Homemade aloe oil

Aloe has been famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Its oil is used not only for medical purposes to treat many diseases, but is also actively used in cosmetology. Probably everyone has noticed that any cosmetic product cannot do without such a component. After all, aloe perfectly heals, moisturizes, removes inflammation and even helps restore dead cells, that is, it has a regenerating property.

Aloe oil is used to prepare home remedies. Moreover, not only for the face and body, but also for adding beauty to the hair. The plant contains a whole vitamin complex that helps strengthen and restore the water balance of the scalp and regulates the secretion of sebum.

Healing properties of aloe oil

In cosmetology, aloe juice and oil are used, which helps combat the following problems:

  1. relieves scalp irritation and soothes it;
  2. strengthens the hair follicle and prevents hair from falling out;
  3. restores elasticity to hair and gives it shine;
  4. Helps eliminate brittleness and split ends.

How to make aloe oil at home

The process of preparing aloe oil at home will take about a month. After all, it consists of several stages. Therefore, it is important to consider each of them.

Firstly, the plant must be at least three years old. It is during this period that it gains the maximum amount of nutrients. Secondly, you only need to cut off the lower leaves, since the upper ones will be in a state of active growth.

So, first you need to boil the water and cool it. Then cut off the aloe leaves and rinse them with cold prepared water. Then you need to wrap the leaves in a black bag and place them in the refrigerator for 12 days. To later navigate the date of the bookmark, it is best to write it on paper and stick it on the bag.

As soon as the required time has passed, take the aloe leaves out of the refrigerator and cut them into small pieces. Then carefully peel off the skin and separate the gel-like part from it. Place it in a glass jar and add oil. The proportion must be strictly observed: for 10 g of aloe pulp, 90 ml of oil. As for oil, it is best to use olive oil. If you don’t have it, you can take sunflower.

The jar with the ingredients must be tightly sealed and placed in a dark place for 14 days. Cannot be placed in the refrigerator. Every day the contents need to be shaken three times a day.

After two weeks, open the jar and strain the resulting essential oil through medical gauze and pour into another glass container. To keep the resulting oil longer, you can use vitamin E as a preservative (3 drops per 100 g of oil).

Aloe-based hair masks

A mask that gives hair volume and thickness

1 chicken yolk must be beaten with 1 tsp. castor oil. The mass should be homogeneous. Then add 2 drops of garlic juice and 1 tbsp. aloe oil Mix the resulting mass and leave for 10 minutes. In the meantime, you need to prepare a nettle decoction. Take 2 tbsp. nettle and 200 ml of water. Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Now the broth needs to be cooled. Then you need to add 3 tbsp to the mask. nettle decoction. It is recommended to gently rub the resulting composition into the scalp and distribute throughout the hair. Wrap your head in a large towel for 40 minutes. Then wash off the mask with shampoo.

Instead of nettle, it is allowed to prepare a decoction of burdock. This product should be used 2 times a week. Course duration – 3 months.

Firming mask

2 chicken yolks should be mixed with 1 tbsp. aloe oil Apply to roots and hair, rubbing the mask in little by little. After 30 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. Shampoo may not be used.

A healing mask that stops hair loss

To prepare such a mask you need to take 1 tbsp. aloe oil, onion juice and honey. Next, add 1 yolk and 1 tsp. dry mustard. Mix all ingredients and rub only into hair roots. After an hour, rinse off first with cool water and then wash the roots with shampoo.

Mask for fast hair growth

Mix 2 drops of vitamins A, E, B. Then add one 1 tbsp. aloe oil and 1 tsp. burdock oil. In a separate container, beat 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. kefir As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous and foam appears, pour these two ingredients into the mask. Apply the resulting composition to your hair, cover with a plastic bag, and wrap your head with a warm towel on top. After 40 minutes, wash off with shampoo. It is recommended to use this mask once a week.

Cleansing effect

In order to prepare the mask you need to take 1 tbsp. aloe oil, vodka, mustard. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add 2 chicken yolks. It is recommended to lightly shake the mask. Then apply the mixture to the roots and hair. After 30 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water without shampoo.

A healing mask that nourishes damaged hair

We take aloe oil and jojoba oil in a 1:1 ratio. The amount of prepared mask depends on the length of the hair. The resulting composition needs to be slightly heated in a water bath, then distributed over the hair and wrapped with film. You can keep an unlimited number (depending on your free time). You can use this mask twice a week.

Home remedy for dandruff

For preparation you need the following ingredients: aloe oil, honey, lemon juice, castor oil. All ingredients must be taken 1 tsp. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and massage for 2 minutes. Then wrap your head for half an hour. Wash off the mask with water and shampoo. After washing, it is recommended to rinse your hair with any herbal decoction. It is better to dry your hair naturally, without using a hair dryer or straightening iron. In this case, the effect of the mask will be much greater. And all the beneficial substances will remain on the hair for a long time.


