  1. Rich set fatty acids – stearic, linoleic, Omega-9, Omega-6. These substances are necessary to preserve the skin, as they ensure the preservation of moisture in the cells and stimulate metabolic processes.
  2. More than one and a half dozen valuable amino acids, necessary for the construction of cells and their regeneration.
  3. Varied vitamins, including almost a complete range of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol. These substances are antioxidants that protect cells from external factors that contribute to aging;
  4. Phytostyrols, which heal the skin, having an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Carotenoids, thanks to which collagen, necessary to maintain skin elasticity, begins to be more actively produced.

In addition to the listed substances, the oil contains a wide range of micro- and macroelements, including copper, iron, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus. All these substances are necessary to nourish the skin and maintain its health and youth.


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What effect does it have?

Thanks to the unique composition of components, the product has the following effects:

  1. Antioxidant, that is, the product slows down the aging process and activates regeneration.
  2. Protective, epidermal cells receive additional protection from negative factors.
  3. Antibacterial, the oil helps destroy microorganisms that cause inflammation and acne.
  4. Calming, the product relieves irritation, peeling, and redness.

In addition, the oil obtained from the seeds of Roman coriander is a source of nutrients necessary for epidermal cells. With regular use of the product:

  1. the functions of the glands that produce sebum are normalized;
  2. the walls of blood vessels are toned, which leads to stimulation of blood flow and lymph circulation;
  3. the relief of the face becomes smoother;
  4. skin color acquires a healthy shade;
  5. natural cell renewal processes are accelerated;
  6. inflammatory processes are stopped, pimples and comedones become significantly smaller;
  7. tissues receive additional moisture and the nutrients they need;
  8. there is a smoothing (partial, and in some places complete) of wrinkles, both age-related and facial wrinkles.

This remedy can be called universal; it can be useful at any age. In addition, it solves many cosmetic problems regardless of the type of epidermis.


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Precautionary measures

Despite the obvious benefits of the product, not everyone can use it. There is a small list of contraindications. In particular, Before starting a rejuvenation course, you need to conduct a rapid test to determine your skin’s sensitivity to oil. Some people develop allergic reactions when using the product externally, so a test is a mandatory procedure.

Important! It is not recommended to use the oil for pregnant women, as well as for young mothers who are breastfeeding. You should not apply oil and cosmetic compositions based on it if there are unhealed wounds on the skin. And since the product stimulates blood flow, it is not recommended for use for rosacea.


Let's figure out how to properly use black cumin oil against wrinkles. This is a product from the basic category, so it can be used in different ways, namely:

  1. apply, without diluting anything, to the entire surface of the face, including the area around the eyes;
  2. enrich cosmetics - cosmetic milk, creams, ready-made masks;
  3. prepare homemade cosmetics based on it.

Basic rules of use:

  1. Before applying oil or oil-enriched formulations, the skin must be prepared. Preparations are standard: cleansing and steaming;
  2. It is recommended to heat the oil itself to body temperature, so it is better absorbed and valuable substances can enter the cells;
  3. You shouldn’t apply a lot of oil; ideally, all the applied product should be absorbed into the skin;
  4. duration of the procedure – from a quarter of an hour to forty minutes;
  5. Oily compounds must be removed dry. Excess that is not absorbed into the skin is removed with cotton swabs (dry) or paper napkins. If a mask was prepared with the addition of eggs, honey or other products, then it is removed with a damp swab, completing the procedure with a contrast wash;
  6. You should not use oil daily. If wrinkles already exist, it is recommended to use the product after a day or two. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to do the procedures weekly. After 10-12 procedures, you should take a break for at least three weeks.


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Oil blends

You can apply caraway oil without adding additional ingredients to it. However, a more pronounced effect can be achieved if you use mixtures of oils. They can simply be applied in a thin layer to the face, not forgetting the area around the eyes, as well as the neck.


You can apply oil applications to the entire face or just to problem areas, such as under the eyes. To do this, prepare fabric masks from gauze folded in two or three layers. The mask should be large enough to cover problem areas. If you are making a mask for the entire face, you need to cut out holes for the eyes and lips.

The prepared mask is soaked in a mixture of oils and applied to the skin for half an hour. You can cover the mask with parchment and a terry towel on top to create a kind of “greenhouse effect”

Blend recipes:

  1. Mix equal volumes of caraway and olive seed oils. This composition is recommended for dry skin;
  2. a mixture of oils from Roman coriander seeds (5 ml) and grape seeds (15 ml) refreshes and rejuvenates;
  3. To restore the elasticity of sagging skin, it is recommended to prepare the following mixture of oils: peach seeds - 15 ml, rose hips - 10 ml, black cumin - 5 ml. We enrich this composition with geranium and fennel esters (2 drops of each).

