Massage of intimate areas for men and women

Many believe that the term “massage of intimate areas” covers much more than a regular massage procedure. In fact, the procedure consists of a massage of the genitals and pelvic area and there cannot be any intimate relationships here. The massage therapist strictly distinguishes between working moments. Men and, in particular, women are very distrustful of this massage and cannot trust a stranger. But many don’t even realize that with the help of intimate massage you can solve a lot of health problems: eliminate many diseases, relieve tension and get great pleasure.

Of course, there are skeptics who consider intimate massage not so effective in solving intimate and sexual problems. They believe that he can simply diversify their lives. Let's figure out whether this is true or not.

Massage of intimate areas

Intimate massage

Execution technique

In order for the patient to fully experience the energy of an intimate massage, the procedure is performed for a woman by a man, and for a man - by a woman. There are three main types:

  1. health;
  2. exciting;
  3. sensual.

Wellness techniques are performed to treat various diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as to eliminate hormonal imbalances in the body. The main goal of this healing type of massage is to completely relax the body; it is given complete freedom to eliminate negativity.

The stimulating massage technique is aimed at stimulating the production of hormones that help to establish intimate contact with your partner and improve sexual relations in a couple. This massage technique helps many people cope with depression, and women with menopause. This occurs due to the energy released during the procedure.

Sensual massage is aimed at stimulating the production of happiness hormones. Without any hints of intimacy, the patient receives true pleasure and enjoyment from the massage. The meaning of this technique lies in sensual stroking and gentle touches of intimate areas.

In addition, the following positive aspects can be noted:

  1. solving gynecological problems;
  2. restoration of the body after childbirth;
  3. normalization of hormones;
  4. stress relief;
  5. normalization of sexual life;
  6. improving well-being and giving self-confidence.

Massage of intimate areas

The movements are performed very gently and sensually

Methods of influence

Today, there are many different methods and techniques for performing massage of intimate areas. Let's consider the most basic methods of influence.

  1. Intimate coverage is one of the main techniques. The essence of the technique is as follows: the massage therapist’s hand completely covers the female genital organs. This procedure is especially recommended for those women who have not experienced intimacy with a man for a long time.
  2. Stroking - this technique is used in almost all types of massage. In this massage it is used for gentle stroking, with special attention to the erogenous zones.
  3. Kneading is also one of the main techniques. As a rule, kneading is used to warm up the skin. First you need to knead the body, gradually moving to the intimate areas.
  4. Rubbing - at this stage it is necessary to use aromatic oils. Since aromatic oils can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, a lubricant is used for intimate organs.
  5. Pinching - it is extremely rarely used in practice, since not everyone likes this technique. Before performing it, you need to ask the client or partner how he feels about this technique. Because a massage should bring only relaxation and pleasure without any discomfort.

First you need to do the usual stroking. It's worth starting with the head area. Then the back area is worked out, after which you can proceed to the erogenous zones: the thigh area is massaged first, then the chest area, and then the genitals.

Experts recommend that their patients take a bath with aromatic oils or sea salt before starting the massage. This bath will warm up and relax the body. The room where the massage is planned should be warm and comfortable enough.

Massage of female intimate areas

As mentioned earlier, massage of intimate places is more aimed at improving the general condition of the body than at satisfying sexual needs. So, let's look at the main indications for use.

Long absence of a sexual partner. According to experts, a long absence of intimacy affects the fact that an excess amount of female energy accumulates in the pelvic area and a significant lack of male energy is felt. The absence of this energy affects the psychological state of a woman: nervousness, anger, loss of strength and deterioration in general condition are observed. It is “intimate coverage” (the massage technique that we described earlier) that can eliminate this kind of problem.

Decreased levels of sex hormones. Hormone levels decrease as a result of menopause (menopause). During this period, general aging of the body and malaise are observed. With the help of several techniques from a massage therapist, you can stimulate the production of necessary hormones that the body lacks.

Problems with sexual innuendo. Such problems include:

  1. dissatisfaction in bed;
  2. lack of orgasm;
  3. sexual fear and stiffness in bed.

These reasons provoke the appearance of tension in the pelvic and genital areas. Light and sensitive stroking can eliminate all unpleasant feelings and cope with tension.

Intimate massage for men

Men, like women, also accumulate negative energy in the intimate areas. Therefore, it also needs to be eliminated. A properly performed massage will establish sexual attraction to your partner, solve sexual problems and restore contact on an emotional level.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for performing a massage that you can perform at home for your partner.

  1. So, let's start with the back area: start gently and affectionately stroking your back. Your partner should relax and trust you completely. You can slightly change the strength of the impact by using more intense techniques, but you should not perform them for a long time. It is important for us to achieve complete relaxation.
  2. Then proceed to massage in the tailbone area. This zone in men is considered erogenous.
  3. During the massage, use all parts of your body: arms, chest, tongue, lips. Kiss your partner tenderly and playfully bite.
  4. Pay special attention to erogenous zones - buttocks, nipples, genitals. It is in these areas that a large number of nerve endings are located.

What oil to use

Oils in massage add special sexuality and intimacy to the procedure. Hand movements become more gentle and light.

Today in pharmacies you can buy any aromatic oils that can be used for massage. It is good to use aphrodisiacs, which are similar in composition to hormones. The following oils work well:

  1. almond;
  2. peach;
  3. apricot;
  4. lavender;
  5. chamomile;
  6. lemon;
  7. nutmeg;
  8. ylang-ylang.

In China, this type of massage is called the “Tao of Love”. It sounds very sensual and gentle. Use this art for the benefit of your health and your relationships.