Aloe is a very famous plant that is widely used in cosmetology, as it has a huge number of positive properties and can relieve many skin problems. The oil of this wonderful plant is also very often used in skin care, and therefore today we want to tell you about how to make aloe oil on your own at home.

Vegetable oils for every “taste and color” can be found freely available both in pharmacies and online stores. Therefore, it will not be difficult to purchase the oil you need, but if you are a fan of handmade products or just want to experiment, we offer you an aloe oil recipe.

Aloe is highly valued in cosmetology. It can be successfully used to care for the skin of the face, body, and hair. The value of this plant is due to its excellent composition, which includes resinous substances, organic acids (cinnamic, citric, malic, isocitric, succinic, l-coumaric), phenols, esters, chrysophanic acid, emolin, aloin, emodin, allantoin, phytoncides, vitamins A, C, E and group B, as well as many other biologically active substances.

Thanks to this rich composition, aloe has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, regenerating, softening, moisturizing, astringent and antiseptic properties. All this allows you to use juice, gel, oil or aloe extract when caring for any skin type, but it will be especially useful for problematic, combination or oily skin. In addition, aloe has virtually no contraindications and is well tolerated even by sensitive skin, but if you are predisposed to allergic reactions, then it is better to test before using aloe.

Aloe oil has the same beneficial properties as, for example, the pure juice of this succulent. But aloe itself does not have oil, so you can’t just squeeze it out of the plant. To do this, you will need a base, some kind of foundation on which the aloe will be infused.

To create aloe oil, you will need vegetable oil in which aloe will be infused (olive, wheat germ or sunflower) and biostimulated aloe leaves. What are biostimulated leaves? These are leaves that have undergone a biostimulation process. The fact is that after cutting the leaf, all life processes begin to fade, as a result of which a biogenic stimulant begins to be synthesized in the leaf cells - a substance that greatly increases the benefits of aloe.

To make biostimulated leaves, cut them from the bottom of the trunk of a plant (which is at least three years old) and wash them with distilled cold (!) water. Then blot them with napkins and leave until completely dry. When the leaves are dry, wrap them in a dark bag or cloth and put them in the refrigerator for 10 days. After time, take out the leaves, cut them lengthwise and carefully separate the pulp from the peel (it’s easiest to do this with a teaspoon). Then cut the pulp into small pieces (if the pulp is very soft, crush it with a spoon or fork) and put it in a glass container.

After this, add vegetable oil to the container in a ratio of 1:9, i.e. For 10 g of aloe pulp you need 90 ml of oil. To keep the oil fresh longer, squeeze 3-5 capsules of vitamin E into the container at the end - it will act as a preservative and have an additional beneficial effect on the skin.

Now the container must be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place (not in the refrigerator) for 14 days. Every day you need to shake it 1-2 times. When 2 weeks have passed, take a cheesecloth and strain the oil until it comes out clean and free of lumps. Your aloe oil is now ready to use.

Aloe oil can be added to face creams, lotions, tonics, gels/foams for washing, and even to shampoos and hair masks. You can also use it in its pure form, applying a few drops to damp facial skin. This treatment will transform your skin in a matter of days: the oil smoothes, relieves inflammation and prevents new ones from appearing, evens out the complexion, eliminates dryness, flaking and a feeling of tightness, and also helps epidermal cells retain moisture, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.


Modern science says with full confidence that even the ancient Egyptians knew about the miraculous properties of aloe vera. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation and is still preserved.

Succulent plant oil is considered a universal remedy in cosmetology and medicine.

It also has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Useful and healing properties

Aloe vera essential oil is an oily liquid with a yellowish tint. In production it is extracted by maceration.

This is a physiological process of obtaining liquid from the leaves of a flower, in which another, exclusively vegetable oil serves as the “carrier”. In this case, soy is used.

The substance from aloe has a considerable range of positive effects on the body. And all thanks to its composition, which contains:

  1. vitamins A, B, C, E;
  2. enzymes;

  3. butter-from-aloe-in-domashnih-VIPaEhH.webp

    minerals and trace elements;
  4. amino acids;
  5. polysaccharides;
  6. resins;
  7. styrene;
  8. anthraquine glycocides;
  9. chromonodes.

More than 200 active substances promote rejuvenation and healing the body as a whole. Aloe extract can:

  1. heal purulent wounds, cuts;
  2. help with fungal diseases of the feet;
  3. treat dermatological diseases (eczema, dermatitis, acne, urticaria);
  4. tone and nourish the skin;
  5. normalize metabolic processes;
  6. protect the skin from loss of excess fluid;
  7. gently cleanse and deeply nourish the skin;
  8. eliminate bacteria and germs.

How to make a cosmetic product?

To prepare a macerate at home, that is, oil infused with a medicinal plant, you should follow the instructions.

