Lung massage

Lung massage is a procedure that can only be performed by a doctor and is extremely dangerous to the patient’s health! Before carrying out it, you need to understand what risks and consequences it carries.

Lung massage is a method of treating suffocation resulting from lack of oxygen. It is based on the movement of the chest and compression of the lungs, which speeds up the exchange of gases between the lungs and the environment. This method is safe for a trained practitioner because it requires knowledge of the anatomy of the lungs and the delicate nervous system. However, performing a massage incorrectly can lead to serious lung injuries and other dangerous consequences.

In addition, lung massage does not always bring the desired effect. Sometimes this treatment is ineffective, and in some cases it can even make the situation worse. Doctors may use lung massage only when other methods of treating bronchospasms have failed, but even then it is considered extremely risky.

If you have been diagnosed with total pulmonary spasm, then the doctor faces a very important task. This is necessary to provide the maximum amount of air through the respiratory tract and prevent suffocation. To do this, your doctor may offer you a lung massage.

It is important to note that lung massage can be performed not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for diagnostic purposes. For example, it can help identify the causes of pulmonary spasms or confirm the presence of pneumonia. In this case, this method can be quite informative and help make the correct diagnosis.