Options for anti-aging masks

To level the relief, stimulate regeneration and provide additional nutrition to epidermal cells, you can use the recipes below.


Beat the white of a medium-sized egg until foamy. Separately, grind 20 grams of fresh cottage cheese with 5 ml of oil extract from black cumin seeds and the same amount of juice squeezed from an aloe leaf. Combine the prepared mixture with protein foam. Apply for twenty minutes.


This composition has a tightening effect, smoothes, and narrows enlarged pores.


This aromatic composition saturates the epidermal cells with vitamins, refreshes and smoothes out wrinkles. To prepare, take a green apple and kiwi. You need to make a puree from peeled fruits and take a tablespoon of both and mix. Add 10 ml of cumin oil and three drops of lavender essential oil. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


This composition not only refreshes and rejuvenates, but also removes unwanted pigmentation. Grate fresh cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Separately, prepare and strain the lemon juice. Mix two types of juice, take three tablespoons of cucumber juice and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Add 5 ml of cumin oil to this mixture and beat. Apply with a cotton swab. Wipe the skin with the mixture, let the liquid dry, and apply the next layer. Repeat this two or three times. After the last layer has dried, you need to wash your face.


This composition moisturizes well, softens and gives the face a healthy, even color. A composition based on sour cream is prepared. You should choose a product depending on your skin type. If the epidermis is oily, then you should choose a fermented milk product with a fat content of 10-15%. For skin prone to flaking and dryness, it is better to choose a product with a high percentage of oil content.

Mix 30 grams of sour cream with a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and 5 ml of cumin seed oil. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


This composition is sometimes called Cleopatra's mask. It is not known whether the famous Egyptian queen used this recipe, but our contemporaries confirm its effectiveness. Dilute a tablespoon of oatmeal, crushed to flour, with warm milk until it becomes a thick paste. Separately, mix 5 ml of black cumin seed oil with a teaspoon of liquid honey and raw yolk. Mix the prepared mixture with oatmeal.


Apply to face for a quarter of an hour. After using this composition, the skin visually looks younger and fresher. It can even be used as an SOS remedy if you urgently need to “erase” traces of fatigue from your face.

With clay

This composition is recommended for problem skin that has lost its elasticity. For preparation you will need blue cosmetic clay. Dilute 25 grams of this product with cold water to obtain a thick paste. Then add 5 ml of black cumin seed oil and three drops of rosemary ether.


This composition is used for additional cleansing of skin prone to aging. The base is almond or olive oil; 15 liters of this product will be required. The base should be mixed with 5 ml of Roman coriander seed oil and two tablespoons of granulated sugar.

The composition is applied to the skin with circular massaging movements. The massage should last two to three minutes. Then you need to leave the mixture on the skin for another five minutes, then rinse off. The use of this mask allows you to remove the top layer of dead cells.


This composition is suitable for dry skin, as it moisturizes well.


A piece of peeled pumpkin should be grated on the finest grater or chopped in a blender. Add 5 ml of cumin seed oil and about a spoonful of semolina to two tablespoons of vegetable mass. Add the cereal gradually, making sure the mixture is so thick that it is easy to apply. Wash off a quarter of an hour after application.

Experts' opinion

Professional cosmetologists confirm that black cumin oil for the face can be beneficial. But only if used correctly. But you shouldn’t count on the fact that oil will turn an adult lady into a young girl in the blink of an eye. This product (as well as any other oil or cream) will not cope with old deep folds. But it will really help eliminate superficial wrinkles.

Women's opinion

Reviews about Roman coriander seed oil are mostly positive. Women who have used this product for home care are satisfied with the results.

I used black seed oil for wrinkles around the eyes. With the help of this wonderful tool I was able to achieve good results. Not only the wrinkles are gone, but also the swelling around the eyes. I did oil applications every day for a week. And in such a short period of time – such significant changes. I am very pleased!

I love natural cosmetics, I believe that the benefits from them are much greater than from the most expensive creams with preservatives. The only disadvantage of natural cosmetics is the time required for preparation. But our skin is not “stuffed” with preservatives and other additives. One of the most effective remedies for rejuvenation is black cumin oil. It suits me perfectly. After application, the skin becomes much fresher and younger.