  1. Choose an adult flower that is at least 3 years old.
  2. Trim off the lower thick leaves.
  3. Rinse them with water, then pat dry with a paper towel.
  4. Place in the refrigerator for 12 hours for biostimulation.
  5. After time, the leaves should be cut lengthwise.
  6. Separate the gel-like liquid and place it preferably in a glass container.

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    You should also add vegetable oil from olives, sunflowers or wheat germ. In a percentage ratio of 1:9, 90 ml of oil is needed per 10 g of crushed aloe leaves.
  8. It is better to place the container in which the mixture is located in a dark place with a temperature of +20-22°C for a period of 14 days. At the same time, shake the mixture every two days.
  9. After 2 weeks, filter the mixture and mix with 1 capsule of vitamin E for long-term storage.

How and why to use it?

Succulent essential oil is a necessary ingredient in cosmetology.. It is included without limitation in:

  1. massage mixtures;
  2. hair masks;
  3. creams (we have a separate article about creams with Aloe Vera);
  4. lotions;
  5. hygienic lipsticks;
  6. aftershave products;
  7. toilet soap.

Aloe ether can be added to ready-made products in accordance with the following proportions:

  1. For 10 ml of face lotion you need 5 drops of oil;
  2. for 10 ml of shampoo – 10 drops of oil;
  3. for 5 mg of cream – 7 drops of succulent plant ether.


As already stated, an oily substance based on aloe has a rich composition of healing components. Therefore, it is often used in expensive cosmetics. The percentage composition of the herbal elixir in it is about 50-70%, but for example, in budget products the figure remains at 5%.

In its pure form, ready-made essential oil is also not cheap. Therefore, the best option would be to prepare aloe vera-based cosmetics yourself at home. Such drugs will be of excellent quality and inexpensive.

For face


Aloe macerate has unique rejuvenating and tonic qualities. Its regular use will significantly improve the condition of the epidermis:

  1. relieves peeling;
  2. irritation;
  3. dryness;
  4. regulates the water balance of the skin.

This tool can be used as an additional component of ready-made creams, or instead of them. The aloe-based product has the amazing ability to quickly absorb, well moisturize the deep layers of the skin, without leaving the feeling of a greasy, sticky film on the face.

Mask for oily skin.

Ingredients: 1 egg white, aloe oil, lemon juice. Mix and immediately apply to the skin of the face. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat 2 times a week.
Mask for dry skin.

Combine the ingredients together in equal proportions: aloe vera macerate, honey, oatmeal. Stir the mixture until smooth. Can be applied to the face daily. Keep for at least 30 minutes.
Mask for dull skin.

Ingredients: aloe ether, strawberry pulp, peach seed oil, a small amount of St. John's wort infusion. Having combined the ingredients, the mass is applied to the skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off.

You will find more information about natural skin care with Aloe vera in a separate article.

For hair

Hair cosmetics made from succulent oil strengthen the hair follicle, nourish and moisturize the scalp, treat split ends, and stimulate growth.

The natural component is suitable for every hair type. By adding oil to shampoos and conditioners, you will see positive results over time.

Mask for dry hair.

Combine aloe macerate with 1 yolk, add essential oils of lavender 10 drops and sage 5 drops. Apply to clean, damp hair. Leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.


Shine mixture.

Take honey, aloe oil and castor oil. Mix and apply to damp hair. Keep for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, wash your hair well with shampoo.
Hair strengthening mask.

You need to take: burdock oil, aloe vera ether, yolk, honey, 3-4 drops of lemon ether. Stir everything and rub into the scalp. Then leave for half an hour. Wash your hair well with shampoo.

Read more about using Aloe Vera for hair in this article.

For body

Body product: 50 ml of aloe oil and 25 ml of oils: jojoba, wheat germ, almond, rose. Mix all ingredients. Apply to damp body after shower. The procedure is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a week.

For skin

An excellent remedy is known that can easily cope with stretch marks on the body, scars, sunburns, and age spots. And they consist of only two components: aloe vera oil and coconut oil.

Ingredients for homemade gel:

  1. 50 ml aloe macerate;
  2. 100 mg coconut oil (solid);
  3. 2-3 drops of any essential oil (rose, orange, vanilla) to enhance the effect.

Heat the components in a water bath, stirring constantly for 10 minutes. Then pour into a glass container. Store in a cool place for no more than two weeks.

Aloe vera butter is a 100% natural product made from aloe vera extract with the addition of coconut or soybean oil. Its consistency is solid, without unnecessary odors. Perfect for preparing homemade hair and skin care products. Can be used without additives, just pre-heated. Butter oil easily copes with unpleasant odors and slows down the aging process of the skin.


Aloe oil has no contraindications. However, it should be used with caution by people who have individual intolerance to the components. Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

After the above, we can conclude that regular use of aloe vera oil will significantly improve the condition of the skin, give it a second youth, take care of the hair, and protect from scorching sun rays. At the same time, it will not bring any side effects.

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